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主办:国家气象中心(中央气象台) ;地址:北京市海淀区中关村南街46号



Objectives j8.9EX2?,qw6-7H

The SDS-WAS, as an international framework linking institutions involved in SDS research, operations and delivery of services, addresses the following objectives: P8=4pr4-,tc8-7J

· Provide user communities access to forecasts, observations and information of the SDS through regional centres connected to the WMO Information System (WIS) and the World Wide Web. J7:4ZV,5vX4-2x

· Identify and improve SDS products through consultation with the operational and user communities q1;8rm4.3LI4+,H

· Enhance operational SDS forecasts through technology transfer from research Q49M0,:9yY,.5M

· Improve forecasting and observation technology through coordinated international research and assessment f79Cf33WU7=1J

· Build capacity of relevant countries to utilize SDS observations, forecasts and analysis products for meeting societal needs E5-8ji5~4nI,-5Y

· Build bridges between SDS-WAS and other communities conducting aerosol related studies (air quality, biomass burning, etc.) O9=8nO1.1gr,+,D

History Z7!3QI8=8uX2.7H

In early 2008, the WMO accepted the offer of the China Meteorological Agency to host a regional centre for the SDS-WAS Asia/Central-Pacific node of SDS-WAS. In June 2008, the 60th Executive Council of WMO welcomed the initiatives towards the development of SDS-WAS, to assist Members to gain better access to services related to sand and dust storms prediction and warning advisories through capacity building and improved operational arrangements. It also welcomed the establishment of the two SDS-WAS regional centres and requested the Commission of Basic Systems (CBS) in charge of operations to collaborate with the Commission for Atmospheric Science (CAS) in charge of research to develop and establish operational procedures to determine the future role of the centres with the appropriate operational and research capabilities. H1+1Gd6;3fa7=7y

The RSG for Asia held meetings in Beijing, China (November, 2008), Seoul, Korea (October 2009) and Tsukuba, Japan (March, 2012). The Regional Center is hosted by the China Meteorological Administration in Beijing, China. Its products are available at http://www.asdf-bj.net g1+4Ll2.2Uo9-3L

In May 2017, the 69th session of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) approved the "Regional Specialized Meteorological Center for atmospheric sandstorm and Duststorm forecasts Beijing" hosted by China Meteorological Administrationg(RA II), RSMC-ASDF Beijing)”. This is the second Regional Specialized Meteorological Center for sandstorm prediction recognized by WMO following the Barcelona Dust Forecast Center. q620i7:4UX9-7N



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