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华电电力科学研究院有限公司(简称: "华电电科院" ,英文缩写 "CHDER" )前身是电力工业部杭州机械设计研究所,始建于1956年,2003年划归中国华电集团有限公司,是国有全资的科研机构。



华电电力科学研究院有限公司(简称“华电电科院”,英文缩写“CHDER”)始建于1956年10月,是中国华电集团有限公司(以下简称“中国华电”)直属的唯一科研机构,曾隶属电力工业部、水利电力部、能源部。华电电科院坚持“面向集团、服务主业、产研结合”的发展方针,以中国华电“五三六战略”为引领,积极履行中国华电赋予的集团技术监督、技术服务、技术支撑和集团中央研究院职责,全面服务中国华电及其直属单位和所属300余家境内外发电企业,全力为能源行业的科学发展和技术进步做出积极贡献。 J5-3CT4.7Te,;7k

拥有国家分布式能源、火电能效检测等7个国家级研发中心、浙江省蓄能与建筑节能等1个省级重点实验室以及中国华电水电、新能源、环保监督、智能能源、电力市场等10个集团级技术中心,设有院士工作站、博士后工作站,是能源行业燃气分布式标委会、电力行业燃煤机械标委会、中电联电力实验室管理标委会、中国电机工程学会电力环保专委会碳减排与碳交易学组等的秘书处单位,是中国散协粉煤灰专委会会长单位,具有CMA、特检、计量、工程咨询甲级、调试特级、工程设计乙级等20余项资质。 M5-2Ep6;8fL6?2R

历年来,先后承担国家部委、中外合作等电力重大科技攻关项目50余项;获得国家级科研成果奖10余项,省部级科研成果奖80余项;制订、修订国家及行业标准57项;获得国家专利1145项(含发明专利199项);获得软件著作权85项;编著出版专著20余部;拥有《发电技术》期刊。 J9?5UN7;5WM9?6k

面对未来,华电电科院坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,秉承“技术建院、服务立院、人才兴院、创新强院”的办院宗旨、“求实、创新、和谐、奋进”的核心价值、“求是、务实、专业、纯粹”的企业精神和“为能源企业的安全稳定、经济高效、节能环保提供科学技术保障”的企业使命,践行“马上就办,办就办好”的工作作风,以“将‘华电电科’打造成为行业领先、国际知名的人才高地和技术平台”为企业愿景,积极落实创新驱动发展战略,全面提升科技创新和技术支撑服务能力,持续推动高质量发展,加快建成“一流人才、一流科研、一流管理、一流服务、一流品牌”的能源集团综合科研机构。 u7?3ia9+3qs1:4e

地址:杭州市西湖科技经济园区西园一路10号 s1.8vy2~8vM5-,t

Founded in 1956, Huadian Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd(referred to as CHDER ) is the only research institute directly subordinated by the China Huadian Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as CHD). CHDER ever belonged to the Ministry of Power Industry,the Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power, and the Ministry of Energy. W,.9Qm7~4Wi3+8j

CHDER will always adhere to the developing principle of “Facing to the group, Providing service for the main business , Combing the prodction and research”. CHDER will follow the CHD “Five Three Six Strategy” to be responsible for the technical supervision, technical service, technical support and act as the Central Research Institute of CHD, and offer full-service to the group company, affiliated units and over 300 home and abroad power generation enterprises. M3?8xp8=1LV,!2g

CHDER posses 7 National R & D Centers, such as the National Energy Distributed Energy Technology R&D Center , National Energy Thermal Power Generation System Efficiency Testing Platform, and 10 Group R & D Centers, such as CHD New Energy Technology Center, CHD Environmental Protection Supervision Technology Center, CHD smart Energy Center, CHD Power Market Research Center and also posses the Academician Workstation and the Postdoctoral Workstation. CHDER is the secretariat of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Energy Industry Gas Distribution, Technical Committee for Power Laboratory Management Standardization of China Electricity Council,and The Carbon Emission Reduction and Trade Study Group of Professional Committee for Electric Power Environmental Protection of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, is also The chairman unit of the Fly Ash Special Committee of China Bulk Cementassociation of Popularization & Development. CHDER has more than 20 qualifications such as the Qulification Verification of Inspection and Testing Institutions, Qulification Verification of Inspection and Testing Institutions of Special Equipment inspection and Testing Institutions(Grade A Comprehensive Inspection Institutions ), Measurement, the Grade A Power Industry (Thermal Power, Hydropower, New Energy, Nuclear Power)Engineering Consulting Qualification,the Special-grade Power Supply Debugging Engineering and Grade B Engineering Design Institute. H,7ju9.,AI9!8w

Over the years, CHDER has undertaken over 50 power research projects supported by the national ministries or foreign patterns. CHDER has obtained over 10 national-level awards, over 80 ministerial and provincial-level awards,1145 national patents (including 199 invention patents), and has formulated and revised 57 national and industrial standards. CHDER also has 82 software copyrights, over 20 monographs and the journal Power Generation Technology. a6-1Kp1+2W02?6Z

Facing to the future, CHDER will continue to follow President Xi Jiping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and uphold the core values of “Pragmatism, Innovation,Harmony, Superiority”, the spirit of “be realistic, pragmatic, professional and pure”, the mission of “providing scientific and technological support to energy enterprise as to ensure safety & stability, economical & efficient operation and energy conservation & enviroment protection.”, the work conduct of “Do it right now,Do it right”, the vision of “developing CHDER into an industry-leading and word-renowned talent highland and technology platform.” And CHDER will actively implement the innovation-driven development strategy, comprehensively improve the ability of innovation and technology support services, and continuously promote high-quality development to quickly realize the integrated energy group research institute of “First-class talents, first-class research, first-class management, first-class service, first-class brand.” b2:4pS7=2fH,+3G

Facing to the future, CHDER will continue to follow President Xi Jiping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era,insist on the purpose for making CHDER strong by Technology,Service,Talent and Innovation and uphold the core values of “Pragmatism, Innovation,Harmony, Superiority”, the spirit of “be realistic, pragmatic, professional and pure”, the mission of “providing scientific and technological support to energy enterprise as to ensure safety & stability, economical & efficient operation and energy conservation & enviroment protection.”, the work conduct of “Do it right now,Do it right”, the vision of “developing CHDER into an industry-leading and word-renowned talent highland and technology platform.” And CHDER will actively implement the innovation-driven development strategy, comprehensively improve the ability of innovation and technology support services, and continuously promote high-quality development to quickly realize the integrated energy group research. A2+8Bu4;9aS4.,T



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