首页 > 国内网站 > 四川省农业科学院


四川省农业科学院始建于1938年,坐落于成都市锦江区,设有14个研究所、1个服务机构、1个分院,并与地 方政府联合共建分院10个。研究和开发领域涵盖粮、经、饲作物与水产,涉及作物遗传育种、耕作栽培、植物保 护、土壤肥料、资源环境、农业微生物、生物技术、农用核技术、蚕业、分析测试、农业遥感、农产品储藏加 工、农业信息、农业经济等60余个学科专业。拥有国家级创新平台35个,国家地方联合共建工程研究中心(实验 室)7个,国际合作平台4个。整体实力居全国省级农科院前列。



四川省农业科学院始建于1938年,坐落于成都市锦江区,设有14个研究所、1个服务机构、1个分院,并与地 方政府联合共建分院10个。研究和开发领域涵盖粮、经、饲作物与水产,涉及作物遗传育种、耕作栽培、植物保 护、土壤肥料、资源环境、农业微生物、生物技术、农用核技术、蚕业、分析测试、农业遥感、农产品储藏加 工、农业信息、农业经济等60余个学科专业。拥有国家级创新平台35个,国家地方联合共建工程研究中心(实验 室)7个,国际合作平台4个。整体实力居全国省级农科院前列。 l3?4AB1=8aE8?3t

Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),established in 1938 and headquartered in Chengdu, has 14 research institutes, 1 service institution, 1 branch, and 10 branches co-hosted together with local governments. The research and development fields cover 60 disciplines such as grain crop, cash crop, forages, traditional Chinese herb, livestock, aquaculture and fungi, involving crop breeding and cultivation, cropping system, plant protection, soil and fertilizer, resources and environment, biotechnology, microorganism, nuclear technology, sericulture, aquaculture, analysis and testing, agro-remote sensing, agro-information technology, agro-produce storage and processing, agro-economy etc. At SAAS, there are 35 national innovation platforms,7 national and local joint engineering research centers (laboratories),and 4 international cooperative platforms. At present, SAAS has developed into a comprehensive agricultural research academy with complete disciplines and overall strength in the forefront of the provincial academy of agricultural sciences in China. Q3.2Zu5?4jg8+1I

四川省农业科学院拥有雄厚的科研人才资源。中国现代农业科学先驱者赵连芳创立四川农业改进所(四川省 农业科学院前身),中国作物数量遗传学科拓荒者杨允奎出任第一任院长,中科院院士鲍文奎、蔡旭曾在院工 作。目前,全院有在职职工1166人,拥有研究员132人(其中二级研究员31人)、副研究员236人,博士154人;拥 有国务院政府津贴专家35人,学术技术带头人40人;农业农村部现代农业产业技术体系岗位专家16人、试验站站 长18人,国家现代农业产业技术体系四川创新团队首席专家7人、岗位专家46人。 m6.2Ki6;9ln13s

SAAS has strong talent resources for research. Dr. Zhao Lianfang and Dr. Yang Yunkui, famous agricultural experts in China, were the first directors (the former "institute" of SAAS) and the president successively. Dr. Bao Wenkui and Dr. Cai Xu, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, once worked at SAAS. At present, 1166 employees, including 132 professors (including 31 second-grade professors), 236 associate professors and 154 Ph.Ds, 35 government subsidy enjoyed experts of the State Council, 40 academic and technical leaders, 16 industrial system post experts and 18 experimental station heads of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 7 chief experts and 46 post experts of Sichuan Industrial System Innovation Teams of National Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System. e5?8Qp5.6dU5!7n

四川省农业科学院面向世界农业科技前沿,重视原始创新。获得的国家级位居全国省级农科院前列,省部级 奖占全省48.6%,育成的动植物新品种,占全省近1/3。面向现代农业建设主战场,突破关键技术,实现大面积增 产增收增效。面向国家重大需求,大力培育特色产业,有力支撑“川字号”特色农业产业发展。 四川省农业科学院坚持“创新转化一条线,专家农民面对面”的理念,一手抓科技创新,一手抓成果转化, 成效显著。“十二五”以来,研发省部级主推技术55项,农业科技成果转化率85%以上,成果累计推广面积5.8亿 亩,新增社会经济效益上千亿元,为四川农民增收、农业增效、农村繁荣做出了积极贡献。 A4+7PM,!6Ml3?1f

SAAS is aimed at the frontier of agricultural science and technology in the world, and attaching great importance to original innovation. It has won the national rank in the forefront of the provincial academy of agricultural sciences. SAAS's provincial and ministerial prizes accounted for 48.6% of the province, and cultivated new varieties of animals and plants accounted for nearly 1/3 of the province. In the main battlefield of modern agricultural construction, SAAS has been inventing various breakthrough technologies to increase production and incomes in a large area. Besides, SAAS vigorously cultivates characteristic industries and strongly supports the development of characteristic agricultural industries in the name of Sichuan produced products. Adhering to the concept of "Innovation and transformation in one line, Experts and farmers face to face", SAAS has made remarkable achievements in scientific and technological innovation and technology transfer. From 2011, 55 major technologies were extended at the provincial and ministerial levels. The transfer rate of agricultural technologies was up to 85% with 38.7 million ha in application and hundreds of billions RMB newly-added social and economic benefits. SAAS has made a positive contribution to farmers' income, agricultural efficiency and rural prosperity. w6+5PM,=,zF7:9Z

“十二五”以来,四川省农业科学院密切关注国内外科研、开发发展方向与动态,国际科技合作与交流成效 显著,先后与俄罗斯、泰国、以色列、澳大利亚、意大利、荷兰、日本、美国、加拿大、瑞士等40个国家和地 区,以及国际玉米小麦改良中心、国际马铃薯中心、国际水稻研究所等国际组织开展了国际科技交流与合作,建 立了国家引才引智示范基地(农业与乡村振兴类)、优质抗病高产小麦品种选育、柑橘新品种与栽培技术、柑橘 新品种选育与栽培技术示范、优质抗病高产川麦系列新品种选育、优质兼用型马铃薯脱毒种薯繁育基地等6个基 地、四川省(中德)油菜研究中心、中国(四川)-国际玉米小麦改良中心南方联合试验站、国际农业科技情报 体系(AGRIS)西南分中心、中-意四川果树苗木繁育中心等4个平台。 C3?5nX6.2Bu6~2c

SAAS has always been interacting with scientific communities both domestic and abroad. SAAS has made the cooperation and exchanges with 40 countries and regions successively, including Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, as well as CIMMYT, CIP, IRRI and other international organizations. As a result, 6 international cooperative bases (National Demonstration Base for Talents Introduction (Agriculture and Rural Revitalization), Base for High-quality Disease-resistant and High-yield Wheat Varieties Breeding, Base for New Citrus Varieties and Cultivation Techniques, Base for New Citrus Varieties Breeding and Cultivation Techniques Demonstration, Base for a Series of New Wheat Varieties Breeding with High-quality Disease-resistant and High-yield, Base for Breeding of High-quality Potato Virus-free Seeds and potatoes) and 4 platforms (China-Germany (Sichuan) Rape Research Center, CIMMYT-China (Sichuan) Joint South Experimental Station, Southwest China Sub-center of International Agricultural Science and Technology Information System (AGRIS), Sino-Italy (Sichuan) Fruit Tree Seedling Production Center) were established. m26Ar3!7hz1~3D

全院职工按照习近平总书记对农业科技“三个面向”的重要指示,认真落实省委、省政府“一干多支,五区 协同”“四向拓展,全域开放”的战略部署,按照院党委、院行政提出的政治、业务、社会“三大目标”,大力 实施“五个三”发展战略,满怀信心,创建“国内一流、国际知名”农业科学院,为加快建设美丽繁荣和谐新四 川,推动治蜀兴川再上新台阶做出新贡献。 X,.40H4:,rE,:9O

According to General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for agricultural science and technology "Three orientations", and the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee's strategic plan of “One main stream and multi-branches, coordinated development in five areas”, "Expanding in four directions and opening up to the world”,“One main stream and multi-branches, coordinated development in five areas”, and SAAS's three goals of“politics, business and society”, as well as the “Five Threes”development strategy, all the staff of SAAS are confident in constructing a“Domestic firstclass, internationally well-known”agricultural research academy, and will make new contributions to accelerate the construction of beautiful, prosperous and harmonious Sichuan, and promote the governance of Sichuan to a new level. k3!7QM,-1Yi9+2a



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