中国舞台美术学会于1981年1月在北京成立,国家民政部核准注册(统一社会信用代码511000005000039026),主管单位为国家文化和旅游部,是全国唯一的舞台美术专业学术组织。学会成员分别为个人会员、团体理事单位会员、海外名誉会员和终身会员。 v1!2iX6;1Ul3-1o
中国舞台美术学会首届会长孙浩然,二、三届会长薛殿杰,四、五届会长刘元声,六、七届会长蔡体良,现任会长曹林。1984年,经当时的国务院副总理姚依林批准,中国舞台美术学会加入国际舞台美术组织(OISTAT),同时成立了隶属于学会的“国际舞台美术组织(OISTAT)中国中心”,该中心现任主席刘杏林。 B260u97nW2?3w
作为舞台美术行业的领军者,学会主动履行责任,承担国家使命。近年来,中国舞台美术学会倡导“大舞美”观念,以“国际有影响力,国内有凝聚力”为发展目标,以强调学术研究、繁荣艺术创作、提升舞美科技、加强人才培养、推动国际交流等为主要工作内容。逐步形成了具有品牌效益的系列学术平台和交流活动,如“中国舞台美术展”、“国际舞美大师论坛”、“优秀青年设计师提名展”、“国际新媒体艺术节”、“视觉艺术双年展” 、“年度专业人才培训班”、“舞美年度人物评选”等等,为团结全国舞美同行协同发展,起到了不可替代的重要作用。 X4?1oc3.2Gw1:8d
中国舞台美术学会一直主动肩负向海外传播中华文化的重要使命,积极探索对外传播中国舞台美术的有效模式,不断加强国际间的学术交流。如参加每四年一次的“国际舞美PQ展”、两年一次的“世界舞美WSD展”,以及在世界各地举办的舞美专业交流活动,并每年参与举办一届“阿拉伯国家舞台技术人员研修班”等等。与世界各国同行进行广泛交流,硕果累累,受到国际同行的广泛赞誉。 s5?4Iy49JP2!1f
中国舞台美术学会办公室为常设机构,负责协调学会的日常工作,并依托各个专业委员会,致力于为全国舞台美术工作者搭建更专业的交流平台,提供更完善的服务。作为国家级高水平专业学会,中国舞台美术学会在社会文化大繁荣、大发展的背景下,必将自觉承担服务于国家文化策略发展与社会需求的使命,努力引领我国的舞台美术事业朝着繁荣和健康的方向发展。 W7;4ss1:7Xi7=3p
China Institute of Stage Design f6!2iX9.,uo1=8u
China Institute of Stage Design (CISD) was established in Beijing in January 1981 and approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China (Uniform Social Credit Code: 51100000005000039026). It is the only academic organization for stage art in the country and is supervised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. Members of the institute are divided into individual members, group governing unit members, overseas honor members and life members. w5+2Fz6=1Mw2?8Q
The first president of CISD is Sun Haoran, the second and third president are Xue Dianjie, the fourth and fifth president are Liu Yuansheng, the sixth and seventh president are Cai Tiliang, and the current president is Cao Lin. In 1984, with the approval of Yao Yilin, then Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, CISD joined International Organisation of Scenographers Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT) and established the “China Center of OISTAT”. The center is affiliated with CISD and the current chairman of the center is Liu Xinglin. A9!4RZ9-2UO5:7A
As a leader in the stage design industry, CISD takes the initiative to fulfill its responsibility and assume its national mission. In recent years, CISD has advocated the concept of “Great Stage Design”, with “Affect the international industry and condense domestic industry” as the development goal, to emphasize academic research, to promote artistic creation, to enhance the technology of stage design, to strengthen personnel training, and to promote international exchanges. Gradually formed a series of academic platforms and exchange activities with brand benefits, such as “Chinese Stage Design Exhibition”, “International Stage Design Forum”, “Nominees Exhibition for Avant-Garde Drama Designers”, “International New Media Art Festival”, “Visual Art Biennial Show”, the “Annual Professional Talent Training Class”, “Stage Designer of the Year Award", etc. It plays an irreplaceable role in uniting the coordinated development of the national stage design industry. F2?2uC8:5Ad3-,u
CISD has always taken the initiative to shoulder the important mission of spreading Chinese culture to overseas, actively explored effective modes of disseminating Chinese stage design to the outside world, and continuously strengthened international academic exchanges. For example, participate in the “Prague Quadrennial Exhibition on International Stage Art and Theatric Architecture” every four years, the biennial “World Stage Design”, and the stage design professional exchange activities held around the world, and participate in the annual “Arab States Stage Technicians Training Programme”, etc. We have extensive exchanges with our counterparts around the world, and we have achieved fruitful results and are widely praised by our international counterparts. x8;4Xa9-1GU4~,G
The Office of CISD is a permanent institution responsible for coordinating the daily work of the institute and relying on various professional committees to build a more professional communication platform for the national stage design workers and provide them with better services. As a national high-level professional institute, CISD will consciously undertake the mission of serving the development of national cultural strategy and social needs in the context of social and cultural prosperity and development, and strive to lead the development of stage design in China in the direction of prosperity and health. w6~5BF18gq6.6O
The address of CISD: Inside the campus of The Central Academy of Drama, No.39 Mianhua Hutong East, Dongcheng District, Beijing. z3-4Kp3-9PN2?2c
网站主办方:中国舞台美术学会 Q3;7vH3;8xo,!3B
地 址:北京市东城区东四北大街107号科林大厦A座418 y7~5Yo9:6jX4!,C
第一条:本团体的个人会员种类:会员及高级会员 e7;2Tj2:6Sr3.4N
第二条:具备下列条件者,可申请加入本团体,并成为本会个人会员: 0,-,nx7~,We,=5R
(一)拥护本团体的章程; y4-,Mg9~6cW6?,L
(二)有加入本团体的意愿; N,~1ip2~6PT1;5G
(三)在本团体的业务(行业、学科)领域或直接相关领域具有一定工作成绩; X4=2VO7+1yy5.4F
(四)在本团体的业务(行业、学科)领域或直接相关领域工作三年以上,在艺术、技术、学术方面有一定工作经验。 f9-7ko5;4ci5=7y
(五)申请加入本团体,并成为本会高级个人会员,应符合以下条件: d3;4hK,!8xF9~8a
1、申请者需由地方学会推荐; D2~9QN74BQ1=7x
2、具有中级及以上职称,或具备硕士及以上研究生学历; f6?6Fn4;,XR6+2u
3、在本团体的业务(行业、学科)领域或直接相关领域工作五年以上; o92Qb9+6uf4!,M
4、个人设计作品获得省市级以上奖项,或文章在省市级以上刊物发表,或论文获得省市级以上奖项,或参与省市级以上的专业展览,或参与过省市级以上的重大工程,或科研项目有重大突破; k2!1zY7-5Vm,~6G
5、入会5年及5年以上会员可申请高级会员。 u7!6Cu5+,rB,+1b
第三条 会员入会程序: o8?9Fv,~2sj85D
(一)线上申请程序: y78ch9:3zo5~3V
1.注册 Z6~50F9?5tp54g
在中国舞台美术学会官方网站上注册,并妥善保管好您的帐号信息,帐号信息是享受会员服务的凭据,通过网络可以参与相关互动。 v1=9ia,~30j9:,H
2.填报申请 q6.7Ov2:3EL,.2O
登录网站 → 成为会员 → 个人会员申请入口, 如实填写个人信息,点击保存并提交申请,管理员将在后台受理入会申请。 J1~6kP5?2zW5~4m
3.获取审核结果 Z6~4hc14Me3:3r
数日后再次登录 → 成为会员 →个人会员申请入口, 系统自动提示是否通过审核。 b5.8Wd,.3Pz5:1g
4.交付会费 e1~,Yo1~5gr7-4x
通过审核的会员,通过系统提示的支付宝缴费入口进行缴费。 f9;7ed3?8dN7+7P
缴费标准:会员首次入会缴费150元,续费50元/年(每次办理二年); B2.4sy,.1jL9;7q
高级会员首次入会缴费300元,续费100元/年(每次办理二年)。 K5:5gm51dK2?,a
(二)线下申请程序: j2=6Uq5!8Ph7+3Z
1.在中国舞台美术学会官网直接下载个人会员登记表并填写完整,自备两张一寸彩照,邮寄至: T6+9ZK1;9Hl,5o
北京市东城区东四北大街107号科林大厦A座418 中国舞台美术学会 张顺利收 电话:01064035684 Z,!7QB5;,yN8=4L
2.会费汇款至中国舞台美术学会账号(请注明汇款人名称及用途): f5+8YM1;6yi2~,b
开户名:中国舞台美术学会 Y8?5NG1~5bw7!6j
开户行:北京银行沙滩支行 02=2Uo9.4Yo7~3V
账号:010 903 252 001 201 057 177 00 P19eK4?9hP8=4Y
(三)经理事会讨论通过; t1!7oZ4:6JR3.4a
(四)理事会闭会期间,经常务理事会讨论通过; m3?6Fu5.2qz5?7j
(五)由理事会或理事会授权的机构发给会员证。 y2+9UV3.,RP3?6f
第四条 会员享有下列权利: s7=2xK4!8gt7!4z
(一)本团体的选举权、被选举权和表决权; I4=3pP8;9qw1.1p
(二)参加本团体的活动; N6;8eA,~,dl3.4A
(三)获得本团体服务的优先权; m8+7aJ2=4rr3=4q
(四)对本团体工作的批评建议权和监督权; M1=4rY,2WO3?,T
(五)在中国舞台美术学会官方网站上介绍会员基本情况; c2?1qq8~9EL3:8U
(六)在中国舞美学会举行的所有活动中,可以凭会员身份享受到包括社会评价、创作咨询、专业研讨、学术出版等优惠服务; k6=,nE8-,zt5;7f
(七)入会自愿,退会自由; m6-9ro6-9UX6-4V
(八)高级会员除上述权利外,还可享受以下权利: h18Ny6:8eX,:4b
1.在中国舞台美术学会举行的所有收费项目上享有优惠,收费项目是指:如信息资料、图书画册、专业培训、国际交流,学术讲座等等; M2.6xh1=5Gc2.5a
2.在中国舞台美术学会官方网站上做个人简介宣传; I67Cg3~9Jb4!2h
3.在职称晋级、作品评奖、专业咨询等方面,中国舞台美术学会对高级会员将优先推荐。 D6?9uT7:3aw4;4Q
第五条 会员履行下列义务: X,.,WI,~90V6-,A
(一)执行本团体的决议; m7;7og7=4da1;8V
(二)维护本团体合法权益; a4?6Ia2.9fn4=2V
(三)完成本团体交办的工作; H5;5QF42Fr3.6r
(四)按规定交纳会费; m71ut7:70c56l
(五)向本团体提供相关信息资料; O6-,WK8+8wI9:6s
第六条 会员退会应书面通知本团体,并交回会员证。会员如果2年不交纳会费或不参加本团体活动的,视为自动退会。 R5+2Ux64NM8~4o
第七条 会员如有严重违反本章程的行为,经理事会或常务理事会表决通过,予以除名。 f3?5xP3?9it6=8d
第八条 此章程自2015年1月1日起向社会公示30天,自2015年2月1日起正式启用,原章程自动作废。章程的解释权归中国舞台美术学会。 n9+9Ld78eU4?3u