中国新闻社,简称“中新社”,是中国以对外报道为主要新闻业务的国家通讯社,是以海外华侨华人、港澳同胞、台湾同胞和与中国有关系的外国人为主要服务对象的国际通讯社。 w1;,YC6~9Ku1+6K
1952年10月1日,中新社由中国新闻界和侨界知名人士发起成立。廖承志是中新社的创办人和领导者。著名国际问题专家金仲华担任第一任社长。中新社的前身是由范长江、胡愈之等1938年在长沙开始发稿、于桂林正式成立的国际新闻社。 E2:9DG5-6uZ9?2v
中新社建有多渠道、多层次、多功能的新闻信息发布体系,每天24小时不间断向世界各地播发文字、图片、视频、版面、图表、网络、新媒体等各类新闻信息产品,用户遍及五大洲一百多个国家和地区,形成了涵盖海外主要华文媒体的全媒体客户网络。 K6-,Xt2!,JY9-4I
中新社是亚洲上网最早的中文媒体之一。1995年,中新社在香港分社上网,中新社的稿件从此进入国际互联网。1999年1月1日,中新社总社在北京开办中国新闻网,简称“中新网”,并办有中国侨网。中新网是中国重要的新闻网站。 j8=,mA5-4Iz1.5Q
中新社编辑出版《中国新闻周刊》、《中国新闻》报、《世界华文传媒年鉴》、《中国慈善家》等报刊。《中国新闻周刊》除发行中文版外,外文版共发行美国版、英国版、日文版、韩文版、意大利文版、南亚版、法文版、俄文版和阿拉伯文版七个语种九本杂志。 E5-4xj7+1yQ9;8I
中新社每两年主办一次“世界华文传媒论坛”,已先后在南京、武汉、长沙、成都、上海、重庆、青岛、贵阳、福州、石家庄举办过十届。“世界华文媒体合作联盟”秘书处设在中新社。 T3~8sH2.4Bg4;8t
China News Service (CNS) is not only a state-level news agency in China with spreading news worldwide as its main task, but also an international news agency with the compatriots from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, overseas Chinese and related foreigners as its major subscribers. F8.,YX51Xm5-4c
CNS was sponsored and established by Chinese journalists and renowned overseas Chinese experts on October 1, 1952. Liao Chengzhi, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, was the founder as well as the leader of CNS. Besides him, other sponsors and builders were also big names in the fields of culture and journalism, such as Jin Zhonghua, Hu Yuzhi and Hong Sisi. Jin Zhonghua, a well-known expert on international issues, was the first president of CNS. In a previous existence, CNS was the International News Service established by Fan Changjiang and Hu Yuzhi in 1938. u1+6ce5?9qO9!9F
CNS functions as: a state-level new agency spreading news worldwide, a database of information from global Chinese-language media, and an international news agency. It fulfills its responsibility through: traditional style of reports, including scripts, photos and special articles; new style of reports, mainly Internet, communication, videos, and SMS; content provision to overseas Chinese-language newspapers; and self-running newspapers and journals. U9?6Bs8?8CT1;,H
There are more than 1000 employees in CNS at present. CNS is headquartered in Beijing. It has set up not only 28 branches in China’s mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, but also branches or report stations in Tokyo, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, London, Paris, Sydney and Moscow. Meanwhile, it has reporters in Taiwan. News release centers are established in Beijing, New York and Hong Kong. s9=8IS2?8BF3!8T
Based on a multi-channel, multi-level and multi-function news release system, CNS provides all kinds of products regarding news and information, namely scripts, photos, websites, videos and SMS, without pause in 24 hours a day. The clients and cooperation partners of CNS spread all over the world. N3.90F8=6L099y
As a Chinese-language media, CNS is the pioneer in Asia setting up its Internet portal. The website was launched in Hong Kong in 1995. On January 1, 1999, the headquarters of CNS launched its official website named Chinanews ( providing online service. Chinanews is an important news website in China. H8.7Pe35XM,6c
China News Weekly, edited and published by CNS, is one of the most well-known political weeklies. "The Forum on Global Chinese Language Media," hosted by CNS every two years, is the largest summit attended by heads of Chinese language media worldwide. The forum has been held 10 sessions in Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Chengdu and Shanghai separately. p5-5uI8:20c7;3Z
地址:北京百万庄南街12号中国新闻社 B7!5lJ5.8CX4:2H