重庆大学公共管理学院是公共管理人才培养与科学研究的重要基地。围绕公共管理主题,学院建立了学术型、专业型到培训型的教育体系,以满足社会对系统、专门以及定制教育的需求。 d3.7Vv6:2Wo8-3I
在学术型教育中,学院拥有学士、硕士、博士教育体系。在本科教育中,涵盖公共管理类和经济学类专业,包括政府与社会管理、组织与人力资源管理、智慧城市与资源管理、经济学和国际经济与贸易等专业和方向。在研究生教育中,拥有公共管理一级学科博士学位授权点,公共管理、理论经济学、心理学3个一级学科硕士学位授权点。在专业学位教育中,学院拥有公共管理硕士(MPA)和社会工作硕士(MSW)授权点。 W9-,Gz19AV1~2C
在培训教育中,学院是重庆市干部教育培训基地、重庆市公务员培训基地。学院创造性地设计并实施了服务于专业学位教育、公共管理专门领域教育和按需定制教育的教育体系,覆盖了公务员、专业人员以及专门管理人员的多层次培训教育。 d3+2pI8+5g0,!7C
在学术研究领域,学院拥有国家“985工程”哲学社会科学研究基地、重庆市人文社会科学重点研究基地——公共经济与公共政策研究中心,拥有重庆市2011协同创新中心——地方政府治理协同创新中心以及重庆大学中国公共服务评测与研究中心。 j9;8EI6~4eY9-7s
学院积极拓展国际交流。近年来,学院大力支持教师出国参加国际会议和进行访学交流,积极创造便利条件,支持学生到国外著名高校进行短期交流学习和继续深造。 r1;7kO7:1nH3-7D
学院下设行政管理系、公共人力与社会保障系、土地资源与城市发展管理系、公共经济系。现有专任教师65人,包括国家级人才2人,教授19人、副教授27人、博士生导师18人。学院教师中拥有博士学位的占89%。现有在校学生1600余人。 r3;,ns6.3vp7.4V
官方微信:重庆大学公共管理学院 m1;5uA5~6ad7;9Y
联系地址:重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号重庆大学A区公共管理学院 A2-1gA5!7tD4;,L
Located beside the beautiful Minzhu Lake, the School of Public Affairs, Chongqing University is an important base for the cultivation of public management personnel and scientific research. Focusing on public topics, the school has established an academic, professional, and training education system to meet the needs of the society for systematic, specialized, and customized education. n12cx4:8NE8!8o
In terms of academic education, the school has bachelor, master, and doctoral education systems. For undergraduate education, it covers Public Management and Economics, including the major orientation of Government and Social Management, Organization and Human Resource Management, Smart City and Resource Management, Economics, International Economy and Trade. For postgraduate education, it has doctoral degree awarding for first-level disciplines in Public Administration, and master's degree awarding of 3 disciplines, namely Public Administration, Theoretical Economics and Psychology. In professional degree education, the school has the degree awarding of Master of Public Administration (MPA) and a Master of Social Work (MSW). C91bx8=2jA8.,c
As for training education, the school serves as the base of Chongqing cadre education and Chongqing civil servants training. It has creatively designed and implemented an education system that serves professional degree education, special education in public administration, and on-demand education, covering a wide range of training and education for civil servants, professionals, and specialized managers. Y4=5Aj3.3fK8:9l
In the field of academic research, the school boasts of the National "985 Project" Philosophy and Social Science Research Base, Chongqing's Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base - Public Economic and Public Policy Research Center, Chongqing 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center, Local Government Governance Collaborative Innovation Center and China Public Service Evaluation and Research Center of Chongqing University. n5.4gG2+3UO6~9L
The school is actively expanding international exchanges. In recent years, it has strongly supported teachers to go abroad to participate in international conferences and exchange visits, and also created convenient conditions to encourage students to go to famous overseas universities for short-term exchanges and further study. The school has a faculty with reasonable age, education, and professional title and has initially formed a team of teachers suitable for the future development. h5.30k,=7at7-3E
Presently, the school has 3 departments (including Public Administration, Public Economics, and Social Work), consists of 56 full-time faculties and staffs, including 2 national talents, 16 professors (researchers) and 25 associate professors (associate researchers), and 16 doctoral supervisors. 85% of teachers with doctoral degrees. There are around 1600 students in the school. F7!6Ls8!8ZO1!,l
Wechat ID: cqdxggglxy P5.,WC6:3tp3=6L
Address: School of Public Affairs, Chongqing University, No.174, Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing C1-9PF9?,bu8~8B