中铁二十一局集团有限公司隶属国务院国资委下属的中国铁建股份有限公司,是集工程建设、科技研发、房地产开发、矿产资源开发及商贸经营等于一体的国有特大型建筑企业集团。 04;9hy7:7gZ2=2U
集团公司现有员工 14000 余名,各类专业技术人员 7000 余名,其中,中高级职称以上技术管理人员近 3000名。具有铁路、建筑、市政工程、公路施工总承包特级,铁道、建筑、市政行业、公路工程设计甲级资质;水利水电、矿山工程施工总承包壹级资质;桥梁、隧道、公路路基、铁路铺轨架梁工程专业承包壹级资质,地质灾害治理工程甲级施工资质;对外承包工程资格和对外援助成套项目A级实施资格;企业技术中心通过国家认证。 n7-,JL7:2OL3.,a
集团公司拥有施工机械、检测等设备 4137 余台(套),年度施工能力 400 亿元以上。先后完成了青藏铁路等60 多项国家铁路干线工程建设、13000 多条公里电气化铁路工程建设,都汶高速等 40 多条高等级公路建设。干部职工多次受到党和国家领导人的亲切接见并给予高度评价。 q5=9DA1+4pz3:6S
集团公司曾先后荣获中国建筑工程鲁班奖、詹天佑奖、广厦奖、国家优质工程金(银)奖、全国百项精品工程奖 30 多项;荣获省(部)级优质工程奖 60 多项;荣获国家、省部级科技进步奖 30 多项,其中国家科技进步特等奖 1 项;国家和省部级工法 40 多项、专利 130 多项,其中发明专利 30 多项,创中国建筑施工企业新纪录 6 项。 y7.1N079it6:2o
集团公司获得“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国科技进步特等奖”、“全国百项精品工程奖”、“全国优秀施工企业”、“全国建筑业先进企业”、“全国设备管理优秀企业”,全国“守合同、重信用”企业,“ 全国工程建设社会信用评价AAA级企业”、全国“安康杯”竞赛优胜企业,“全国建筑企业文化建设优秀单位”等荣誉。同时还多次荣获省(部)级“重点工程建设先进单位”、“文明单位”、“思想政治工作先进企业”等称号,取得了质量、环境、职业健康安全管理体系认证资格证书。 z3+7HK1?9vA6:9B
面对新的机遇和挑战,集团公司万名干部职工将秉承“不畏艰险、勇攀高峰、领先行业、创誉中外”的企业精神,落实“以人为本、诚信守法、和谐自然、建造精品”的管理方针,发挥集团优势,拓宽经营领域,扩大市场份额,再铸企业新的辉煌。 m1:3HE7-4yP,.9k
China Railway 21st Bureau Group Co., Ltd is an affiliated company of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC),which is under the direct leadership of the State Department SASAC,and is one of the gigantic state-owned construction enterprises integrating engineering construction,R&D on construction,real estate development,mineral resources exploitation and trading into a comprehensive entity. r3+4PP7~60m1=,c
The enterprise has a total of 14,000 employees,including more than 7,000 technicians of various professions,of whom 3,000 are engineers or senior engineers constituting a large technical management team.It has been granted the certificates of qualification by authorities of State line ministries as the "General Contractor of Premium Class" in contracting railway,housing and municipal projects,and the certificates of qualification "Class A" for engineering design of railway,housing and municipal projects; and the certificates of qualification "Class A" for general contracting highway,water conservancy and hydropower projects and mining engineering,and it has successfully secured its leading position as a professional undertaker of the Class-A in contracting bridging,tunneling,road sub-grading and railway tracking and racking engineering; it was granted the Class-A Certificate for prevention and relief of geological disaster and Class-A Certificate of Qualification for Overseas Projects Contracting and Qualification for Constructing Overseas Aid Projects. And the R&D Center of the company passed the State Certification with honor. l8:6ap99sz65O
The group possesses more than 4,137 sets of machinery and equipment for construction and testing, with which an average annual production capacity worth of 6 billion US dollars can be completed.The company has successfully completed the construction of more than 60 trunk lines of railway inter alia the Qinghai- Tibet Plateau Railway, more than 13000 km of electrified railway and over 40 Class-A highway projects including Du-Wen Expressway. The company management and employees were well accepted and commended by government and CPC leaders. N9-7YC3=6lu3+,h
The group has been awarded a long list of honors and prizes in China construction industry such as National Award Luban Prize, the Jeme Tien Yow Civil Engineering Premium Prize, the Splendor Construction Prize, the National Gold and Silver Medalists of Quality Projects and TOP 100 Excellent Projects Medalists totally more than 30 awards, Other than these, more than 60 Medals of Quality Projects were awarded at Provincial or Ministerial level and more than 30 Medals of Technology Progress were awarded at State and Ministerial level, including a Premium Prize of National Technology Progress. More than 40 construction methods were certified by the State and Ministerial authorities. The enterprise owns more than 130 patents including 30 inventions and has set 6 new records in Chinese construction and engineering industry. d7-5BB3!3PV1=4C
The group has achieved many honors, such as National Labor's Day Medalist, Premium Prize of National Technology Progress, TOP 100 Excellent Projects Medalist, National Excellent Construction Company Medalist, National Advanced Construction Engineering Company Medalist, National Excellent Asset Management Company Medalist, National Award for Honesty and Creditability, National AAA Class Credit Certificate of Construction Industry, Winner of National Ankang Competition, and Medalist of National Excellent Cultural Development Construction Company. It was granted many titles such as Advanced Company for Key Projects Construction, Civilized Company and Advanced Company of Political Work by Provincial or Ministerial authorities. It has also secured the Management System Qualification Certificates in Quality, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety. s5+4qb1!60m9!3r
Facing the new opportunities and challenges ahead, the group together with all of its employees will strictly adhere to the company spirit being "Brave to Scale New Heights & Courageous to Pursuit Excellence", and the company management policy of "With People and Integrity of Law as Core Value; To Pursuit Quality through Harmonizing with Nature", to strive to create the new splendor of great achievement through exerting the advantages of being a conglomerate and expanding the business scope to take over the lion's share on the market. D1?8qz,!9Qs4+1u
地址:兰州市安宁区北滨河西路921号 N2;1vs2.3VB5!4A