材料科学与艺术设计学院是内蒙古农业大学成立较早的教学研究单位之一。1958年11月在原内蒙古林学院成立林产加工工艺系,设林产化学工艺专业和木材机械加工专业;文革期间专业撤销,1981年6月木材加工专业恢复招生;1996年1月成立林产工业系,设木材机械加工与综合利用、木材加工(师资)、室内与家具设计(师资)3个专业;1999年4月成立林业工程学院;2008年1月更名为材料科学与艺术设计学院。学院经过近60年的发展,形成了文工交汇、材料加工与艺术设计协调发展的多层次教学与科研体系。学院现有木材科学与工程、环境艺术设计、材料科学与工程、视觉传达设计、产品设计、工程造价、风景园林、服装设计与工程等8个本科专业。其中木材科学与工程、艺术设计专业为内蒙古自治区品牌专业。在校本科学生人数超过了1200人;学院有林业工程一级学科博士点(涵盖木材科学与技术、森林工程和林产化学工程3个二级学科博士点)和生物质材料科学与技术二级学科博士点,设计艺术学、材料加工工程2个科学学位硕士点,林业工程硕士、材料加工工程2个专业学位硕士授点。其中木材科学与技术学科为国家林业局和内蒙古自治区重点学科;学院拥有内蒙古自治区沙生灌木资源开发与利用工程技术研究中心、内蒙古教育厅蒙古族工艺美术研究基地、内蒙古文化厅森林文化产业研究中心;内蒙古沙生灌木纤维化和能源化利用重点实验室;西北地区木材工业委员会、内蒙古林学会林产工业专业委员会、内蒙古室内装饰协会教育委员会挂靠本学院。 R11cM1.3DB2-2d
学院拥有一支学历层次高、教学经验丰富、科研能力突出、素质优良、机构合理的教师队伍。现有教职工70人。其中教授13人,副教授23人;获博士学位教师16人,获硕士学位教师28人;博士生导师3人,硕士生导师17人;自治区有突出贡献中青年专家1人,中国美术家协会会员2人;学院拥有艺术创作中心、广告传媒及服装制作中心和家具及室内装修实训中心,木材科学与工程、材料科学与工程、环境艺术设计、家具设计、服装设计、视觉传达、基础美术7个教研室。学院设有专业图书资料室,面积300平米,藏书6200余册。 l3.5Fa1+6gT8.2b
学院始终坚持产、学、研相结合,凝练出以沙生灌木资源高效利用和蒙古族文化艺术挖掘与推广应用为核心的特色学科,形成了木材保护及其高效利用、生物质基纳米复合材料、生物质材料能源化利用、蒙古族文字造型、蒙古族家具与文化等优势研究方向。目前承担着国家自然科学基金、内蒙古自治区科技厅项目、科技部项目20余项,获省部级奖励及国家发明专利10余项,部分科技成果达到国际领先水平,科技成果转化在我国西部地区产生了巨大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。学院教师发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI、IE、ISTP收录论文50余篇,出版专著和教材24部。拥有10万元以上设备20余台(套),总经费上亿元。 H7-3sl3!,oX9!9c
学院注重素质教育,提升实践能力,积极组织学生参加科技创新、社会实践、志愿服务等活动,学院多次活动学生社会实践有些单位组织奖。获得全国、自治区“挑战杯”大学生科技作品及创业规划大赛、艺术作品设计大赛、艺术创意大赛等奖项10余项。办学近60年来,学院毕业生4000余人,遍及自治区及全国的大中型企业、科研院所及政府机关。 N3=2et4:3nY66g
在教育与科技快速发展的今天,全院师生正在齐心协力,认真总结经验,加快发展,大力提高办学水平和综合实力,为早日实现学校“特色鲜明的教学研究型大学和西部高水平大学”的目标而努力奋斗。 i3~4w08~5Kd1~5b
Science and Art Design College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University materials is one of the earliest teaching research unit. Founded in November 1958 of forest products processing system in the original Inner Mongolia College of forestry, forest products chemical process with professional and wood machining professional; professional in 1981 June during the Cultural Revolution revocation, wood processing professional resume enrollment in 1996 January established; forest industry system, a mechanical processing and comprehensive utilization of timber, wood processing (Shi Zi), interior and furniture design (Shi Zi) 3 professional; in 1999 April established Forestry Engineering College; in 2008 January changed its name to the science and Art Design College of materials. Institute after nearly 60 years of development, the formation of a multi-level teaching and scientific research system, material processing and text between the coordinated development of art design. College of the existing wood science and engineering, environment art design, materials science and engineering, 8 undergraduate professional visual communication design, product design, engineering cost, landscape architecture, clothing design and engineering. The wood science and engineering, art and design professional for the the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region brand professional. The number of undergraduate students in school more than 1200 people; College of forestry engineering doctoral level disciplines (covered in wood science and technology, forest engineering and chemical engineering of forest products 3 two doctoral disciplines) and biomass materials science and technology two doctoral disciplines, art design, materials processing engineering 2 Science Master's degree programs forestry, master of engineering, material processing engineering 2 professional master degree awarded points. The wood science and technology for national forestry bureau and the key discipline of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; the college has the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region shrub resources development and utilization of Engineering Technology Research Center, Inner Mongolia Education Department of Mongolia ethnic arts and crafts research base, the Cultural Department of Inner Mongolia forest culture industry research center; Inner Mongolia shrub fibrosis and energy utilization of Key Laboratory of wood industry, the northwest Commission; area of forest products industry professional committee, Inner Mongolia interior decoration Association of Education Committee of Inner Mongolia forestry institute affiliated to the school. J14kJ3.4bY1.9e
The school has a high level of education, teaching experience, scientific research ability, excellent quality, reasonable mechanism of teachers. The existing staff of 70 people. Including 13 professors, 23 associate professors; received a doctorate 16 teachers, master teachers 28; 3 doctoral tutor, 17 master tutors; autonomous region middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution to 1 people, Chinese Artists Association member 2 people; the college has art center, advertising media and clothing production center and Training Center for furniture and interior decoration, wood science and engineering, materials science and engineering, environment art design, furniture design, costume design, visual communication, basic art department 7. The college has a library professional chamber, an area of 300 square meters, more than 6200 books. M,=8rw4-7bs7.6M
School always adhere to the production, learning and research, combining its characteristics, subject to shrub efficient use of resources and culture of Mongolia art mining and application as the core, formed timber conservation and efficient utilization, biomass based nano composite materials, biomass energy utilization, Mongolia nationality, Mongolia nationality writing style furniture research and cultural advantage direction. The current bear the National Natural Science Foundation of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region science and Technology Department, Ministry of science and technology projects, more than 20 projects, provincial and ministerial level awards and more than 10 national invention patents, part of the scientific and technological achievements reached the international advanced level, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements produced enormous economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits in the western region of china. Faculty published over 200 academic papers, including SCI, IE, ISTP included more than 50 papers, monographs and 24 textbooks. With more than 100000 yuan in equipment more than 20 Taiwan (sets), the total funds billion. b2;5Uk67tZ7?2K
Schools focus on quality education, enhance practical ability, students actively participate in the innovation of science and technology, social practice, the voluntary service activities, college students' social practice some many activities organization award. Won the national, autonomous region "Challenge Cup" works of science and technology students and business plan competition, works of art, art design competition creative contest awards more than 10. The school for nearly 60 years, college graduates more than 4000 people, all over the autonomous region and the national large and medium-sized enterprises, research institutes and government agencies. D4~,Im62UO2?8Y
With the rapid development of education and science and technology today, the students and faculty are make concerted efforts, sum up experience seriously, to speed up the development, vigorously improve the level and comprehensive strength, for the early realization of the school "the distinctive teaching and research university and the high level university" goal to strive. A8~6LU8-5kA2:2f