1985年1月,学校成立档案室,属学校办公室内设机构;1988年11月,在原档案室的基础上成立综合档案馆,隶属于学校办公室;2009年5月,学校设立档案馆,为副处级建制单位,挂靠学校党委(行政)办公室;2019年5月,怀化学院档案馆从学校党委(行政)办公室分离出来,更名为怀化学院综合档案馆,为学校独立建制单位。 k8;9bD6.6iQ8.8n
怀化学院档案工作由学校档案工作委员会统一领导,各院、部、处、中心建立档案工作小组,形成全校档案工作网络体系。综合档案馆既是学校档案工作的职能管理部门,其主要职责是对全校档案实行集中统一管理与提供利用,对学校各单位的档案工作实行业务指导和监督检查。 N9-8rY38zp3=6X
怀化学院综合档案馆现有专职档案工作人员4人,兼职档案工作人员50余人。综合档案馆专职人中现有高级职称2人;本科及以上学历4人,其中研究生2人。 E2!3nG8?1wX4:7l
怀化学院综合档案馆是湖南省档案学会理事单位。2014年12月,经湖南省档案局考评验收,评为湖南省档案工作规范化管理省一级单位;曾获2014年度省直单位档案工作先进单位;湖南省教育工会“芙蓉标兵岗”等荣誉称号。 V,:8Zi7?4Fi9:4n
Introduction of HuaiHua University General Archives l4:8mj8;4KL,:5k
Founded in January 1985, the Archives belongs to internal institutions of HuaiHua University. In November 1988, the General Archives was established on the basis of the former Archives, which belongs to the University office. In May 2009, the Archives was set up as a unit at the sub-office level, affiliated with the office of the University Party Committee (administrative) office, in May 2019, changed its name was to HuaiHua University General Archives as an independent unit of the University, separating from the University Party Committee (administrative) office. G6-8bz6!2gz,;5N
HuaiHua University General Archives are administered at unified leadership by the University Archives Work Committee. Each institute, department and center shall establish a file working group to form a network system of archives work in the whole University. The General Archives is not only a functional management department but also a scientific and cultural institution that keeps and provides the use of the University archives permanently. Its main responsibility is to carry out centralized and unified management and utilization of the archives, to carry out professional guidance, supervision and inspection of the archives work of all units of the whole University. z8!1Hm4,yt6-6V
There are 4 full-time and part-time more than 50 file clerk in HuaiHua University General Archives. Among them, there are 2 full-time postgraduates, 2 full-time undergraduates and 2 with senior academic/professional titles. H9:9DJ,-1Zq7?1x
HuaiHua University General Archives is one of the Board of Directors of the Archives Society in Hunan. In December 2014, it was rated as the first-class unit in Hunan in the standardization of archives work, by Hunan Province Archives Bureau after examination and acceptance. It has been awarded the title of 2014 Provincial Advanced Unit for Archives Work, Hunan Provincial Education Union "Furong Role Model" and other honorary titles. x7:9fn2+5Vf2?5B
1、宣传贯彻执行党和国家有关档案工作的政策法规,整体规划学校档案工作。 W7?9fl3~1tZ7.2F
2、制订本校档案工作规章制度,并负责贯彻落实。 X8?5UZ,?5Gj3-3t
3、负责收集(征集)、整理、鉴定、统计、保管学校党群、行政、外事、教学、科研、基建、设备、出版、声像、实物、财会等十一类档案及有关资料。 P4?5ii,;3nC7;3n
4、做好档案编研工作,积极开发档案信息资源。 K6=9Nz8;8bb6?1r
5、开展档案的开放和利用工作。 I6+9jw7.6BM7~8z
6、参加学校信息化整体建设,做好档案信息化管理。 l3!7jH2~7TT7=5X
7、参加档案工作协作、学术研究和交流活动。 U1.6bJ5-3M0,;1i
8、负责对全校专(兼)职档案工作人员的业务培训和指导工作。 c6:3Ce3~6CO9.9x
9、利用档案开展多种形式的宣传教育活动,发挥档案的文化教育功能。 X9.6re,,rY1;1o
10、完成学校交办的其他工作。 H7=7Nq8?,sW2-6C