首页 > 国内网站 > 丹阳市人民医院(南通大学附属丹阳医院)


  • 网站名称丹阳市人民医院(南通大学附属丹阳医院)
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  • 所属地区江苏 镇江
  • 网站地址 www.dys120.com 直达 推广 修复



江苏省丹阳市人民医院地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲、大运河边的古城丹阳市区,东邻苏、锡、常,西邻宁、镇、扬,交通十分便利,是丹阳市唯一的一所集医疗、科研、教学、康复、预防保健于一体的三级乙等综合性公立医院,为南通大学、南京医科大学康达学院附属医院,苏州大学、江苏大学、东南大学、南京医科大学医政学院等高等医学院校的教学医院。 T8.1bP8?3zT2.2S

The People's Hospital of Danyang in Jiangsu Province locates in the beautiful Yangtze River Delta. On the side of the ancient city is the world's longest artificial waterway, China's Great Canal. It borders Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou on the east and Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou on the west. The transportation is very convenient. It is the only comprehensive public hospital in Danyang which has been graded as the third-grade class-B level hospital, integrating medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, rehabilitation, and preventive health care. The hospital is also the teaching hospital of advanced medical schools such as Nantong University ,Nanjing Medical University, Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou University, Jiangsu University, Southeast University and Political Colleges of Nanjing Medical University. l,;6Qz9-9Up1~3Y

医院沿革 1914年,丹阳县公医院诞生,为丹阳市人民医院前身。1949年,丹阳全境解放,丹阳市人民医院获得新生,1960年,迁至现址新民西路2号。1994年,成为全省首批二级甲等综合性医院。2015年,被江苏省卫生厅确认为三级乙等综合性公立医院。 d3~3zj99AR1!,Y

Evolution of the hospital b4-8gT2~7ES3=2Z

In 1914, Danyang County Public Hospital was founded. It was the predecessor of the People's Hospital of Danyang. In 1949, the whole city was liberated, the People's Hospital of Danyang gained re-establishment, it moved to No. 2 Xinmin West Road in 1960. In 1994, it was graded as the second Class A general hospital in Jiangsu province. In 2015, it was confirmed as a the third-grade class-B level comprehensive hospital by the Department of Health of Jiangsu Province. F3?5FT3=5ib1+6F

医院规模 医院占地面积4.2万平方米,建筑面积7.14万平方米,开放床位868张。目前正积极推进门急诊住院综合大楼等建设项目,改扩建后总用地面积达65.9亩,建筑面积16.23万平方米。医院职工1400余人,拥有高级职称200余人,博士研究生、硕士研究生130余人,为医院实现全面、协调、可持续发展提供了坚强的人才保证和智力支撑。 i8.6Lp5:8Mw5!8s

The scale of the hospital E3!2ew64Tl7;3m

The hospital covers 42,000 square meters, the construction area is 71,400 square meters, with 868 approved beds. Currently, we are actively involving construction projects such as outpatient emergency building complexes. After reconstructing and expanding, the total land area is 65.9 mu and the building area is 162,300 square meters. There are more than 1,400 employees, including more than 200 employees who have senior professional titles, and more than 120 doctoral and postgraduate students, which provide strong talent and intellectual support to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. g8-8wb69va2~4I

学科建设 医院实施科教兴院战略,先后成立邱海波教授工作站、德国杜塞尔多夫大学丁兆平博士工作室。启动人才轮训计划,加强与北京301医院、上海中山医院、长海医院、江苏省人民医院、南京中大医院等国内一流医院横向联系,同时派遣医疗骨干赴德国、美国、新加坡等国外著名医院技术交流,培养专科人才队伍,提高医疗技术水平,拓展医疗服务范围。同时,加强 “科研型医院”建设,从人才引进、人才培养、制度配套以及资金投入等多方面着手,搭建好科研发展的平台,不断推进科研事业的发展,获得了累累硕果。近年来,每年均有多项科研成果获得省市级科研成果奖。获得国家自然科学基金项目1项,拥有省级临床重点专科1个,镇江市临床重点专科10个,综合实力在镇江市同级医院中名列前茅。 c7:8ji6+,ue7-8j

Subject Construction k3!2BH1,Jz,9O

The hospital implemented the strategy of invigorating through science and education. It successfully established Professor Qiu Haibo's workstation and Dr. Ding Zhaoping's studio at Düsseldorf University in Germany. Started Talent Training Program , strengthened contacting with Beijing 301 Hospital, Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, Changhai Hospital, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, Nanjing Zhongda Hospital and other domestic first-class hospitals. In the same time ,the hospital sent medical leaders to Taiwan, Germany, the United States, Singapore, Japan and other foreign countries. They exchanged technology in these famous hospitals, trained specialist personnel, improved of medical technology, and expanded the medical services. At the same time, we focused the construction of the "Scientific Research Hospital" , proceed from many aspects such as the introduction of talents, personnel training, institutional support, and capital investment. we built a platform for scientific research developing, and continue proceed the development of scientific research undertakings. In recent years, many scientific research achievements have won the provincial and municipal scientific research achievement awards each year. In 2017, our hospital owned #1 National Natural Science Foundation Project. Department of Urology, Orthopaedics, Nephrology, General Surgery, Cardiology, and Gastroenterology is a key specialty in Zhenjiang City. Department of respiratory medicine, brain surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, orthopedics, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, acupuncture, infection, and anesthesia are Danyang City's key specialists. Due to the comprehensive strength of clinical diagnosis and treatment in Zhenjiang City, the hospital ranked in top of the same level hospital. x9!9CV1+7lC1-5S

医院设备 医院拥有西门子64排128层螺旋CT、菲力浦1.5T核磁共振、瑞典Elekta直线加速器、大型数字减影血管造影X光机(DSA)、全数字化乳腺X光摄片机、DR、CR、彩超、全自动生化分析仪、施道斯腹腔镜、胸腔镜、胆道镜、宫腔镜、阴道镜、尿道膀胱镜、肾输尿管镜、前列腺汽化电切镜系列、奥林巴斯电子胃镜、电子肠镜、纤维支气管镜、纤维喉镜系列、进口麻醉机、呼吸机、肺功能测定机、大型高压氧舱等医疗设备近6000台套。 Y7;2DD4~8rJ5-7A

Hospital equipment d6+9KK6.9BJ96J

The hospital has Siemens 64-row 128-slice spiral CT, Philip 1.5T MRI, Swedish Elekta linear accelerator, large digital subtraction angiography X-ray machine (DSA), all-digital mammography X-ray machine, DR, CR, color ultrasound , Automatic biochemical analyzer, Stauds laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, choledochoscopy, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, urethra cystoscopy, renal ureteroscopy, prostate vaporization and resectoscope series, Olympus electronic gastroscope, electronic intestine Specimens, fiberoptic bronchoscopes, fiber laryngoscope series, imported anesthesia machines, ventilators, lung function measuring machines, large-scale hyperbaric oxygen chambers and other medical equipment nearly 6,000 sets. g6?5dx3?7Jc7:,S

医院荣誉 近年来,医院整体水平和综合实力逐年稳步提高,社会效益和经济效益跻身于全省同级医院前列,先后获得中国卫生健康突出贡献单位、全国院务公开示范医院、全国改善医疗服务创新医院、全国巾帼文明岗、诚信江苏满意医疗服务示范单位、江苏省最佳满意综合医院,江苏省卫生行风建设先进单位、江苏省卫生系统先进集体、江苏省患者安全目标合格医院、江苏省青年文明号、江苏省爱国卫生先进单位,江苏省价格诚信单位等荣誉称号,连续十余年被评为江苏省文明单位。院长林翼金荣获全国卫生计生系统先进工作者、全国改善医疗服务优秀管理者、江苏省优秀医院院长、江苏省医院专业优秀管理奖、镇江市跨越发展突出贡献者等多项荣誉。 g2~5lf8=3cm2!3I

Hospital honor z5-,DN,?6dk7~1P

In recent years, the overall level and overall strength of hospitals keep increasing steadily year by year. Social and economic benefits have ranked among the top hospitals of the same level in the province. They have successively won the China Health Outstanding Contribution Unit, the National Hospitality Public Demonstration Hospital, and the National Improvement Medical Service Innovation Hospital. National Women's Gymnasium, Integrity Jiangsu Demonstration Medical Service Demonstration Unit, Jiangsu Satisfied General Hospital, Jiangsu Advanced Unit for Health Travel Construction, Advanced Group of Jiangsu Health System, Jiangsu Patient Safety Target Qualified Hospital, Jiangsu Youth Civilization , Jiangsu Province, the advanced unit of patriotic health, Jiangsu Province, the integrity of the unit, such as the honorary title, for more than ten consecutive years was named the civilized unit of Jiangsu Province. The director of our hospital Lin Yijin won many honors such as National Health Family Planning System Advanced Worker, National Excellent Medical Service Improvement Manager,The Director of Jiangsu Provincial Outstanding Hospital, Jiangsu Province Hospital Professional Outstanding Management Award, and Zhenjiang City Outstanding Development Contributor. A3-3Pw5;2pH7=6C

地址:丹阳市新民西路2号(公交车1路、6路人民医院站下)  o7-2sX59JQ5!2M



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