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  • 网站名称國立陽明交通大學電機資訊國際學位學程
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  • 所属类型交通旅游 交通地图
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  • 网站地址 eecsigp.nycu.edu.tw 直达 推广 修复



NYCU t6~,Mg7~,vz1~7w

The top-notch Education in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science G7+2L08=,yK65B

Located next to Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan’s Silicon Valley, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) is the alma mater of its many company founders and employees and is the leading engineering school on the island. At the university, the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) College and the Computer Science (CS) College are its most prominent institutes consisting of more than half of its faculty and students. NYCU also hosts the National Chip Implementation Center, a state-of-art research facility in IC design and fabrication, and has close ties with two world renowned chip foundries, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC). In short, NYCU offers top-notch education in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science while promises excellent employment opportunities in Taiwan’s information technology industry. m1~2di1;4jM8~1A

EECS International Graduate Program w3;4dA1;9MM5:3m

In this era of globalization in industry and academics, the office of EECS International Graduate Programs strives to be committed to the campus internationalization at NYCU. To fulfill this role, the office is now integrating all the international graduate programs in Colleges of ECE & CS, and aims to offer a complete range of services for all graduate students from around the world. m9:8qW5-9GR3=8n

We take pride in offering quality M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs in the areas of electrical engineering and computer science, and our mission is to educate international graduate students in these fields so that they are well equipped with the knowledge and ability to succeed in today’s global job market. For every international student, we also provide comprehensive assistance and support in both academic concerns and personal matters. Acting as a liaison with other administrative and academic departments in the university, we hope to assist international students in successfully achieving their educational goals. If you wish to pursue higher education in electrical engineering and computer science and would like to explore Chinese language and cultures, the EECS International Graduate Programs at NYCU will be a perfect fit for you. h4+1xQ4;7uS9;6N




國立陽明交通大學出版社前身為國立交通大學出版社,成立於1999年,秉承交通大學以理工著稱的務實校風與科技人文的學術底蘊,形成以科技教育、人文思辨、 在地關懷為出版宗旨的綜合性大學出版社,並於2021年2月因應合校更名為國立陽明交通大學出版社。详情>>

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