颐高集团(EGO Group Co. , Ltd.)成立于1998年,一直致力于成为推动城市数字经济转型升级的卓越贡献者。 t7.8kM1.6mh9-5i
二十年以来,依托市场化运作模式,立足区域产业基础,为城乡数字产业发展与创新提供投资、开发与运营等服务。并以"产城融合、产业生态、智能物业、乡村振兴"为着力点,深耕区域经济发展,运用新技术、新业态、新模式,大力改造提升传统产业,培育孵化数字产业,为城乡数字经济转型与产业繁荣贡献力量。 w8:7eJ6?3KS3~5q
成立至今,业务覆盖产业园区、特色小镇、文创产业、孵化器、田园综合体、楼宇新消费、投资等多个领域,旗下拥有颐高、楼友会、颐居、亿茂、亿脉通、微巢等众多品牌。 d7.6rg7?9eg2~6w
截止2020年3月,颐高在全国29个省市自治区布局了306个创业基地,投资运营了15370000平方米创业物业,整合创服机构1280余家,投资机构340余家,服务创业公司100800余家。 m6!9Gj9;3TY6.4B
EGO Group Co., Ltd., established in 1998, has been committed to being a great contributor to the transformation and upgrading of the urban digital economy. n4!9gr3,Ga8:2E
In the past 20 years, relying on the market-oriented operation mode, based on the regional industrial foundation, EGO Provide investment, development and operation services for the development and innovation of urban and rural digital industries. With the focus on "production integration, industrial ecology, intelligent property, rural revitalization", we will deeply cultivate regional economic development, use new technologies, new formats and new models, vigorously transform and upgrade traditional industries, and foster hatching digital industries, which are urban and rural digital economies. Transformation and industrial prosperity contribute. X14ZU8?,el,;10
Since EGO establishment, the business has covered new digital economy industrial parks, incubators, characteristic towns, cultural and creative industrie,pastoral complexes, new consumption of buildings, investment and other fields. It owns Gaogao, Louyouhui, Yiju, Yimao and Yimaitong. Many brands such as micro-nested. Q7=6Ey5~8Zh85c
Up to March 2020, Yugao has deployed 306 entrepreneurial bases in 29 provinces, invested and operated 1537 million square meters of entrepreneurial properties, more than 1,280 establishments, 340 investment institutions, and 100,800 service start-up companies has been integrated. g61aQ8=9Ky6?4R
董事长简介 t6;3fZ4-9ZF1;1P
翁南道,毕业于浙江大学,长江商学院工商管理博士,浙江大学EMBA创业导师,高级经济师。现任颐高集团董事长,是新产业、新商业、新零售、"互联网+"等领域的资深专家。 F7+6R02:1rW9-1e
翁南道现担任中国电子商会副会长、中国创业协会副会长、中国技术创业协会副理事长、全联农业产业商会副会长、中国商业地产联盟副会长、中国市场理事会主席、浙江省孵化器协会理事长、浙江省企业家协会副会长、浙商商业地产联盟执行主席、浙江民营企业家联合会执行会长、浙江省市场协会副会长、杭州宁波商会会长等数职,近年来先后获得中国商业地产领袖人物、改革开放三十年杰出浙商、风云浙商、2018大数据科技传播奖领军人物、华东科技孵化器杰出贡献人物、风云甬商、时代甬商杰出人物、慈孝浙商、杭州市人大代表、杭州市劳动模范等荣誉。 G3;,nP3?7K09=5T
翁南道一直致力于企业社会责任建设,长期参与"春风行动"爱心捐助活动,累计捐款总额位列杭州市西湖区前十位;并积极参与省市区的农村帮扶结对活动。身兼浙江大学EMBA研究生创业导师、上海交通大学客座教授 、浙江工业大学客座教授等多个导师身份,并定期深入校园与学生课堂对话指导,颐高集团还与各大院校建立了高校实践基地,为大学生提供实习培训平台。 并在余姚中学、浙江大学等设立助学基金。 l8-6ew8?,Hz4:6l
Chairman of the Board l,=7jJ1.2Hg2!7I
Nan Dao Weng, graduated from Zhejiang University, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Administration, Zhejiang University EMBA entrepreneurial mentor, senior economist. The chairman of the board in EGO Group, New industry , New business , New Retailing , "Internet +" field of senior experts. n9?8mH9?2YB3-5m
Nan Dao Weng took the chair of the Vice President of CEEC, Vice President of CEA, China association of technology entrepreneurs, Vice President of All-china Federation of agricultural industry chamber of commerce ,Vice President of CCEA, Chairman of CMC, Chairman of Zhejiang Incubator Association, Vice President of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Association, Executive Chairman of Zhejiang commercial real estate Alliance, Executive President of Zhejiang Federation of private entrepreneurs, Vice President of Zhejiang Market Association, President of Hangzhou Ningbo Chamber of Commerce, etc. In recent years, he has successively obtained the titles of leaders of commercial real estate in China, 30 years of reform and opening up Outstanding Zhejiang merchants, Fengyun Zhejiang Merchants, Big Data Technology Communication Award of 2018-Leader Award, East China science and technology incubator outstanding contributors, the Fengyun Ningbo,Elite of Yong shang times,Filial piety Zhejiang Merchants, Hangzhou people's congress deputies, Hangzhou model worker honor etc. X4:6kd8~5KR9+4F
Nan Dao Weng has been committed to the construction of corporate social responsibility, long-term participation in the "Spring Breeze" love donation activities, the total amount of donations ranked Hangzhou West Lake District, the top 10; and actively participate in provinces and cities in rural areas to help match activities. He is also a mentor for postgraduate entrepreneurs in EMBA,a visiting professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a visiting professor at Zhejiang University of Technology.He also regularly conducts dialogue and guidance in the classroom between the campus and students. The EGO Group has also set up a college practice base with major institutions to provide internship training for college students platform. And Yuyao Middle School, Zhejiang University set up student funds. b9:5ED2~5rm,2A