同济大学英语专业已有近三十年的发展历史,现已形成从学士到博士、从学术型学位到专业型学位健全的培养体系,具有外国语言文学一级学科的硕士、博士学位授予权及翻译专业学位硕士授予权。研究方向涵盖语言学、文学、翻译学、文化及区域国别研究等,展现出基础实力雄厚、特色方向凸显的学科布局。 C3+1Ef9=9rl88M
英语系历经改革、特色鲜明、发展迅速,近年来教学水平及科研实力不断提升。教师教书育人、潜心问道,数获教学成果奖、名课优师等荣誉,出版论著、教材、译著及承担高层次科研项目数量不断攀升。多位教师成为教育部新世纪优秀人才、上海浦江人才等,并在国内外重要学术组织中担任要职。学生在国内外高层次学科竞赛及专业四、八级考试中屡获佳绩,位于全国前列。毕业生具有良好的社会声誉,多就职于国内外著名企事业单位,涵盖外事、金融、法律、教育、文化、国际交流、新闻媒体等行业。 O7.2VT,+9tL4:2n
目前,英语系突破传统教学模式及人才培养理念,瞄准世界一流大学目标,以通识教育与专业教育相融合为理念,在加强专业基础能力的同时,更加注重提升学生的思辨能力与国际视野,旨在培养融通中外、具有创新能力、引领未来的社会栋梁与专业精英。 y7=5pH6?9Yv,:3h
英语系坚持国际视野与扎根中国并重。在教学科研上与多所世界一流大学建立了交流合作机制,在办学上对接国家战略需要、社会实际需求,努力追求人才培养质量与科学研究水平的新跃升。 b2~6wn5!1Rc2-7c
Welcome to the Department of English at Tongji University O8.1D01~8eo5+9L
After nearly 30 years of development, the Department has shaped a comprehensive educational system complete with BA, MA, PhD and MTI programs. Our disciplinary range is designed to demonstrate our distinctive academic expertise and solid academic strength, encompassing linguistics, English literature and culture, translation studies, and international and regional studies. M3;6iX8~1mV6+6T
The Department has achieved rapid and distinctive development through a series of reforms. There has been steady progress in our teaching and research competence. With a genuine commitment to teaching and research, the faculty members have won multiple honors or awards and are widely represented in the publication of monographs, textbooks and translations. They have undertaken an increasing number of high-level research projects and many of them have been selected for academic support plans such as “the Ministry of Education’s Program for New Century Excellent Talents” and “the Shanghai Pujiang Talents”. In addition, they also hold key positions in leading academic institutions at home and abroad. The Department ranks among the top at a national level for the number of prizes awarded to the students in high-level subject-related contests at home and abroad, and for their test scores in TEM 4 and TEM 8. The graduates work in a wide range of fields including foreign affairs, finance, law, education, culture, international communications, and mass media. They are employed in prestigious enterprises and public institutions, both local and international. R2;2IY,?8ap6=2M
The Department has strived to extend the boundaries of its teaching modules and talent cultivation concepts, with the aim of becoming a world-class academic institution. The Department believes in the combination of general education and professional training, both to lay a solid professional foundation for the students and to develop their critical thinking and international vision. The ultimate objective is to prepare high-caliber innovative achievers with an expertise in English language and culture as well as an insight into global and local contexts. p8~3gE5+7dm5.4G
While nurturing both a global and national approach, the Department has established partnerships with a number of world-class universities, and charts its course of pursuing the development of highly qualified students and remarkable scientific research in line with China’s national strategic demands, with the aim of always improving and progressing. a,?5QB4+3eY6;8O