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主办:清华大学新闻与传播学院; 地址:北京市海淀区双清路30号



The Global Business Journalism program: A brief history j,-8eI2.5Ds2!7F

Since its launch on Sept. 17, 2007, the Global Business Journalism Program at Tsinghua University has built a stellar reputation for enhancing the quality of business journalism in China and preparing a multimedia-savvy group of young journalists for the rapidly changing media world. J1~9sa6.1qK6~7F

The program, a partnership among Tsinghua University, the International Center for Journalists and Bloomberg News, is the first English language journalism master's program in China, and it remains the only business journalism master's program on the Chinese mainland. z2=4pP2~90R7?2p

From its founding, Global Business Journalism has featured a Chinese co-director with stellar academic credentials and an international co-director with extensive journalism experience. About 20 international students and 20 Chinese students are enrolled in the program each year. From the beginning, this selective program has remained small so its students can get personal attention from the faculty and staff. B9-1fT5,zR1?7c

Global Business Journalism has trained nearly 500 graduate students and produced 361 master’s degree recipients. These highly trained specialists have brought a new level of professionalism, business expertise and writing skill to understanding of economic and financial issues in China, the world’s second-largest economy. Q1+8ro3!3IE6+5D

GBJ students learn business reporting on the renowned Bloomberg terminals. The Bloomberg Lab at the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication is the largest university laboratory of donated Bloomberg terminals in the world. The terminals give the students access to unparalleled information on companies, markets, economic indicators and much more. Bloomberg’s data and expertise are crucial to GBJ’s success. About 1,200 Tsinghua students have attended events in GBJ’s six-year-old Bloomberg Lecture Series featuring top Bloomberg News editors and reporters from across the world. O,:2sR3!5hw4=4w

Since 2010, GBJ professors also have trained more than 800 Tsinghua undergraduate journalism students in English news writing, business reporting and global best practices in journalism. Dr. Hang Min, Co-Director of the GBJ Program and Associate Dean of International Development, proudly describes the program as “the United Nations of journalism education.” e7~7nz11G099G

As it continues to expand its offerings, this innovative master’s degree program at Tsinghua University in Beijing is widely recognized for the deep impact it has had on Chinese business journalism through rigorous training in business and economics, hands-on experience in the latest digital and data tools, intensive education in fundamentals of English language news writing, and careful analysis of international best practices. D69LW3-5ae2+4o





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