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国际教育与合作学院是由外语系、大学外语部和国际交流与合作中心组建而成。全院现有在编在岗教师57人,其中高级职称11人,外教3人,90%以上教师拥有博士或硕士学位。目前学院在校生733人,开设了全日制英语本科专业,包括商务英语和教育两个方向,主要培养从事外贸、教育、翻译和管理等工作的高素质应用型人才。 h5-6Xr,?7sj5!8L

学院教师教学经验丰富,教学水平突出。近年来,教师荣获“温州市551人才”“教学名师”“教坛新秀”“教学技能奖”“优秀教师”“最受学生爱戴的老师”等荣誉称号高达39人次, 十余位教师在全国高校外语教学大赛浙江赛区总决赛和浙江省高校微课教学比赛(外语组)中获得一、二等奖。 V8=5Yh,-5wK29Q

学院注重夯实学生的专业基础,培养学生的运用能力。近年来,学生参加各类学科竞赛均取得了优异成绩,其中,省级以上学科竞赛奖项高达100余次,如全国高校商业精英挑战赛国际贸易竞赛(英语组)特等奖,“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛网络赛一等奖,全国大学生英语竞赛一等奖,ETTBL全国商务英语翻译大赛笔译组一等奖等。 O4=8uQ3+3AK1~4E

学院服务地方,加强与企事业单位合作,建立了20多家实习基地,积极组织社会实践活动,学生能力得到很大提升。多年来,学院培养的学生深受用人单位欢迎,历届毕业生就业率均保持在96%以上。每年均有一定数量学生考取研究生或出国深造。 e7,Ro1~6iU3;1D

学院加强与海内外高校的合作与交流,国际化程度日益提高。目前学院已与美国、英国、法国、韩国等国家及中国台湾地区的多所高校建立了合作关系,出国交流访学的项目多达百余项。每年选送百余名优秀学生赴英国、美国、日本、韩国等国家的高校交流学习。另外,学院与美国代顿大学、英国公立南威尔士大学、德比大学、英国密德萨斯大学、巴斯斯巴大学、加拿大卡普顿大学、德国欧福应用技术大学、波兰华沙大学、澳洲莫纳什大学等10多个国家和地区的高校开展了“4+1”本硕连读等项目并进行了深入的合作与交流。 w,?3qX9?9YJ5!6n

The School of International Education and Cooperation (SIEC) comprised of Department of Foreign Languages, Department of College English and Center for International Communication and Cooperation has 57 in-service faculty over 90% of whom hold doctoral or master’s degrees, including 11 professors and associate professors and 3 foreign teachers. At present, SIEC has 733 current students and offers a full-time undergraduate English major, with the emphasis on Business English and English Education. SIEC aims at developing high quality application-oriented talents who will engage in international trade, education, translation, management, and etc.. U1:6wQ4!5Kb3,0

SIEC boasts a faculty with rich teaching experience and outstanding teaching standards. In recent years, the teachers have received Z6:4oA3~7SX6+7A

over 39 honorary titles and awards such as 551 Talent Project of Wenzhou, Distinguished Teacher Award, Promising Teacher Award, Outstanding Young Teacher Award, and The Most Admired Teacher by Students, to name but a few. Furthermore, more than ten teachers have successively won the 1st or 2nd prize in the National Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Zhejiang Division) and the Zhejiang Province Micro Lesson Teaching Contest (Foreign Language Group). L6=5wV9;,zX6~5B

SIEC has rammed home the importance of building the students’ professional foundation and of cultivating the ability of their practical application of the knowledge learnt. Recent years has witnessed the students winning more than 100 awards and prizes in various competitions at provincial level or above, including the top prize (English Group) of International Trade Contest, China University Business Challenge, the 1st prize of “FLTRP Cup” English Public Speaking Contest, the 1st prize of National English Contest for College Students, the 1st prize of ETTBL National Business English Translation Contest, and so forth. r9;2Ro7=,iS67K

SIEC has established a strong connection with local economy and a close cooperation with enterprises and public institutions. Students can enhance their professional capabilities by joining social practice activities at one of the existing 20 plus internship bases. For years, the graduates from SIEC have been very popular with the employers and their employment rate has been fixed above 96%. Every year a certain number of graduating students gain admission into a graduate school for further study either in China or abroad. e2~9yi4-2Yk1:3B

SIEC has endeavored to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with universities at home and abroad and to keep pace with international well-known universities. SIEC has established cooperative relations in regard to more than a hundred of exchange programs with many universities in the United States, Britain, France, South Korea and Taiwan region of China. Every year more than a hundred excellent exchange students are sent to universities in Britain, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries. In addition, SIEC has carried out “4+1” Joint Program with universities in over 10 countries and regions, including University of Dayton, The University of South Wales, University of Derby, Middlesex University, Bath Spa University, Cape Breton University, Hochschule Fresenius University, University of Warsaw and Monash University, etc. E2;1kM9?20g2;1d




温州理工学院教务处(教师教学发展中心、教育督导与教学评估中心) 地址:温州 (茶山高教园区)详情>>

  • 海南省公共招聘网(海南省人力资源开发局)

    主办:海南省人力资源开发局 ;地址:海南省海口市美兰区和邦路53号琼苑宾馆对面

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  • 河北省沧州市献县人民法院

    献县人民法院成立于1949年12月1日,现住址位于县城南106国道东侧。我院以十八大及十八届三中、四中全会精神为指导,紧紧围绕“为大局服务、为人民司法” 这一主线,努力营造“文明开心的人文环境、公平公正的制度环境、周到周全的服务环境、尽心尽责的工作环境、优美优雅的景观环境”,努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中都感受到公平正义,为维护社会和谐、促进经济发展、保护人民合法权益发挥了重要作用。

  • 东北大学教务处

    东北大学教务处 地址:辽宁省沈阳市浑南区创新路195号

  • 58同城襄垣分类信息网


  • 万全招标采购导航网


  • 江都房产网(吉屋)


  • 上海电子信息职业技术学院审计处

    上海电子信息职业技术学院审计处 地址:上海市奉贤区奉城镇瓦洪公路3098号