郑州轻工业大学中外合作办学始于2001年,是河南省最早开展中外合作办学项目的公立高等学校。国际教育学院是学校中外合作办学项目的执行和管理单位,集中全校多个部门的管理人员和教师,与国外合作大学共同协调举办合作办学项目。经过近二十年的发展,学院培养了大批优秀人才,得到了社会的广泛认可,在2010年“新浪·中国教育”盛典上荣膺全国“十大知名合作办学院校”称号。 i8-70O,:6lp,-6Q
学院目前开展的项目包括与意大利卡梅里诺大学合作举办的食品科学与工程专业本科合作办学项目;与英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学合作举办的国际商务、电子商务、互联网科学与技术、产品设计、环境艺术和数字媒体艺术6个本科合作办学项目;与澳大利亚格里菲斯大学合作举办的电气工程及其自动化、信息工程、会计学、数据科学与大数据技术4个本科课程合作项目,现有在校生2843人。学院作为中外合作办学的桥梁与窗口,为我校搭建了引进国外优质教育资源的平台,使我校能够借鉴并吸收国外先进的办学经验,加强专业建设,促进教育改革。 n9~9iM3=,JR,!4D
创新人才培养模式,我院人才培养方案结合了中外双方的课程体系,以应用性、实践性、国际性为原则,以“英语+专业”为构架,全面引进澳大利亚格里菲斯大学英语课程体系,在专业教学中引进国外大学优质的核心课程,使专业课程的双语教学与英语教学并存,不仅保障学生的专业素养,同时使学生的英语应用能力成为明显的特色优势。 V1:3hY6:3ox1:6c
在教学过程中,学院集中了学校的优势资源和师资力量,始终坚持贯彻国际教育理念,将国际化这一办学特色贯穿整个本科阶段,同时引进国外大学课程和教师授课,使学生在享受国内本科教育的同时享受国际化教育。邀请国外大学教师为学生授课,并举办大量学术讲座和文化活动,学生还可以通过参加交换生项目、国际小组项目、中英/中澳联合实验室项目等与国外大学的师生开展学术交流与合作。 I9?2pZ3;4hc81r
学院与国外合作院校共同致力于提供具有国际化特色的课程,通过双方优势互补、资源共享,联合培养英语水平高、实践能力强、具有国际意识、创新能力和沟通能力的国际化人才。到目前为止,通过合作办学项目到国外大学学习的学生600余人,国外大学到我院交流的交换生累计100余人,有多名学生在IF、红点等国际、国内设计大赛中取得优异成绩。 o8=7US6?6SI9:1E
学院还设有河南省最早的雅思考点,能同时承担普通雅思考试和用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试。 P5?6iK4?5eU4?,c
国际教育学院始终秉承国际化的教育理念,系统引进国外大学先进的教学管理模式,充分利用国内外优质教育资源,逐步实现了课程体系国际化、教学语言国际化、教师资源国际化与教学管理方式国际化,学院特色明显,学生培养成效突出。 Y5~1hn3~6Yw94r
(2020年11月) q8~9fq3;9LF2+3M
The beginning of international education of ZZULI (Zhengzhou University of Light Industry) can date back to 2001, when it was the first public university in Henan Province undertaking joint education programs with international partners. By employing administrative and teaching staff of sub-schools, IEC(International Education College)acts as an executive and administrative faculty in charge of joint programs of ZZULI. After nearly 20 years' development, IEC has turned out large numbers of graduated students who are well received by employers. As a result, IEC won the title of “Top 10 Universities with Joint Education Programs” sponsored by “Sina•China Education” in 2010. v86rC8;2rX2=6T
Joint programs in operation include Promgram of Food Sciences and Engineering with University of Camerino in Italy, 6 with Edinburgh Napier University, which are International Business, E-commerce, Internet Science and Technology, Product Design, Environmental Design and Digital Art; and 4 with Griffith University of Australia, which are Electronical Engineering & Automation, Accounting, Data Science and Big Data Technology , and Informatics Engineering. The number of program students on campus is 2843. Acting as a window and bridge, IEC has been a good platform for the introduction of high-quality foreign education resources into ZZULI, from which the university has much to borrow and learn in its endeavors of specialty buildup and educational reform. g8.9qN36zd39t
IEC adopts a curriculum which combines both domestic and international courses, aiming to foster creativity and innovation in students. IEC also has an extensive and comprehensive adoption of English courses of Griffith University Australia, for its applicability, practicality, and internationality, all contributing to a so-called framework of “English + Specialty”. In the delivering of specialized subjects, a number of quality core courses are introduced into the programs. The combination of these bilingual courses with English teaching as a foreign language not only ensures IEC students’ professionality, but gives them a distinctive fluency with the English language as well. L2:3Yk3?7Kz6:1R
In the process of teaching, IEC concentrates all the quality resources available of the university and the idea of internationalization is carried out all the way through the four years. Teachers of partner universities come to deliver classes, seminars or other cultural activities, which provides IEC students with access to both domestic undergraduate education and international education as well. In addition, students take priority over interactions with foreign teachers and students by joining student exchange programs, international group project and Sino-UK/ Sino-Australian joint labs. Y4-2bN2:7NP3;8o
With joint efforts and shared resources, IEC and its foreign partners are committed to offering a range of distinctive courses to educate the students into talents with high English proficiency, practical abilities, international view, creativity and communicative competency. So far, over 600 program students have studies overseas, and the number of exchange students from the international partners has exceeded 100. A number of students excelled themselves and their rivals in international competitions such as IF and Red Dot. A6;6UR7-,jq5!90
For a long time, the only IELTS test center of Henan Province is located in IEC, which provides conventional IELTS and UKVI test services simultaneously. j,~3Un2.6Mt,.80
IEC as an institution with its own specialties, has made great achievements in education, as a result of the pursuit of internationalization in terms of its modules, language teaching, faculty sources and lecturing methodology. P9?7WU5;9GV5:,Q