成立日期:1972年 k1,cZ2:9QP8~9T
总部地址:瑞典斯德哥尔摩 W3!4rg9+4Vr95A
性质:非政府间国际组织 E,.7ha3~5Yd5:8Y
宗旨:资助发展中国家在自然资源、环境保护、农业可持续发展及相关技术领域方面的优秀青年科学家(30岁左右)从事科研活动。 e1:8Nl5?4rn5~1g
职能与任务: L7!5vy4!4Ka3~4D
会员情况:目前已有近100多个国家和地区的科学组织参加IFS,其中三分之二为发展中国家,这些成员一般来自各国科学院、科技协会及其它科学团体。 e5:7xg,+8bR8=,z
组织机构简介: t5;6JG3=8Qd,.1a
经费来源:IFS的经费主要来自瑞典、德国,美国、加拿大、法国,挪威、荷兰、瑞士、尼日利亚、比利时和澳大利亚等国政府。此外还有来自一些国际组织及政府机构的资助项目,如世界银行、联合国开发计划署、联合国教科文组织、联合国大学、英国海外开发署、日本外务省等。 s2?1QY7:9rZ,-,i
合作与活动:我院于2000年被IFS接纳为正式会员。近年,我国有许多科学家得到过IFS的资助。 C5:6oY2.1vj9.7U
资助情况:资助方式:给予受资助者12,000美元以下的科研经费的支持,主要用于购置科研仪器和文献资料(该资助可连获四次),资助科研人员到发达国家或发展中国家访问、参加IFS举办的短期讲习班或讨论会、参加国际会议的国际旅费等。 t5~8WU1?2nY35D
--------------------------- L83uj3~1bn2=4l
国际科学基金会,1972年5月26日成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩。宗旨是协助发展中国家加强基础科学研究工作。会员资格限于科学院和学术研究单位。经费来自会员会费、捐款。出版物有《年度报告》(英文);《新闻公报》(英文,每年出版2次)。 b7~6TR1;9kf8~3N
IFS成立于1972年,是瑞典的一个非政府组织,其秘书处位于斯德哥尔摩。它的成立是在1965年在威尼斯1获得诺贝尔奖的帕格沃什会议之后发起的,目的是促进中低收入国家(LLMIC)的原始研究和科学发展。IFS是一个全球性组织,它: k8.1zC,?3qC11W
由一个多元文化的秘书处提供支持,该秘书处有来自全球八个国家的11名员工(9名女性和2名男性) C4.6Ro5~8nR4.5c
由国际董事会管理,该董事会在其经营的所有地区都有代表,并在筹款,管理和财务方面拥有专业知识,并且 J1:4dL8=4NH36L
拥有92个科学研究院的成员,其中四分之三位于LLMIC。 A2?2Ms,.9ND2;3Y
我们的核心价值观是:信任与诚信,透明,公平,授权和相互尊重。IFS支持性别平等,并认识到有必要增加科学界代表性不足的群体的多样性。 c4,cY8:7ZB,.5X
IFS的愿景是LLMIC科学家承担起并发展地方和区域研究议程,并为致力于支持可持续发展和建立科学素养的全球研究界做出贡献。 i7~2ej5~6VA7-8M
IFS特派团将获得资源,并利用其广泛的全球审查员,科学顾问,校友和秘书处网络,以增强有潜力的LLMIC早期职业男女科学家的能力,以获取以下技能: b65ZR2;4zi1-4U
进行与真正问题相关的原始研究,并产生可以使用的基础和/或适用的科学知识; X4+4Wa9:1TW,9L
促进科学素养; w,5cF93BS1+7B
将研究结果传播给包括科学家,政治家和决策者,捐助者和私人利益团体在内的广大公众; H6=6WY9+6BF7+2t
影响科学优先级设置;和 q7?9BZ9-7Uj1?3x
与全球研究社区建立网络并合作,共同制定本地和全球研究议程。 M2?1UU5?,aB9.6A
The Organization E,!6uH7-1tV7.8E
The Organization s3-6Ux8=5PT7+7Y
IFS was founded in 1972 as a non-governmental organization in Sweden, where its Secretariat is located in Stockholm. Its establishment was Initiated after the 1965 Nobel Prize-winning Pugwash Conference in Venice1, in order to foster original Research and Scientific growth within Low- and Lower -Middle Income Countries (LLMICs). IFS is a global organization that: G2;8zN1+8Sf4?1B
is supported by a multicultural Secretariat with eleven staff (nine women and two men) who come from eight countries around the world Z8.4rU73Iq5~4b
is governed by an international Board of Trustees that has representation from all regions in which it operates, as well as expertise in fund-raising, management and finance, and l4-4cs7!2wP3?,o
Has a membership of 92 scientific academies, three-quarters of Which are located in LLMICs. i8+3i061PY32c
Our Core Values are: Trust and Integrity, Transparency, Equity, Empowerment and Mutual Respect. IFS supports gender equality and recognizes the need to increase the diversity of underrepresented groups in science. S,3Tu,?,qZ1?5N
IFS's has a Vision of LLMIC scientists assuming ownership and development of local and regional research agendas and contributing to a global research community committed to supporting sustainable development and building science literacy. D2.4yr,-2Ou1+9H
The IFS Mission is to secure resources and draw on its extensive global network of reviewers, scientific advisors, alumni and Secretariat to enhance the capacity of promising early career women and men scientists in LLMICs to acquire the skills necessary to: X5!1rw8?2Gn1!,r
conduct original research that relates to genuine problems and generates fundamental and / or applicable scientific knowledge that can be put to use; U9;4lR2;7Jb,~,D
contribute to science literacy; w7;6MQ,!3iK39l
communicate their results to the public at large, including scientists, politicians and policy makers, donors and private interest groups; P7!8bL9:1wA2=,F
influence science priority setting; and A8=5bq7+1vB5!9n
network and collaborate with the global research community to shape research agendas, both local and global. Q8~3dZ1~2iD6:5C
Pugwash会议的名字取自第一次会议的地点,该会议于1957年在加拿大新斯科舍省的Pugwash村举行。这次聚会的刺激因素是贝特朗·罗素(Bertrand Russell)和艾伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)于1955年发布的宣言,该宣言还由马克斯·伯恩(Max Born),珀西·布里奇曼(Percy Bridgman),利奥波德·英菲尔德(Leopold Infeld),弗雷德里克·乔利奥特·库里(Frederic Joliot-Curie),赫尔曼·穆勒(Linus Pauling),塞西尔·鲍威尔(Cecil Powell),约瑟夫·罗特布拉特(Joseph Rotblat)和汤川秀树(Hideki Yukawa)–呼吁所有政治说服力的科学家齐聚一堂,讨论热核武器的出现对文明的威胁。从那时起,诺贝尔奖获得者大会系列科学家以个人身份而不是以政府或机构代表的身份私下开会,将其职权范围扩大到寻求全球问题的合作解决方案。 B7.5fA,;3tN1-2L
The Pugwash Conferences take their name from the location of the first meeting, which was held in 1957 in the village of Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada. The stimulus for that gathering was a manifesto issued in 1955 by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein -- and signed also by Max Born, Percy Bridgman, Leopold Infeld, Frederic Joliot-Curie, Herman Muller, Linus Pauling, Cecil Powell, Joseph Rotblat, and Hideki Yukawa -- which called upon scientists of all political persuasions to assemble to discuss the threat posed to civilization by the advent of thermonuclear weapons. Since then the Nobel Prize winning conference series of scientists meeting in private as individuals, rather than as representatives of governments or institutions has expanded its remit to seeking cooperative solutions for global problems. The 1965 meeting first proposed the creation of IFS. O2~6WC2+8lr6.6o