武汉大学质量发展战略研究院(IQDS),于2007年12月由原国家质量监督检验检疫总局、湖北省人民政府与武汉大学共建成立,是以中国经济高质量发展问题为主要研究对象的实体性科学研究和人才培养机构。2018年10月,我院与国家市场监督管理总局共建成立“竞争政策与经济高质量发展研究中心”。 u8?,aK9;2tj,+9G
IQDS坚持实证研究,长期致力于“中国企业综合调查”(CEGS)数据库建设,研究转型期的中国经济发展质量问题,在Journal of Economic Perspective、《经济研究》《管理世界》等国内外权威学术期刊上发表了一系列具有国际影响力的创新性研究成果;先后获得国家社科基金重大项目、教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目等多项标志性课题;创办了CSSCI来源期刊《宏观质量研究》。在企业创新以及人力资本质量研究上形成了鲜明特色,在国内外产生了广泛学术影响力。 i2?2SW8+1Op7!7X
IQDS坚持“像科学家一样思考、像农民工一样劳作”的价值观,形成了“国际知名专家-中青年学术骨干”学术团队。同斯坦福大学、图卢兹大学、早稻田大学、香港科技大学、北京大学、清华大学等国内外知名高校建立了常态化的学术合作机制。 U3-6tE4+,qN4!3V
IQDS依托协同创新平台,强有力地发挥智库服务功能,研究成果持续地被中央和地方政府所采纳,在经济增长质量、经济转型升级、企业质量创新等领域的政策制定中产生重要影响。 V6.4Dy1.8rp2;3j
IQDS坚持“质量第一”的人才培养理念,面向全国招收全日制硕士、博士研究生,着力于培养学生健全人格、批判性思维、基本技能,向社会输送高质量人才;面向全国政府和企业开办“宏观质量研修班”以及“企业质量战略创新研修班”,在全国形成了“学质量,到武大”的良好口碑。 I4;7Ki830n8+,M
IQDS被原国家质量监督检验检疫总局支树平局长誉为“全国质检领域的一块圣地”,并获批建设“中国质检大讲堂”。 a7=5Ja,;,wX8+6P
IQDS的愿景:跻身世界一流大学的高水平研究院行列。 a4!8on5~1pE6~,j
The Institute of Quality Development Strategy (IQDS) of Wuhan University has been a separate research and education entity with academic and professional interests concentrated on the quality issues in China's economic development process, ever since its foundation in December 2007 with the joint efforts by Wuhan University, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China and the Hubei Provincial Government. G2-,lJ7=1Pg5?5n
By way of persistent positive research, IQDS is making sustained efforts in constructing a database for China Employer-Employee Survey (CEES) while carrying out a variety of studies on issues related to the development quality present in the economic transition period of the country, with innovative research findings published in a number of domestic and international scientific periodicals including Journal of Economic Perspective, Research in Economy, and World of Management, which has further secured funds from various national and ministerial sources for key projects in social sciences. All these attainments, plus the compilation and editing of Macro Quality Research, listed as CSSCI journal, have shaped IQDS into an institution with distinctive characteristics in research on the quality of enterprise innovation and human capital as well as extensive influence in the profession both nationally and internationally. s,?7tD2:4wj9~2J
IQDS has formed a team consisting of internationally noted specialists and young and innovative faculty members, who insist on thinking like dedicated scientists and working like diligent migrant workers. Their excellent performance has undoubtedly helped in establishing regular contacts and exchanges with the world's top universities in the field, such as Stanford University, Toulouse University, Waseda University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Peking University, and Tsinghua University. F,~1ti2;8NL3+7B
Backing itself on different platforms of coordination in innovation, IQDS functions strongly as a high-level think-tank. With its research findings repeatedly acknowledged and accepted by authorities at different levels, IQDS is gaining an increasingly influencial position in China's policy making process regarding the quality of economic growth, economic transition and upgrading as well as quality of enterprise innovation. l1=4IK1.6FE4.4D
Adhering to the belief in quality first in its educational activities, IQDS is operating the postgraduate program Macro Quality Management admitting full-time Masters and doctoral students and researchers from across the country, to produce high-quality graduates with sound physical and mental health, critical thinking abilities and fundamental skills in the profession. Short courses in macro quality studies and quality of enterprise innovation are offered respectively to government officials and enterprise leaders and enterprise staff as well, which has so far won IQDS ample public praises including the set phrase of 'go for quality, go for Wuhan'. IQDS has thus been described as the holy place of quality by the national authority in quality control, resulting in the mission of preparation for the launch of China Quality Inspection Forum. L,-4HJ8?9vS3-,z
All the efforts made and achievements made, IQDS cherishes the hope that it will one day be among the high-quality research institutes of first-rank universities internationally. Y5!2er6-7jn7?,C
(2017年6月更新) H8.9Dq3+1NE2?,L
------------------------------------- Y6;3Xw,!3ec6:5i
宏观质量管理湖北省协同创新中心(以下简称中心),由湖北省质量技术监督局、武汉大学、湖北工业大学、武汉深度网科技有限公司联合共建。中心在由速度时代向质量时代转型的社会大环境下,面向国家、湖北省质量管理领域的重大战略需求,以宏观质量管理学科建设为基础,以体制机制改革为动力,开展原创性、前瞻性和应用性研究,全面提升协同单位的协同创新能力,努力建成支撑湖北经济可持续发展的学术研究和人才培养的高地,助推湖北成为全国领先、世界知名的质量研究学术高地。 Z2=9XC8:8tB,!7r
中心总体定位是:研究和解决湖北高质量发展中的重大理论和实践问题。按照“国家急需,国内一流”的要求,立足于湖北经济从高速增长转向高质量发展的深刻变革,通过与国际知名大学和机构的实质性合作,以企业发展质量和劳动力发展质量的微观实证大数据建设为基础,在宏观的经济发展质量领域产出具有原创性的理论科研成果,提出湖北质量升级和提升的方法、路径和技术支撑,成为湖北省委省政府在高质量发展领域的高端决策咨询智库。 h6;5rp4!1zu25x
中心主要方向:高质量发展的基本理论研究、企业作为宏观质量的微观主体如何实现高质量发展、劳动力作为宏观质量的关键要素如何实现向人力资本质量的转型、微观的企业与劳动力质量和宏观的经济发展质量的双提高机制研究、企业家、智能化和研发等创新要素与全要素生产率研究、高质量发展的体制机制创新研究、信息化与网络质量安全风险预警研究、产品质量创新方法与工程技术研究。 D2?8Pd8-2LL7=6n