Aims and Scopetop
Provide a platform for scientists and engineers in a wide range of topics on marine science and engineering.
Covers research in naval architecture, ocean engineering, marine resource exploitation, marine engineering, marine power system, ocean acoustics, corrosion prevention, automatic navigation, polar and arctic engineering, marine science, and related topics.
Publishes high level peer-reviewed papers.
No page limit and no publication fees.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Naval architecture
Marine hydrodynamics
Structural mechanics
Design methodology & practice
Safety and reliability
Marine equipment technology
Ocean engineering
Coastal engineering
Offshore engineering
Marine drilling
Pipelines and risers
Cable, mooring, buoy technology
Underwater technology
Underwater vehicles
Underwater explosion
Ocean resources & mining
Marine sensors
Marine engineering
Marine engines and fuels
Marine power engineering
Vibration and noise control
Heat transfer and fluid flow
Marine renewable energy
Offshore wind energy utilization
Ocean wave energy utilization
Ocean current energy utilization
Polar and arctic engineering
Design of ice-going ships
Arctic structures
Ice loads and simulation of ice
Ocean acoustics
Sonar and transducers
Sound propagation and scattering
Acoustical oceanography
Signal coherence and fluctuation
Marine corrosion and protection
Corrosion and deterioration modeling
Ship corrosion protection
Pipeline corrosion protection
Automatic navigation
Ship navigation system
Marine navigation equipment
System dynamics & control
Marine science
Marine meteorology
Ocean internal waves
Extreme offshore environments
Marine environmental engineering
Oil spill prevention
Maine pollution modeling
Experimental technology of above
Engineering application of above
The journal welcomes submissions of papers around the world on all the above topics. It also receives original works in the other emerging and interdisciplinary areas of the oceans.
Background Informationtop
Journal of Marine Science and Application (JMSA) is co-published quarterly by the Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (CSNAME), Harbin Engineering University (HEU) and Springer-Verlag. JMSA started publication in 2002. CSNAME was established in 1943 with the aim of promoting the development of the scientific and technological level of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in China. The number of members is nearly 30 000, mainly from China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China Classification Society (CCS), Harbin Engineering University (HEU), and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The society has conducted international cooperation and exchange with many countries such as the USA, UK, Germany, Holland, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, and Korea. Harbin Engineering University is one of the key universities in China with strong teaching and research & development capabilities in the field of naval architecture and ocean engineering.
JMSA is a peer-reviewed journal whose papers go through double-blind process. Each article submitted on the ScholarOne Manuscripts shall be sent to two reviewers. If the reviewers hold different opinions about the article, a third one will be chosen to help judge the validity of the paper. All manuscripts are reviewed by international reviewers from such countries as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iran, India, Japan, Korea, Norway, Portugal, UK, and USA, etc.
ISSN and eISSNtop
ISSN: 1671-9433
eISSN: 1993-5048
Abstracted/Indexed intop
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Chinese Sciences Citation Database (CSCD)
Source Journals for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations (CJCR)
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