ISSN: 1674-862X, E-ISSN 2666-223X, CN: 51-1724/TN w2!4b02.8ji6=8e
JEST Wechat Official Account: 电子科技学刊JEST u97ux62Ge93Q
¨ Fully indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, INSPEC, DOAJ, CSCD, CA, CAOD, CNKI, Sciencepaper Online, Wanfang Data, CQVIP Data E9=1Ab5!,rf7~9v
¨ Collaborate with KeAi, IEEE, IACSIT, and IET. b5?7ky1?,uG6;3z
¨ Open access on ScienceDirect from 2019. e5.7Nf9?3lk4!6s
JEST (International) covers the state-of-the-art achievements in electronic science and technology, including the most highlight areas: z6!5ev5:2hR7?4p
¨ Communications Technology l2!1Ln2?,QT6~9D
¨ Computer Science and Information Technology p3.8cw4;4mw4.6Y
¨ Information and Network Security z7-1FK2!5Kr3~5r
¨ Bioelectronics and Biomedicine g8?7dN67UJ16C
¨ Neural Networks and Intelligent Systems i6-,Yk5.7me9~9X
¨ Electronic Systems and Array Processing S2~9Ut8:2PO7+4J
¨ Optoelectronic and Photonic Technologies D6;1Um7;,RL56Q
¨ Electronic Materials and Devices l89kW3:,Dt8?1O
¨ Sensing and Measurement i8?9En8:5bg2.1f
¨ Signal Processing and Image Processing m1+,Oh2;4kC6~8H
JEST (International) is dedicated to building an open, high-level academic journal supported by researchers, professionals, and academicians. The Journal has been fully indexed by Ei INSPEC and has published, with great honor, the contributions from more than 20 countries and regions in the world. The authors are with more than 70 universities or institutions from the following contries . Welcome researchers all over the world to add their countries and institutions into the Map! A7;60W1=3BY,.5O
America Australia Bangladesh Canada China(Mainland Taiwan Hong Kong) L2;9wu2~1oa6;,v
Denmark Finland France Germany Iran s,-2Xk5=7WS5~8Y
India Japan Korea Malaysia New Zealand Z2:2lm9~4zv5;8K
Oman Pakistan Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia k,?,yD74EN2;4o
Singapore Spain Sweden United Kingdom O7?6NX3~1oT77o