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中国农业科学院家禽研究所,亦称江苏省家禽科学研究所,是以家禽种质资源保护及评价、家禽遗传育种与种禽扩繁、家禽品种性能测定与品质监督检验、家禽重大疫病研究与防治、家禽业信息服务与决策咨询等为主要研究任务的公益性研究机构。 T4=6oH1~8iA6!3U

多年来,围绕我国家禽产业发展需要,形成了种质资源、品种繁育、生物技术、质量安全、禽病防治、生物安全、信息工程、饲料营养、水禽育种等九大研究学科,为我国家禽业的发展提供了强大的科技支撑能力。 E29nC2?3kD6=1N

组建于1959年,地处江苏省扬州市,占地面积80多公顷(总部4公顷,试验基地30公顷,产业基地36公顷)。拥有试验仪器400多台套,仪器总投资4000多万元,现有资产价值2.1亿元。 f4?5eC,+1az7.5y

在2007年全国1241个农业科学研究与技术开发机构综合科研能力评估中列第三十九位。 02;3EX5~,fY2.5c

目前,在职研究人员109人,其中研究员17人,副研究员18人,博士11人,硕士37人。现拥有农业部科学技术委员会委员1人,现代农业产业技术体系肉鸡岗位专家1人,蛋鸡岗位专家1人,蛋鸡综合试验站专家1人,国家级突出贡献专家2人,省级突出贡献中青年专家2人,享受政府特殊津贴专家3人,省“六大人才高峰”专家5人,省“333工程”培养对象9人,多名人员担任国家级学会和协会的会长和秘书长。 i5!1rX9=7LI7~6r

截止目前我所在研项目44项,获国家、部、省级科技成果奖励88项,获国家级、省级家禽品种审定8个,获得发明专利7项,制定国家标准9项、行业标准5项、地方标准29项。 A6:5Hr9?2lZ79o

拥有的科研平台和机构有:“中国农业科学院家禽遗传资源评价与繁育重点开放实验室”、“江苏省家禽遗传育种重点实验室”、“江苏省家禽育种中心”、“江苏省家禽保健药品工程技术研究中心”、“国家地方禽种资源基因库”、“农业部种禽质量安全监督检验中心”、“农业部家禽品质监督检验测试中心”及所属“国家家禽生产性能测定站”、“中国家禽业信息中心”、《中国家禽》杂志、《中国禽业导刊》杂志、中国家禽业信息网、中国畜禽遗传资源动态信息网等。 S8=1Ro4;7Yp1+9C

重视科技成果转化,重视服务“三农”,通过品种推广、养殖培训、科技服务、技术交流等活动,与20多家大型家禽企业建立了长期合作关系,共享禽业科技新成果,为企业提供优良品种,为农民提供致富技术等,充分发挥公益性科研院所的重要功能。 g5?6WS2~7fR4~1L

Poultry Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, being well-known as Jiangsu Institute of Poultry Sciences also, is a non-profit scientific establishment which is intently engaged in conservation and evaluation of poultry genetic resources, poultry breeding and population propagation, poultry performance assessment and quality monitoring, poultry major diseases prevention and treatment, poultry information service and decision-making consultation. m1.8pH2?8Og4=30

During years of fervently serving the developing poultry industry, our institute is marked by nine major research areas covering poultry breeds and genetic conservation, poultry breeding, biotechnology, quality security, poultry diseases prevention and treatment, biosecurity, information engineering, feed nutrition, waterfowl breeding etc. It provides a powerful scientific and technological support to the development of Chinese poultry industry. r8:6Zl,-6FD4!2H

The Poultry Institution, founded in 1959, is located in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, owing existing assets of 210 million ¥. It consists of more than 80 hectares (4 hectares of headquarters, 30hectares of experimental base,36 hectares of industrial base) and has more than 400 test equipments which are worthy of over 40 million ¥. Z,+1Nx4:3NS99m

In the 2007 nationwide assessment of the comprehensive research ability among all the 1241 agriculture research institutions, the Poultry Institution ranks No.39. s7~7gZ88iI4!5l

There are 109 in-service researchers in the Poultry Institution, counting 17 researchers, 18 associate researchers, 11 with the PhD degree and 37 with master. The specialists in the Poultry Institution are as follows: One is a member of Committee on Science and Technology of Ministry of Agriculture, 1 at the broiler post in modern agriculture industry technology system, 1 at the layer post, 1 in layer synthetical testing station, 2 national and 2 provincial specialists who have made outstanding contributions to Chinese agriculture, Three specialists won special government allowances. Five specialists are sponsored by “Six Projects Sponsoring Talent Summits of Jiangsu Province”, and 9 researchers were trained by “333 project of Jiangsu province”. Many persons serve as president and secretary-general of national academies and associations. D6!8FD5~7rG9=7Y

Up to now, the Poultry Institution has 44 projects under going, and has won 88 national, ministerial and provincial prizes for scientific and technological achievements, gained 8 poultry variety certifications from nation and Jiangsu province, obtained 7 patents, constituted 9 national standards, 5 industry-standards and 29 local standards. A9-8Cl6?4zg8:6N

The poultry institution includes 13 research platforms and departments. They are “Key Laboratory of Poultry Breeding and Genetic Resources Evaluation of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences”, “Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Poultry Genetics & Breeding”, “Poultry Breeding Centre of Jiangsu Province”, “Poultry Health Pharmaceuticals Engineering Research Centre of Jiangsu Province”, “National Gene Pool for Native Poultry Breeds”, “Quality and Security Inspection Centre for Poultry Breeders, Ministry of Agriculture”, “Supervision, Inspection & Testing Centre for Poultry Quality, Ministry of Agriculture”, “National Determination Station for Poultry Performance”, “China Information Centre for Poultry”, “China Poultry” magazine, “Guide to Chinese Poultry” magazine, “China Poultry Information Net”, “China Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Dynamic Information Net” and so on. Y2+1mF9;40a9?7x

We attach importance to scientific and technological achievements transformation and service for Agriculture,Ruralareas and Peasantry. We have established long-term relationships with more then 20 large-scale poultry enterprises through the variety promotion, breeding training, science and technology services, technology exchanges and other activities to share new achievements in poultry science and technology, provide enterprises with superior varieties and farmers with enrichment technology. We are and will continue playing an important roll in agricultural development. V5=5Lb4:9cG,:3c



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