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Kean University About

Founded in 1855, Kean University was the first public post-secondary institution in New Jersey. With a rich history of excellence and innovation in higher education, Kean is a world-class, vibrant and diverse university offering more than 50 undergraduate majors and more than 70 options for graduate study, including six doctoral programs in a variety of disciplines. d,=6Ns4+5PK5=3h

【Rich History, World-Class Education】 e6;8mG5;7NW5~6z

From its roots as a teachers college, Kean University in Union, New Jersey has grown into a comprehensive, global institution of higher education serving a diverse enrollment of more than 16,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Kean’s mission is to provide an affordable, accessible and world-class education that prepares students to think and respond critically and creatively in a rapidly changing world. s6;2EP9=4tm1;3D

The University continues its legacy as a top producer of teachers in New Jersey and is a growing educational hub in the fields of business, health care and technology. Its six undergraduate colleges – the College of Business and Public Management; the College of Education; the College of Liberal Arts; the Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics and Technology; Michael Graves College; and the New Jersey Center for Science, Technology and Mathematics – offer more than 50 undergraduate degrees over a full range of academic subjects. Nathan Weiss Graduate College offers six doctoral degree programs and more than 70 options for graduate study leading to master’s degrees, professional diplomas or certifications. C8?3uS2~3sz1;3T

Kean University is the only public university in the United States to have a campus in China. Wenzhou-Kean University is an English-speaking campus for Chinese, Kean USA and international students located on a 500-acre campus in the foothills of Wenzhou, China. c5.,zk8;8XN5+1I

The University is also a higher education innovator within the State of New Jersey. Kean Ocean in Toms River, a partnership with Ocean County College, offers a Kean University degree on a community college campus. The university is also developing Kean Skylands, a new campus in Morris County designed to serve as an outdoor living laboratory for field-based scientific study and other classroom and field instruction. h8.7ju,-8DP,+9k

Kean’s Human Rights Institute holds an annual conference and offers a broad range of programs to raise awareness of human rights violations worldwide and inspire action among students, teachers and the general public. C7?5Wx1.1qy4~90

With five theatres on campus, Kean Stage and the award-winning Premiere Stages contribute to the intellectual life of the community with programs, plays and concerts that reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of central and northern New Jersey. Five galleries on the main campus conduct an eclectic exhibition program that often integrates the visual arts with academic programs. c3?6Ra3-,Kn3;2V

Kean’s more than 130 academic, professional interest and philanthropic student groups add to the vibrant campus life. The University fields 14 Division III men’s and women’s athletic teams and has eight sports facilities, including Harwood Arena and Kean Alumni Stadium. Students also participate in a full schedule of intramural and recreational athletic activities. H5;9BW7!7rX6;1M

The Kean faculty is recognized for teaching distinction, scholarship and service. Kean remains committed to excellence in higher education and continuing its long tradition of access, opportunity and affordability for students seeking a college degree. Each year, Kean proudly builds on this distinguished history, as it stays focused on guiding students to academic and professional success. s3-4mx6;7sa8;6u

Lamont Repollet, Ed.D., was selected as the 18th leader of Kean University by the Kean Board of Trustees on May 11, 2020. c3:2qM3:4qt3;,K

肯恩大学(Kean University)是一所创建于1855年,位于美国新泽西州(New Jersey)尤宁郡(Union)的州立高等教育机构,校区面积约150英亩。学校现有在校生1.3万人,硕士2,200,其中外国留学生占7%,师生比为1:15,76%的教师具有博士学位。学校以管理类和教育类专业见长,并拥有学士,硕士学位授予权。学校下设四个学院,分别为人文与社会学院,商务与公共管理学院,教育学院,自然科学与医学院。该校语言要求:TOFEL79分(网考);SAT Math 509分,SAT Verbal 508分;SAT总分1017分。 u5-7Rk3=7YZ9!8o


建于1855年的美国新泽西州州立肯恩大学,是由新泽西州资助的、男女合校的高等教育机构,隶属由1966年的新泽西州高等教育重组法案及相关立法文件确立的州立院校系统 。 K5-9Vr4+2dS9;5f



肯恩大学下设七所学院与中心:南森-威尔斯研究院、商业与公共行政管理学院 、教育学院、人文与社会科学学院、自然与健康科学学院、传媒与表演艺术学院、新泽西州高科技与数理教育中心;拥有临床心理学和教育领导学等2个博士生课程,以商务类、管理类、教育类和计算机类专业等为优势专业,共设有50个本科专业和37个研究生课程。 W3-8HT9;8at7=7b


1986年肯恩大学与全美排名第一的普林斯顿大学同时成为首批获取新泽西州可授予MPA硕士学位资格的大学。 Q8+1eT15PT4?4S


肯恩大学得到美国中部各州高教委员会(Middle States Commission on Higher Education)以及全美教师教育认可协会(National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education)等众多专门组织的完全认可。肯恩大学的校园面积超过1500亩,在校生16187人,是新泽西州最大的公立大学之一。 n6!3Ez2:5da5.9f


· 温州肯恩大学 B,=3Dt8.5cj2-4l

2006年5月8日,温州大学与美国肯恩大学(Kean University)正式签署《关于合作举办温州肯恩大学的协议》。2010年底,经市委、市政府研究, 并且在2011年8月获得批复,温州肯恩大学项目位于瓯海丽岙街道高教基地,建设规模为全日制在校生1万名,其中研究生500名。 Y1=3DF9:9Ff9~8r

2013年12月16日,以中科院院士黄维为组长的教育部专家组对正式设立温州肯恩大学进行了考察评议。2014年3月31日,国家教育部正式批准设立温州肯恩大学。 U5?9pL9+4Io1.7A

学校选址风景秀丽的著名侨乡温州市瓯海区丽岙街道,校园规划用地3000亩。校园建筑体现“中式布局,西派建筑”的设计理念,努力营造中美文化交融的人文校园,打造生态化、智能化、开放式校园。校园一期已建成(含在建)满足基本教育教学所需的建筑设施共约28万平方米。二期约2000亩总评规划已基本完成,正在推进学生宿舍三区和教师公寓二期建设,一个国际化、现代化的开放型大学校园已初具规模 。 v1=6oi5!7EV2!6p


本科雅思6.5分 07.2Pm7:1LE35Z


提供联邦奖学金,州政府奖学金,校奖学金,私人奖学金,各种形式贷款,工读计划等。 c6?6Tm8?8nm5:70


肯恩大学在美国享有较高声誉,2010年至2011年被列为《美国新闻与世界报道》北部公立大学排名第35位。新泽西州学前至12年级的教育在全美排名第一,肯恩大学是新泽西州教育师资培养最大和最好的大学,新泽西州获得全美年度优秀教师、优秀中小学校长等奖项的教育工作者,大都毕业于肯恩大学;肯恩大学在新泽西州所有大学的“教育平等指数”中排名第一;肯恩大学设计专业学生在美东地区大学设计竞标赛12个奖项中囊括6个奖项。(图片来源: ) P7.3sS7-6nF,-8A


2018年,肯恩大学启用了新版校徽。自1997年肯恩成为一所大学以来一直使用的旧校徽被取代。新的校徽使"Kean"一词更容易阅读,同时保持了设计的一致性。 W5;4mG7+4td2.4Y


肯恩大学土地及著名的历史古迹——自由厅,均由肯恩家族捐赠,自由厅历史上有8位 President 来此住过或参观,华盛顿 President 第一夫人曾率家小在此居住,这里还保存了连国家博物馆都没有的华盛顿 President 影响国家大事的珍贵手迹与其他文物。肯恩家族与美国第一位 President 华盛顿是挚交,其家族成员是美国独立宣言的56名签字者之一,还有家族成员担任过第一任联邦司法部长,第一任财政部长,第一任新泽西州州长(及后来数届州长),国务卿,联邦参议员,联邦众议员,纽约州州长,911调查委员会主席等。 s9=7to1.1Dq7:5f



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