陕西中医药大学医学科研实验中心始建于2006年,原名为中医药生物技术与免疫学实验中心。2013年5月,学校在原中心的基础上整合了中医系中内、伤寒等实验室的资源,成立了医学科研实验中心。作为一个独立、开放的科研基地,医学科研实验中心是陕西中医药大学从事高层次科学研究和实验教学的重要基地,是服务于我校学科建设和科技创新的重要技术平台。 f1~3qd1?6nJ4~7Z
实验中心由年轻的学术骨干组成了一支结构合理、具有较高专业水平和一流实验技能,热心为教学科研服务的研究团队。现有工作人员12名,其中科研人员9名,正高级职称2人、副高级职称1人、中级职称6人,其中博士6名、硕士3名。中心总面积约1500 m2、下设18个实验室,实验室功能齐全,拥有共聚焦显微镜、流式细胞仪、八道生理信号采集系统、荧光定量PCR仪、图像分析系统、高效色谱分析系统、冰冻切片机、液态芯片系统、活细胞工作站等大型实验设备,总价值2000余万元。中心包含1个国家中医药管理局三级科研实验室,3个国家中医药管理局二级实验室,并且是中医基础理论、中西医结合基础、内经、伤寒、中内等多个重点学科的实验平台。 k3:4bR,?6It23Z
中心按照开放、流动、联合、竞争、规范的运行机制,严格执行《国家中医药管理局三级科研实验室管理规定》,努力实现科学化、规范化、标准化管理。中心建立了严格的质量监督机制,坚持实事求是的严谨科学作风,确保科研实验的良性实施。中心在为学校各级纵向、横向课题、大学生及研究生创新课题提供大量实验设备以及技术服务的同时,也积极与国内外高等院校、科研机构开展学术交流与合作,实现优势互补,不断强化中心对我校科学研究的支撑力度。 V3:7YX,.,dH7~9S
In order to enhance the research level of our university,The Medical Experiment Center of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine was established on the basis of Chinese Medicine Biotechnology and Immunology Experimental Center. As an opening and important experimental base, Medical Experiment Center is not only engaged in scientific research and the high-level experimental teaching, but also is an important technology platform for subject development and technology innovation. Y4+7Fe7+1ot8;7T
The staff of the laboratory is a rational-structure and higher-level team composed by young academic backbone and academic leaders who own the higher professional and technical quality and are dedicated to scientific research. There are twelve members in the staff, including nine researchers, two professors, one associate professor, four lecturers. Among them, six doctors and three masters. The total area of the lab center is about 1500 m2. There are 18 laboratories and many large equipments worth more than 20 million, such as Cell Culture Room, Confocal Laser Microscope, Flow Cytometer, Eight Channel Physiological Signal System, Real-time PCR Device, Image Analysis System,HPLC, Freezing microtome, Live Cell Working Station, etc. s5!1XG4+,zg8;7H
According to the Management Rule about the Third-level research laboratories of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine ofChina, the center is trying to perform scientific and standardized management. The center provides a large number of basic laboratory equipments and careful technical services for many projects at all different levels and technologic innovations, experiment teaching of graduate students and post graduate students. At the same time, the center concentrates on the research cooperation with several domestic or foreign universities and research institutes. By the internal development and external cooperation, we hope to make greater contribution to the scientific research of our university. S6+,0r2+5Kk9~2q
为了全面提高我校大学生的创新实践能力,2006年我校组建了“陕西中医学院大学生科技创新实验基地”。基地面向我校各个专业的学生开放,指导学生完成自行设计的综合、创新性实验。所开设的实验项目内容主要包括:形态学实验、机能学实验、分子生物学实验三部分,能完成从分子、细胞层面到整体的全部实验。 K9~3OQ4!1sv8?5z
实验基地现有来自不同学科的专职指导教师16名,其中博士11名,硕士5名,这些教师拥有丰富的科研实践能力及本科生、研究生实验技能培训经验,是一支科学素养高,专业能力强、实验技能全面的教师团队。利用现有的仪器设备优势及科研团队优势,基地每年面向本科生、研究生开展 “医学实验技能培训班”4-6期,每期培训内容12-14项,极大的提高了本科生及研究生的实验技能,全面助推了大学生科技创新项目的深度和广度,为提高学生的实验技能、科学素养和创新能力奠定坚实的基础,为我校医学类专业教学质量的全面提升提供了重要的支撑,以培养出更多更强的医学高素质人才。 S75Vw6+5Ya7?,S