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香港浸会大学音乐系的新大楼、新设施、新设备、新乐器和新节目,让人兴奋不已。 X98hW2+8fV6:9w

40多年来,音乐系为音乐和音乐相关领域的毕业生提供了一个具有实践性、创造性和智力基础的数百名毕业生。我们的音乐学士学位课程是香港最大的全日制课程之一,旨在使我们的毕业生能够有智慧地、创造性地为自己的志向工作。新近毕业的学生在大学、中学和小学从事音乐教学,并在艺术管理、录音、创意媒体、广播电视制作和其他音乐相关领域从事职业。我们的许多毕业生都在包括美国和欧洲在内的世界各地的研究生院深造。 F5?7OD7;9jL2~2r

该系有22名全职教师和100多名兼职和兼职教师。他们中的许多人都是杰出的艺术家和学者。教师艺术家创作和表演的音乐通过CD、DVD、现场表演和广播在全球传播,而我们的学者撰写的论文和书籍在国际期刊和主要出版社上发表。尽管积极参与学术和创造性活动,我们的教师仍致力于帮助学生达到音乐和智力发展的高水平。 J5?,KO4!3yD3,T

有机会与国际知名的作曲家、学者和表演者一起学习,学习设施一流。 f5;7Lt5-2cU2-8P

与音乐理论和分析、作曲、中西音乐史、音乐教育和表演方面的学者和教师一起接受我们课程学习的学生。个人也有机会与来自中国和西方的优秀学者和表演者互动。该课程特别强调技术和计算机在音乐各个方面的作用,为学生提供最先进的设备和设施。其中包括电声音乐中心、部门音乐技术中心、沉浸式艺术与技术实验室以及校园内的其他设施中提供的大量电子乐器和录音技术。 D7:8Pa4~6Wt8:2U

机会 Z8-5bF65Hw,?8p

表演、创造力和奖学金都是浸会大学音乐教育的重要组成部分。在多年的学习中,我们非常重视独奏、室内乐和合奏的作曲和表演,包括采用先进技术的表演,提供了丰富的实际音乐制作经验。在过去的几年里,香港浸会大学合唱团在香港以外地区进行了广泛的演出。香港浸会大学女声合唱团曾赴韩国、新加坡、加拿大、台湾、马来西亚、美国、捷克共和国和俄罗斯进行巡回演出。香港浸会大学合唱团在瑞士和奥地利演出。香港音乐学院巡回演出到伦敦和北京。浸大交响乐团每年至少举办两次大型音乐会。我们的作曲家曾在国际上进行过重要演出,并在传统声学乐器、电子乐器和电影配乐的作品中获得了杰出的奖项。我们的学者曾在大型国际会议上发表论文,从主要大学获得博士学位,目前在全球担任全职教师职位。 A,~3lO6:8EY9:6S

With our new building, facilities & equipment, instruments, and programmes, these are exciting times at hkbu's music department. z2.3yH9-8mg3+9z

For over 40 years the Department of Music has provided hundreds of graduates with a practical, creative and intellectual foundation for careers in music and music related fields. Our B.A. (Hons) in Music degree programme is one of the largest full-time programmes in Hong Kong and is designed to enable our graduates to work intelligently and creatively towards their own aspirations. Recent graduates have developed careers in teaching music at universities, secondary and primary schools as well as careers in arts management, recording, creative media, radio and television production and other music-related fields. Many of our graduates have furthered their studies in graduate schools worldwide including the US and Europe. o3=7Kf6.8bk,~6m

The Department has 22 full-time and over 100 part-time and adjunct faculty. Many of them are leading artists and academics. The music composed and performed by faculty artists is distributed globally through CDs, DVDs, live performances, and broadcast, whereas papers and books written by our scholars are published in international journals and by major presses. Although actively engaged in scholarly and creative activities, our teachers are committed to helping students reach a high level of musical and intellectual development. C9=6jk9=9wh9!5X

A Chance to study with internationally acclaimed composers, scholars and performers and in excellent facilities. Y,:4Hj1.8xP1.3s

Those accepted into our Programme study with scholars and teachers in music theory and analysis, composition, Chinese and Western music history, music education and performance. Individuals also have the opportunity to interact with outstanding scholars and performers from China and the West. The programme places a special emphasis on the role of technology and computer in various aspects of music, providing students with cutting edge equipment and facilities. These include the vast electronic instruments and recording technology available in the Electro-Acoustic Music Centre, Departmental Music Technology Centre, Laboratory for ImmersiveArts and Technology, and other facilities on campus. L9,Qs4-7Ms8?1D

Opportunities a2!,gV19QX9-,T

Performance, creativity, and scholarship are all important parts of a music education at Baptist University. We place a strong emphasis on solo, chamber and ensemble composition and performance throughout the years of study, including performances with advanced technology, providing a rich experience in practical music making. In past years, Hong Kong Baptist University ensembles have performed extensively outside Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Baptist University Girl's Choir has had tours to Korea, Singapore, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, the United States, the Czech Republic and Russia. The Hong Kong Baptist University Choir has performed in Switzerland and Austria. The Collegium Musicum Hong Kong toured to London and Beijing. The HKBU Symphony Orchestra presents at least two major concerts annually. Our composers have had major international performances and won distinguished awards in compositions for traditional acoustic instruments, electronic instruments, and film scoring. Our scholars have presented papers at major international conferences, obtained PhD's from major universities and now hold full-time faculty positions globally. b6;2nX6,BR4;6T




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