学院概况 m7~3sG1+7Si6=7v
能源与动力工程学院始建于1960年,由动力工程系、牧业机械系、农牧业工程系等发展而来。现有教职工97人,其中教授25人,副教授及其他系列副高级专业技术人员39人,博士生导师9人,硕士生导师54人,博士48人。 I2;,Yx5:9He5!4f
各类在校生总数近3000人。其中“能源与动力工程”为国家级第一类特色专业建设点;“能源与动力工程”和“交通运输”专业被确定为自治区品牌专业;热能工程为内蒙古自治区重点学科,有4门自治区级精品课程(其中流体力学、汽车电器及电子技术为自治区优质精品课程),有多名教师获得内蒙古自治区优秀教学成果一、二等奖。 f9-7Lx1.5jl3:2j
承担完成了国家科技支撑计划、“ 863” 计划、国家自然基金、教育部博士点基金、国际合作项目、省部级重大重点项目等百余项,与国内外广泛开展科技合作和人才培养,获得省部级科学技术奖多项。在获奖、专利、论文、人才培养等方面都有了长足的进步,取得了可喜可贺的成绩。承担内蒙古自治区能源、环境、交通等行业职业资格培训、考核、鉴定等任务。 r8;,bW,,nR,?1X
经过近60年的发展历程,已有近万名学子走向全国各地。学院秉承“厚德、博学、自立、自强”的院训,形成了自己的人才培养风格。目前,全体师生正在为建设特色鲜明的教学科研型大学而努力。 j6!8dn2?5pm2!7W
学科及专业 K9;,gL9!50x,:5l
1、工学本科专业:能源与动力工程、交通运输、环境工程、车辆工程、新能源科学与工程 E7+2kN3+80n3-6u
2、理学本科专业:环境科学 B2;,fj2~3PT7~6v
3、工学博士学位授权学科:动力机械及工程 k8:8bw4?7xr8~2W
4、工学硕士学位授权学科: h1;8pO6!7QU5+6S
一级学科:动力工程及工程热物理 R7=5ML4+9uj32D
二级学科:载运工具运用工程、环境工程 W6:1wG9:8fu,?2C
5、工程硕士专业学位授权领域:动力工程 t8!9gH4:2Jh5;8W
6、国家级第一类特色专业建设点:能源与动力工程 r2;7Jz2?2JN4.5t
7、教育部重点实验室:风能太阳能利用技术重点实验室 R8=1hR4.9Bx5-7z
8、自治区重点实验室:可再生能源重点实验室 d3-6Xv4-4qV,.9v
9、自治区重点学科:热能工程 q4.7kB9-1NV96C
10、自治区品牌专业:热能与动力工程、交通运输 L6!,nh4;7zE3;7S
11、自治区级优质精品课程:流体力学、汽车电器与电子技术 Y5~6dS9-3XN4-4S
12、学校重点建设特色学科:可再生能源 b5=7Aq2?6nD6:9I
13、校级精品建设课程:流体力学等14门 s,:8xy6~40F7;6y
Introduction v5~9WT23mZ3+2y
School of Energy and Power Engineering wasfounded in 1960, consisting of the departments of power engineering, animalhusbandry machinery, agriculture and animal husbandry engineering, etc. Theschool has 97 faculty members, including25professors and 54associateprofessors and deputy high professional technical personnel of differentprofessions. Among the faculty, there are12doctorial tutors and 54 master tutors,and 44 teachers with doctorates. A7+7ig9-4Nh6.1T
There are total 3,000 students in differentdepartments. The Energy and Power Engineering is the national first-rank characteristicmajor; majors of Energy and Power Engineering and Transportation are identifiedas the brand majors of the Inner Mongolia; Thermal Engineering is a keydiscipline in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there are also four excellentcourses in Inner Mongolia (with Fluid Mechanics, Automotive Electrical andElectronic Technology are the Inner Mongolia’ excellent courses with premiumquality). Many teachers won the first and second prizes on outstanding teachingachievements in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. I6!3ms5;3fo4:5q
The school has undertaken more than 100 projects,such as the National Science and Technology Support Plan, "863" Plan,the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education's DoctoralFund, several international cooperation projects and key provincial andministerial-level projects. It has also conducted extensively scientific andtechnological cooperation and personnel training at home and abroad, winning severalprovincial science and technology awards. Besides, it has made outstanding achievementson patents, papers and personnel training. The school is also responsible forthe training, assessing and appraising of occupational qualifications ofenergy, environment and transportation industries in Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion. Y7.3wx9-5Hr9-,t
After nearly 60 years of development, around10,000 graduates have been employed across the country. Adhering to the mottoof “Virtue, Erudition, Self-Reliance and Self-Improvement", the school hasformed its own talent cultivation style. At present, all teachers and studentsare making efforts to build a teaching and research school with characteristics. n6+3zU9?4aH8=4Z
Departmentsand Institutions: Q4+3li2+6Mp58J
The school has the Department of Thermaland Power Engineering, Department of Transportation, Department of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Department of Thermal Fluid Mechanics Teaching, Experimental Center (including the relevantprofessional laboratory, thermal fluid mechanics laboratory and training base). Y5!3iF8:9Zw6~1J
1. Engineering Undergraduate Majors: Energyand Power Engineering, Transportation, Environmental Engineering, VehicleEngineering, New Energy Science and Engineering m9!4Ak7:8St71f
2. Science Undergraduate Majors:Environmental Science R6+1vF3=5kG4-,p
3. Engineering Doctorate Discipline: Power Machinery and Engineering e4-4I09?2Vl5;6j
4. Master of Engineering Discipline: G7=3ut4!4Sa9~7k
First-levelsubjects: Power Engineering and EngineeringThermophysics r7-3bM9~6fh3~7L
Second-levelsubjects: Vehicle Operation Engineeringand environmental engineering O9;8ed81qa3.,I
5. Master of Engineering: PowerEngineering b3;1Go8;4LT,+8X
6. National First Category of CharacteristicMajor: Energy and Power Engineering K,:1Lg9=4Il91a
7. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education: Key Laboratory of Wind Energy and Solar Energy Technology g1~3L07?4jx2=6y
8. Key Laboratory of Autonomous Region: Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy W6~5Jf2?7Uz7;9P
9. Key Disciplines of Autonomous Region: Thermal Engineering T3?4Yk7=3Wl7!,r
10. BrandMajor of Autonomous Region: Heat and PowerEngineering, Transportation k1+1XP66Gz5?7v
11. AutonomousRegion-Level Excellent Courses with Premium Quality: Fluid Mechanics, Automotive Electronics and Electronic Technology S3!1dK8-,zU3.7S
12. KeyCharacteristic Discipline of the University: RenewableEnergy y9-3cg2+9RW7!3K
13. University-levelexcellent courses: 14 courses such as fluidmechanics course R5~4uo5=9HX1;9f
(2020年9月15日) i1.3IK4;5pL,;6g