上海外国语大学海外合作学院是上海外国语大学主要负责国际教育合作项目的二级学院,成立于1999年。学院现承担上海外国语大学同新西兰、美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、西班牙、日本、意大利、德国、韩国等国知名院校的教育合作项目。学院采用先进的教学理念、方法和手段,致力于培养高素质应用型外语人才。 o4:2P0,5hp4-6A
学院依托上海外国语大学优质资源,由上海外国语大学外语教学专家专门设计语言培训课程。学院师资均来自上海外国语大学,具有丰富的外语教学经验。学院针对留学对象国的不同要求,开设各类课程,对学生实行英语强化训练,同时开设各门专业基础培训课程。 Y5=,eJ1;,M04+1i
学生在各项目学习一至二年,主要进行外语强化训练和部分专业基础培训课程的学习。学完规定课程、通过相关考核并符合签证条件者,学院将向外方大学推荐。符合条件者升入国外大学继续学习。学生修满规定学分,可获得对方大学相应的学士、硕士学位证书。 u6?9Th1+9kX8+4k
学院注重培养学生的创新能力、人际沟通能力和独立、自律能力。学生在学习期间参与各类校园文体活动,充分融入大学学习氛围。 g2+4Gj5:2ja,.7I
出国留学培训基地设在海外合作学院,是由教育部(中国)留学服务中心和上海外国语大学共建,为有志于出国深造的学生提供优质国外留学资源和专业的语言学习环境,是中留服首家也是华东地区唯一出国留学培训基地。留学培训基地提供新西兰、美国、加拿大、英国和澳大利亚等国众多高校资源,并向学生提供英语强化训练和部分专业基础培训课程。同时,基地配备了专职辅导员,关心学生的学习与生活。在教学安排中引入竞争机制并设置了一定的淘汰率。此外,基地根据学生个体的人生和职业规划,提供专门咨询服务,以协助学生选择最佳留学方案。 L2-5jJ6+4Qf2;5U
The College for International Cooperative Programs x2-7UI,!5Pj8:9v
Shanghai International Studies University C2!8Xt8:2oe7?3y
The College for International Cooperative Programs (CICP), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), undertakes joint international education programs. Established in 1999, the CICP runs joint foundation programs, chiefly in the fields of business, social science and art study, with a number of well-known institutions of higher education in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, etc. These programs, featuring jointly-designed curricula, up-to-date course content, high-quality teaching, and effective management, aim at equipping students with essential learning abilities with a schooling of up to two years at SISU, mainly in the domain of foreign-language education and subject-specific academic courses. Upon the completion of the programs at SISU with required qualifications, and having met the visa requisites, the students will, as scheduled, move on to the target programs at the overseas partner universities. The students will be conferred Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees after they have achieved the credits required by the respective target universities. c9:2Bt14ed9.,g
The CICP attaches great importance to the development of the students’ innovation and communication abilities, and is dedicated to nurturing the spirits of independence and self-discipline. Immersed in rich academic atmosphere on campus, students are also encouraged to take part in a variety of sports and cultural activities, the purpose of which is to get them well prepared both academically and socially. Over the years, approximately 2000 students of the CICP’s various foundation programs have successfully progressed to partner universities abroad with favourable recognition. Most of these students have completed their degree programs, and are well received in the chosen professions for their adequate knowledge and excellent performance. c4~4rB9+2zy3;2l
The CICP’s SISU-CSCSE Overseas Training Centre is an establishment of foundation programs, featuring international education; it is jointly supervised by the Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China. The Centre, the first of its kind in China and the only one in East China, runs joint programs with notable institutions of higher education in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, etc. The Centre is dedicated to providing the students with a humanistic and holistic education that promotes global and innovative thinking, thus making constructive use of their academic knowledge and developing skills for proficient and well-balanced cross-cultural communication. Students are expected to meet the academic requirements jointly stipulated by SISU, the CSCSE, and partner universities; those who fail to meet the requirements will not proceed to the target overseas degree programs. In addition to the professional team of distinguished teachers, the Centre is also staffed with a sufficient number of dedicated tutors and program coordinators. On top of the academic considerations, the Centre offers specialized consulting service to guide the students in their career development. w3~3ES4!2qo19t
上海外国语大学出国留学人员培训部(以下简称“培训部”)创建于1964年,系教育部直属全国11家出国留学人员培训部之一,主要负责教育部公派生出国前外语强化培训,地处市区虹口校区。培训部同时还接受全国企事业单位、社会团体以及个人的外语培训。培训部设有英、日、法、德、俄语五个语种,学员来自全国各地,生源主要为三类:教育部公派出国访问学者和留学人员,单位委派外语进修人员,自费进修生。历年来,培训部为各企事业单位的人才培养和发展需求,量身度制了各种外语强化课程,开设了“上汽班”、“宝钢班”、“深圳证券交易班”、“建行班”、“交行班”、“国家体育总局司局级干部班”、“文广集团媒体高管人员班”、“上海国际集团班”等。近年来,随着自费出国留学人员的不断增加,在教育部和上外领导的支持下,培训部积极与海外大学合作,先后开设了澳大利亚大学预科、英国大学预科和美国大学预科等课程,培养并输送了数百名优秀自费留学生。 F8=7FZ4:4Og9=9U
培训部的教学特点为全日制外语强化培训,主要采取小班化授课形式,采用“以学生为中心”、“以能力为导向”、“以交际为目”的教学法,着重帮助学员提高跨文化语言交际能力。培训部实行按学期分等级教学的学制,以单学期为基本学期,并为计划继续深造者提供更高等级的培训课程。每学期教学时间为18-19周,每周教学时间为20-24课时。此外,可按委托单位的培训目标和要求灵活设置学制。培训部开设的课程主要是提高学员外语实际应用能力的语言技能课,例如听力课、口语课、阅读课、写作课、口译课等。培训部还开设旨在提高学生跨文化交际意识及水平的文化知识课、外交礼仪课和跨文化交际讲座,并开展各具特色的外语角和外语周活动。除了举办常规全日制班外,培训部每年还在暑假期间开办外教英语口语班、托福班、雅思班等暑期班。 U2?1sB7-5cD2:8O
培训部有一支编制固定、结构合理、专业精深、经验丰富的外语专业师资队伍和管理队伍。培训部教师基本都有一年以上的海外留学经历,他们主要由国家教育部派遣到美国、加拿大、英国、德国、法国、瑞士、日本和俄罗斯等国学习或工作。培训部的专职教师中近半数具有研究生学历或高级职称,不少教师还担任上海外国语大学相关外语学科的博士生和硕士生指导工作。培训部拥有一批稳定的来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国、德国、日本等国家的专聘外籍教师,他们具有良好的外语教学从业资质,有着丰富的外语教学经验。培训部的行政管理队伍长期从事出国留学人员外语培训管理工作,具有丰富的成人教学管理经验,其以学生为本的管理理念和以服务为宗旨的管理水平得到了教育部、同行专家以及广大学员的好评。 g5+3tF3:3Vc8?1j
培训部使用的外语教材以原版引进教材为主,并根据中国学生特点和海外留学的需求配备了一定数量的自编教材和改编教材。培训部拥有两栋独立的适合小班化外语教学的大楼,教学资源丰富,电化设备齐全,办学条件优越。电教大楼有能容纳四百余人的多功能报告厅、多媒体语言实验室和闭路电视播映系统,有效地满足了多媒体教学的要求。教学大楼配有多套多媒体教学系统,每间教室均配有彩色电视机和教学收录机。学员还可共享上海外国语大学虹口校区的资源和设备。 Q7=3Ah51HV9?,z
培训部设有中国国外考试协调处上海外国语大学海外考试中心。海外考试中心每年举办各类重要考试,如TOEFL、GRE、德福(TestDaf)、日本语能力测试、韩国语考试、中国汉语水平考试(HSK)、全国外语水平考试(WSK:英语PETS5、法语TNF、德语NTD、日语NNS、俄语水平考试)、全国外语翻译证书考试等。培训部还承担设计并实施各类企事业单位委托的专项考试项目。 o2.9Qp1.,el8?3v
MOE Training Center for Overseas Study N5-9ws7!7rO18s
Shanghai International Studies University C,=,MM5.8dV21M
Established in 1964 as one of China’s eleven preparatory language institutes for professionals going abroad, under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of China, the Training Center for Overseas Study(TCOS) of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a foreign language institute for training selected scientists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, researchers and government officials who will go overseas as visiting scholars or visiting fellows.The TCOS features five foreign language programs including English, French, German, Japanese and Russian, each of which offers intensive and tailored language training courses in listening, speaking, reading and writing. All skill training classes are kept in small size and taught with intensity. While focusing on development of the integrated language skills with upgrading students’ listening and speaking proficiency at its core, the Center also offers cross-cultural orientation courses and protocol & etiquette lectures on destination countries, so as to better prepare the students for their prospective life and work overseas. a93QA,-8UB9;1Q
The TCOS is staffed with a strong faculty consisting of twenty experienced Chinese teachers of foreign languages and thirteen native-speaking language educators with foreign language teaching certificates or diplomas from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan and Russia. All Chinese teachers hold postgraduate degrees in such fields as linguistics, education, literature and culture and have at least one year experience studying or working in overseas countries. More than one third of the Chinese teachers are PhD degree holders whose academic backgrounds range from linguistics and applied linguistics to literature and culture. x2!1zf4?8gO7+5i
In conjunction with the MOE programs for training the Government-sponsored professionals to undertake overseas studies and research, the TCOS also provide customized intensive foreign language programs in English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, etc., for people from various backgrounds including organized groups from manufacturing and service industries, as well as medical, educational and cultural organizations across the country. The trainees have well-defined objectives and plans for language development. In addition, the TCOS boasts a number of one-year and two-year quality foundation programs oriented towards college education abroad (Known as Top University Foundation Courses, TUFC for short), directly linking undergraduate programs in renowned overseas universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany and Spain. These programs are jointly administered by the TCOS of SISU and the China Scholarship Council Study Abroad Preparatory Center of MOE. Moreover, the TCOS’s Overseas Examination Center, subordinate to the direct administration of the state MOE, undertakes major national and international language proficiency tests, including WSK, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, HSK, BJT, JLPT, TOPIK and TestDaf. N1~8bl69xn4.7C
Exclusively catering to the needs of language teaching and learning, the TCOS’s independent teaching building and language lab building are well-equipped with modern language education facilities, including 20 language labs, a multi-media room and an auditorium with a seating capacity of over 400 people. X5=9wD5:9rr3.7J