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人文社会科学学院(简称“人文学院”)正式成立于1998年,源于建校初的政治教研室。 R5.8aG1.4yo,=8l

人文社会科学学院培养的人才类型完备。学院设有法学、应用心理学本科专业;拥有生态文明建设与管理博士点;设有哲学、心理学、公共管理一级学科硕士点,和法学理论二级学科硕士点;同时设有公共管理(MPA)专业硕士点。还承担了全校人文素质类课程的教学工作。 a,;6Vh8~4Np,?4X

学院具有一支学养深厚的师资队伍。现有教师70余人,其中,教授10余人,副教授40余人。他们或是德高望重、著作等身的全国模范教师或北京市教学名师,或是才华横溢、名声在外的学术新锐,或是深藏功名、潜心学问的青年才俊,共同形成了学院学科背景丰富、知识结构完整的特点。教师中有多名老师入选北京市新世纪理论人才百人工程;多人担任全国和北京市学术学会的会长、秘书长、常务理事、理事等职务。 F3=5de3=3KQ2-1M

学院取得了一系列重要的科研成果。建院以来,学院教师主编、参编专著、教材共300余部,先后承担国家级、省部级、校级教改项目50余项。近年来,学院共获得各类科研课题近百项,其中国家和省部级课题40余项。学院以林业史和生态文明建设研究为特色,标志性成果有国家级重点文化出版工程《中华大典•林业典》,年度出版的生态文明绿皮书《中国省级生态文明建设评价报告》(ECI2010–2015)、《中国生态文明建设发展报告2014》等。国家林业局和北京林业大学生态文明研究中心设在本院,学院已成为我国生态文明建设学术研究的重要平台。 a5=1Iy1;5BA4.2f

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) has sucessfully cultivated a complete range of talents. Up till now, the School has two undergraduate majors, namely Jurisprudence and Applied Psychology; one doctoralship, namely ecological civilisation construction and administration; three tier-one masterships, namely Philosophy, Psychology and Public Administration(PA); one tier-two masterships, namely Jurisprudence Principle and Master of Public Administration (MPA). In addition, the School undertakes the teaching courses of humanities for the whole university. a2!1ox9:8mN5+4v

The school boasts an academically-proficient staff of teachers and scientific reseachers. Among the present 70-plus teachers, there are 10-plus professors and 40-plus associate professors. Some of them are nation-wide or Capital-wide renowned norm teachers, prestigious,respectiful and fruitful teachers; some of them are famous young talented academic reseachers; some of them are deeply-devoted and gifted young researches, thus forming the basic characteristics of our school, ie, competent disciplinary background and complete knowledge structure. Up till now, several renowned teachers have been selected as disciplinary leaders and mainstay teachers of Beijing; several teachers have been selected as “One-Hundred-Theoretic-Talents-Project in the New Century of Beijing ”; and several teachers serve as presidents, secretaries-general, executive directors and directors of different acadimic organisations or associations at various levels of the coutry and Capital. P5=9sh4?1BP5=6a

The School has aquired a series of important scientific fruits. Since its establishment, the staff of our School have compiled 300-plus kinds of academic books and textbooks. Our school is characterized by two research areas concerning Forestry History and Ecological Civilisation Construction. The very most symbolic research fruits are as follows: “The Chinese Grand Dictionary-Forestry Dictionary” which is a part of the State-Class Key Cultural Pulishing Project; “China’s Provincial Appraisal Report of Ecological Civilisation Construction”(ECI 2010-2015), which is annually published and universally-accepted as eco-civilisation greenbook; “China’s Development Report of Ecological Civilisation Construction-2014”, and etc. The National Bureau of Forestry of China has established the Reseach Center of Ecological Civilisation of Beijing Forestry University (BFU) in our school. Actually our school has become one of the most important platforms for academic research concerning ecological civilisation construction in China. w9;2Nr9:6Hg,~2W




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