实践教学中心,是由学校独立设置的教学辅助单位,始终坚持建设以应用型人才培养工作为中心,教学、科研和社会服务相结合的理念,主管全校校内实验室、实习、实训场所,承担全校本科专业学生的校内实验、实习、实训教学工作任务,为大学生创业创新提供开放实践平台,同时承担科学研究和社会服务任务。 O8=6lo7.8bp6~9i
The Practical Education Center is an independent supplementary educational unit established by Minnan University of Science and Technology. It always insists on the philosophy of training applied talents, and creating a synergy between education, research, and social service. It is in charge of laboratories, internships, and training sites for the entire university and manages all undergraduates’ participation in these programs. Practical Education Center has not only created a platform that allows students to put entrepreneurship and creativity into practice, but also takes responsibility for scientific development and social service. E6-6Cz4~1Tq7-1m
实验室规划、建设等工作接受学校教学工作指导委员会实验教学分委员会指导。学校实践教学中心按学科专业分设公共基础实验教学中心、光电与机电实验教学中心、电子与电气实验教学中心、土木工程实验教学中心、经济管理实验教学中心、财务会计实验教学中心、信息管理实验教学中心、服装与艺术设计实验教学中心、外国语实验教学中心、体育实验教学中心等十个二级实验教学中心。 q1~8gg8!2Fe4.1F
The programming and construction of laboratories has been under the guidance from the Experimental Education Sub-Committee of the university’s Education Works Guidance Committee. There are 10 separate secondary laboratory centers according to disciplines and majors: Public Basics,Opto Electronics and Mechatronic Engineering,Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Economics and Management, Finance and Accounting, Information Management, Clothing and Art Design, Foreign Languages, and Physical Education. N2?6TX1~5dh4.6w
全校现有正式建制校内实验、实习、实训场所100余个,总面积达12.5万余平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值达8000余万元。拥有一支稳定的实验技术和管理队伍,现有专任实验技术员80余人,其中具有副高级及以上职称者8人,中级职称者19人,研究生及以上学历20人。学校提倡教师特别是高职称、高学历的教师参与到实践教学中来。 F9+9vx2!9Ol6-8n
There have been formally established over 100 laboratories, internships, and training areas ,with a total area of over 125,000 square meters and over 80 million RMB worth of scientific instruments and equipment. There is a steady team of technicians and supervisors, with over 80 dedicated full-time technicians, which includes 8 professors or associate professors, 19 lecturers, and 20 masters or above. The university advocates strongly for high professional rank teachers to be involved in applied studies programs with students. M1:2gM2+8eD8-7L
近年来,实教学中心特色鲜明,实践教学效果显著,建设成果丰富,受益面广,学生实践兴趣浓厚,自主学习能力增强,实践创新能力明显提高:拥有省级实验教学示范中心2个,省级基础课实验教学平台4个;发表论文60余篇,正式出版及自编实验教材(指导书)50余本;自制实验仪器设备60余台套;承担各级科研项目和教改项目90余项。 r5~7ss6:,eB9+3d
Recently, the special characteristics of The Practical Education Center have become rather distinctive; the effectiveness of applied studies is outstanding, the achievements are abundant, the benefits are broad, students’ interest in applied studies is strong and their self-study abilities are strengthening, with the result of obvious improved ability to put creativity into practice. The Practical Education Center is home to 2 provincial demonstration centers of experimental teaching, 4 provincial experimental teaching platforms of public elementary courses. Our center has produced over 60 theses and has officially published and compiled over 50 teaching materials or guides for experiments. It has also produced over 60 self-made sets of scientific equipment and devices, and has undertaken over 90 scientific research projects and teaching innovation projects of all levels. v1?2YJ5+,Hx9=30
地址:福建省泉州市石狮宝盖风景区(宝盖校区)、福建省泉州市石狮厝仔工业区(蚶江校区) 0,.1Lx4.1lD54d