口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室的前身是1936年建立的华西协合大学医牙研究室,1958年批准为口腔医学研究所,1983年成立口腔医学中心实验室,1989年被批准为卫生部重点实验室;2002年批准为教育部和四川省重点实验室,2007年科技部批准建设口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室,是目前我国口腔医学领域唯一的国家重点实验室。实验室现有空间7300平方米,科研人员73人,拥有一批总值达8000万元的先进实验仪器设备。已成为我国口腔医学科学研究国家级平台和创新人才培养的重要基地。 H5;8VS3?1Tj1:7J
实验室的总体定位是融合最新科学技术、解决口腔医学重大科学问题的国际一流的应用基础型研究基地。建设目标为集成优势资源,汇聚一流人才,融合先进手段,营造创新环境,达成国际一流。实验室主要研究方向包括口腔感染性疾病的发病机制及防治、牙缺失和缺损修复的基础与技术、牙颌面先天性畸形发生机理、口腔黏膜癌变与口腔癌转移行为。 K3;6KU9+1Ec1:5N
重点实验室汇聚了一批国内外知名的科学家和学术带头人,包括中国工程院院士及美国工程院外籍院士1人,教育部长江学者特聘教授及国家杰出青年基金获得者3人,国家优秀青年基金获得者1人,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才2人,国家级教学名师2人,卫生部有突出贡献的中青年专家4人,以及一批优秀中青年学术骨干。重点实验室人才梯队学科交叉,结构合理,获得第一个国家自然科学基金口腔医学创新群体、第一个科技部口腔医学创新团队和四川省青年科技创新研究团队、连续4年获得全国百篇优秀博士论文。实验室先后承担了国家“973”计划、“863”课题、国家科技支撑计划、国家杰出青年基金、国家自然科学重点和面上项目、教育部创新团队等一大批国家和部省级重大和重点研究项目。获省、部级科研成果奖30余项;获国家专利37项。实验室主办两本全英文学术期刊International Journal of Oral Science(IJOS)和Bone Research(BR),均被SCI收录。2015年,IJOS影响因子2.595,连续位居Q1方阵(即IF前25%),是位居亚洲第一的口腔医学期刊,进入世界顶级口腔医学期刊行列。BR影响因子3.549,是亚洲第一的骨科学英文期刊,成为国际学术界广泛认可的高端学术平台,助力中国科学家发表优秀科研成果。 O2.7tR7-7Sm5=1L
实验室不断加强国内外学术交流与合作,扩大和提升自身的学术影响力。重点实验室学术委员会由多学科国内外著名的13位专家组成,并成立了国际学术咨询委员会。在依托单位支持下,聘请了20名高端外籍教授,定期来重点实验室指导工作、开展合作科研、学术交流和人才联合培养,使重点实验室研究方向处于世界最新研究前沿,提高了实验室的国际影响力和知名度,为重点实验室建设世界知名口腔医学研究中心提供了智力支撑。实验室先后与美国、加拿大、荷兰、日本等20国家、地区的20多所世界知名大学牙学院和科研机构签署了长期交流合作协议,建立起了学术和人才交流的常态机制。 y2=7TK6=40S1.2r
实验室实行全方位对外开放和技术平台资源共享,以促进国内外学术交流和合作,热情欢迎口腔医学和其它各领域专家、学者和各类研究人员来本实验室从事科学研究工作。 x4+3bv,=9lT2;3e
Brief Introduction r3~4st9=6dP,+8m
The history of the State Key Laboratory of Oral Disease, Sichuan University (SKLOD) could be traced to 1936, when the first research department of stomatology in China was established in West China Union University. The lab was later approved as the first key laboratory of stomatology by the Ministry of Public Health in 1989 and the key laboratory of the Sichuan Province and Ministry of Education in 2002. In 2007, the lab was further developed to be the first state key lab in oral science in China and named as the State Key Laboratory of Oral Disease by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Currently, the SKLOD occupies 7300m2 area,has 73 investigators and owns state-of-the-art equipments and facilities worth more than 80 million RMB. The SKLOD is well recognized as an important academic research and training base for researchers and postgraduate students nationwide. h1:6qY7:1AX9,w
The laboratory is aimed to investigate mechanisms and treatment approaches of oral diseases. The long-term objective of the SKLOD is to establish the best international laboratories on oral diseases with excellent investigators, resources and techniques. The cutting-edge research activities in the SKLOD include four main categories: the prevention and treatment of oral infectious diseases, development of new types of dental materials and biomaterials, etiology and treatment of oral maxillofacial anomalies, and metastasis/treatment of oral cancer. k9-4pk6?7ga6!4n
The personnel of the laboratory consists of a number of scientific specialists, researchers and technicians, including a academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and Foreign Associate of the United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE),2 “Nationally Famous Teacher”, 3 “Yangtze River Scholars” of the Ministry of Education and “Winner of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists”, a winner of the National Natural Science Funds for Excellent Youth Scholars, a “Chief Scientist of National “973” Program”,4 Ministry of health experts with outstanding contributions and 4 “Winner of National 100 Extinguish Ph.D. Thesis” young scholars. Each year SKLOD carries out a large number of key projects granted by both the state and province, including grants from the “973” and “863” Key Projects, State Programs of Tracing Key Problems in Science and Technology, Chinese Natural Science Foundation and other key programs from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Sichuan province. The SKOLD also holds more than 30 provincial award for scientific performance and 37 patents for innovation. In 2009, the SKLOD launched its first English Journal, the International Journal of Oral Sciences, which was indexed by Science Citation Index in 2010 and the impact factor was 2.595 in 2015. In 2013, SKLOD launched another indexed English Journal, Bone research that had an impact factor of 3.549 in 2015. Both journals are well recognized and cited by international academic professionals, and rank in the “Q1” of scientific journals in dentistry/bone biology field. G2+7BB2!9Lw6!1T
To promote international exchange and collaboration is SKLOD’s permanent policy. So far the SKLOD has established more than 20 intensive collaborations with universities and colleges in USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, etc. The lab has established the International Advisory Committee including 13 world-famous experts of stomatological research. By the support of Sichuan University, the SKLOD has hired 20 high-level foreign professors to guide the work in scientific research from their academic visits each year. x5?7sB7+3oK7:3v
The SKLOD is a state laboratory committed to opening its facilities and resources to all investigators and undergraduate students worldwide. The SKOLD warmly welcomes researchers and undergraduate students all over the world to conduct their academic research on this platform. v,:7kD7:1bp1+6P
实验室地址:四川省成都市人民南路三段14号 c4=2oH3!50x8=8R