生命科学学院始建于1960年,前身为生物专修科,1976年成立农业技术系,1978年改建为生物系,2002年成立生命科学学院。经过数代人的严谨治学和艰苦创业,学院在学科建设、人才培养、科学研究、队伍建设、条件建设等方面均取得长足的进步,事业蓬勃发展。 g34CN6-9LG4~8K
学院人才培养体系完备。现有生物科学(师范)、生物技术、环境科学、生物工程和食品质量与安全等5个本科专业,拥有生态学一级学科博士学位授权点、生物学和生态学2个一级学科硕士学位授权点及1个课程与教学论(生物学)二级学科硕士学位授权点,并可招收教育硕士专业学位研究生。设有生态学博士后科研流动站,构建了本科、硕士、博士、博士后贯通培养的完整的人才培养体系。“生物科学专业”被评为山东省品牌专业,生物工程专业入选国家级“本科教学工程”专业综合改革试点,“生物工程专业群”入选山东省高水平应用型重点立项建设专业群。在校研究生、教育学硕士、本科生达1800余人。已累计培养合格的本、专科毕业生和研究生6000余名。 o9:6Ie8?3Tq44u
学院平台体系健全。现有国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心“现代生物学虚拟仿真实验教学中心”,山东省普通高等学校实验教学示范中心“生物学实验教学中心”,山东省高等学校协同创新中心“山东湿地保护与生物资源开发协同创新中心”,山东省强化重点实验室“南四湖湿地生态与环境保护实验室”,山东省重点实验室“生命有机化学分析实验室”。学院设有生物资源保护与利用研究所1个,教学实验室14个,2个生物标本馆,2个科技开发基地,4个研究室,实验室总面积8600 m2,仪器设备总值3000余万元。 w9?1Sx1:6Ah3=2E
学院师资力量雄厚。现有教职工100人,其中教授21人,副教授37人(含高级实验师)。教师中博士73人,山东省有突出贡献的专家1人,国务院政府特殊津贴1人,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划3人,博士生导师10人,硕士生导师42人。外聘美国科学院院士1人,中国工程院院士1人,中组部青年 Thousand Talents program 1人,另聘请国内外著名学者20余人作为兼职教授。“山东省湿地生态环境保护与资源可持续利用科研团队”入选“山东省高等学校优秀科研创新团队”,“动物生物学教学团队”入选“山东省优秀教学团队”。 I,:2tk3-9hE3:2U
学院人才培养质量突出,科研成果丰硕。应届毕业生考取硕士研究生的人数约占毕业生的50%,各专业一次就业率均在90%以上,主流媒体多次报道了本学院的教学改革成果。近年来承担国际合作课题1项、国家公益性行业科研专项1项、国家科技部948项目1项,国家科技基础资源调查专项子课题1项,国家自然科学基金项目43项,省部级课题36项,科研合同经费总计4900余万元;发表论文675篇,其中SCI论文186篇,出版专著和教材10余部。获得省级教学成果奖一等奖3项,三等奖1项,山东省科技进步三等奖1项。 f5~,0T9+3Sc,-1Z
·生物科学专业 V,?5bK2+,Qj4.,R
生物科学专业1960年开始设置,属于理学学科中的生物科学类本科专业,是山东省品牌专业。本专业培养适应我国社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体全面发展,具有现代生物科学专业的基本理论和基本技能,知识面宽,能力强,富有创新精神,有现代教育思想和教学技能,能够在科研机构、高等学校及企事业单位等从事科学研究、教学工作及管理工作的生物科学高级专门人才。 E1-6YG1!9LX3:1g
·环境科学专业 d8+2YU5!1vC8!9D
环境科学专业2002年设置。本专业属于理学学科类中的环境科学与工程类本科专业。本专业培养具备环境科学的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,接受系统的环境科学方面的基础研究、应用研究和环境管理的基本训练,具有较强的实践能力和创新能力;能够在环保、规划等行政部门、科研机构、高等学校、工矿企业从事规划、设计、环境保护和环境管理、教育和研究开发等方面工作的应用复合型高级专门人才。 W9:8ya7~7zR4~,e
·生物技术专业 w4.,VV2=8bx,:8g
生物技术专业2000年设置。本专业属于理学学科中的生物科学类本科专业。本专业培养适应我国经济、社会发展需要,德智体全面发展,掌握现代生物学和生物技术的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能。获得应用基础研究和科技开发研究的初步训练,具有良好的科学素质、较强的创新意识和实践能力的生物技术高级专门人才。本专业培养的人才能从事工业、医药、食品、农、林、牧、渔、环保、园林等行业的企业、事业和行政管理部门从事与生物技术有关的应用研究、技术开发、生产管理和行政管理等工作。 b2-7pS,:1Dh4+6P
·生物工程专业 u4-1Ta4=9N02;7Q
生物工程专业设置于2003年,2013年入选国家级“本科教学工程”综合改革试点专业。现设医药技术、食品技术两个方向。本专业属于工学学科中的生物科学类本科专业。本专业培养德智体美全面发展,适应市场经济体制和改革开放需要,掌握生物技术及其产业化的科学原理、工艺技术过程和工程设计等基础理论、基本技能,能在保健品、制药、食品、环保、生物化工等领域从事生产、新产品新技术研究开发、质量检测和企业管理的高级应用型技术人才。 W3-6bq3!1nu7!7I
·食品质量与安全专业 e7:6OD8+5TQ1~9t
食品质量与安全专业2013年设置,现下设食品科学与工程、食品分析与质量控制二个方向。本专业属于工学学科类中的轻工纺织食品类本科专业。本专业培养具有食品检测和分析、生物学、食品科学以及营养与食品安全领域的基本知识和技能,熟知国际食品质量安全体系和标准体系,能在食品企业、商检、卫生防疫、科研院所等领域从事和营养与食品安全有关的技术、管理、策划、食品生产及教学、研究等相关工作的高级科学技术人才。 Z9~1Fl6~1HK7:6C
Specialty Instruction
·Specialty of Biological Science n,-3ds5!4bu7.8f
The biological science specialty was set up in 1960. It belongs to the undergraduate specialty of Biological Science in the discipline of science, and is the brand specialty of Shandong province. In order to adapt to the needs of socialist modernization in China, this specialty has the overall development of morality, intelligence and corporeity. It has the basic theories and skills of modern biological science. It also has broad knowledge, strong ability, innovative spirit, modern educational ideas and teaching skills, and graduates can fit for works of scientific research, teaching and management in research institutions, colleges and universities and enterprises. I7!7oT82ef7:8m
·Specialty of Environmental Science t5:9ER53C08?9L
The environmental science specialty was set up in 2002. This specialty belongs to the discipline of science in environmental science and engineering. It has the basic theory, basic knowledge and skills of environmental science, basic research, and basic training of application research and environmental management in the system of environmental science. It has strong practical and innovative ability. Graduates are training for the administrative departments of environmental protection, planning, scientific research institutions, colleges and universities and mining enterprises, and engaged in fields of planning, design, environmental protection and environmental management, education and research and development of applied composite high-level expertise. I8-9uL7;9sw,:5L
·Specialty of Biotechnology w55Bg6=3Bi4=5p
The biotechnology Specialty was set up in 2000. This specialty belongs to the undergraduate course of Biological Science in the discipline of science. This Specialty is to foster students on the basic theory, basic knowledge and skills of modern biology and biotechnology so that meeting the needs of economic and social development in our country. The preliminary training of application basic research and scientific and technological development research, with good scientific quality, strong innovation consciousness and practical ability of biological technology advanced specialized talents. Graduates of this specialty can engage in fields of industrial, pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, environmental protection, garden and some other industries or enterprises, and engaged in the application research, technology development, production management and administrative management related to biotechnology. P4=8LS3;9hy1.2t
·Specialty of Bioengineering K4:8Yy7:,pP97U
The bioengineering specialty was set up in 2003 and was selected as the national comprehensive reform project of "undergraduate teaching project" in 2013. There are 2 directions of this specialty, known as medical technology and food technology. This specialty belongs to undergraduate course of Biological Science in engineering discipline. The specialty is to develop the comprehensive development of moral and intellectual beauty, adapt to the market economy system and the needs of reform and opening up, grasp the basic theories and skills of the scientific principles of biotechnology and its industrialization, technological process and engineering design. Graduates can work in production or new products development in the fields of health products, pharmaceuticals, food, and environmental protection, raw and chemical industry and so on. Graduates are training to be advanced applied technology talents of new technology research and development, quality inspection and enterprise management. X9.4Uq9!8da3~,d
·Specialty of food quality and safety n8:9jy6?1WK1-7w
Food quality and safety specialty was set up in 2013, and it has 2 directions of food science and engineering, food analysis and quality control. This specialty belongs to light engineering, textile and food specialty. Students are trained for the basic knowledge and skills in food inspection and analysis, biology, food science, and nutrition and food safety. Graduates should know well of the international food quality and safety system and standard system, which can be used in the fields of food enterprises, commodity inspection, health and epidemic prevention, scientific research institutes and other fields related to nutrition and food safety. Graduates are training for advanced science and technology personnel in management, planning, food production and teaching, research and other related work. X9.4UE2;7Oa1:6B