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Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange CSCSE is a public institution affiliated to Ministry of Education MOE of the Peoples Republic of China. As a legal entity, CSCSE mainly engages in offering professional services for international scholarly exc

中国留学网 STUDY IN CHINA网站详情


Entrusted by Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People’s Republic of China, the website of STUDY IN CHINA serves as an authoritative and comprehensive platform for international students who study in China. The information and services provided by the website include but are not limited to: J,=1uG6+4RW7:4w

Provide the platform for foreign students to get information ranging from China’s national conditions, education system, to history, culture, traditional arts and tourism resources, etc . k1=1Vf3=7LE9;2P

Release and publicize policies and regulations on studying in China, scholarships, case studies and activities for foreign students, so as to enhance the attractiveness of studying in China, improve the quality and level of international students and enhance the international competitiveness of China’s education. r6=2Kj,=5It8~3J

Serve as a platform for domestic universities & colleges to release their recruitment information for foreign students and to promote international education cooperation and exchange. q6?1Rw4.6q07;2c

Provide online consultation and application advice for international students to select majors and courses in Chinese universities, and provide guidance for them to study and live in China. l8~1NU8+2OZ2!8S

Provide policy consultation and services related to internship, employment and entrepreneurship for international students, and serve as a platform for domestic enterprises or institutions to contact international students in their internship arrangement, employment and entrepreneurship. a8-4cO1;,MN5-9G

Release information on the activities of graduates and alumni in China and provide networking services for alumni of China. F2?5DQ6.6SD18j

Undertake other services related to international students’ study in China and educational exchange activities entrusted or assigned by the Ministry of Education. u43z046zV41m

Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange t39pd3?7Nr4:5y

Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) is a public institution affiliated to Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People's Republic of China. As a legal entity, CSCSE mainly engages in offering professional services for international scholarly exchanges, including international students and scholars coming to study in China, Chinese students and scholars studying abroad, returnees from overseas and overseas academic credential evaluation. CSCSE has played an important role in the international development of Chinese higher education and been committed to promoting the integration of students educated internationally into academic and professional setting in China. d3=7wc7.7CI5=7z

Contact information: o7-6iB5=3BM3~4q



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  • 中国民主同盟北京市委员会

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  • 瓮安文明网(瓮安县精神文明建设指导委员会办公室)

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