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今日南大 M8:2yK95fN,~3s

Nanjing University Today a8!7nf4=3hz9:4I

学校概况 r1!3bV9!8an2=1s

General Introduction b,:4Qu7.1zz1-3s

作为一所享誉海内外的百年名校,南京大学在一个多世纪的办学历程中,虽屡经风雨、饱历变迁,但始终英才荟萃、硕果累累,为国家的富强和民族的振兴做出了重要贡献。她的命运,与国家和民族的命运紧密相连;她的发展,与时代和社会的变革息息相关,是近代中国高等教育与民族科技腾飞的重要缩影。 B4=1vY6;9qS6!8Z

In its history of more than one hundred years as a world-renowned university, despite ups and downs Nanjing University (NJU) has made great contributions to the development of China and the invigoration of the Chinese nation. Its fate is closely knitted with the fate of the country and the nation; its growth manifests the development of higher education and the take-off of science and technology in modern China. p71dG6!9rw4;8g

改革开放以来,南京大学在崭新的历史机遇中焕发出蓬勃的生机和活力,首批进入国家“211工程”、“985工程”建设序列。作为中国九所著名大学联盟(C9)的成员之一,南京大学师资力量雄厚、学科布局完善、科研水平突出,办学事业保持着良好的发展态势,获得了公认的社会影响和学术声誉。面向未来,南京大学以培育英才、追求真理、服务社会、传承创新文化为使命,致力于建设综合性、研究型、国际化的世界一流大学,努力为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦与人类文明进步做出新的更大的贡献。 p2.2Up7=8wl7~4U

Since China opened its door to the outside world, NJU has been full of vitality in meeting unprecedented historical challenges and opportunities. It was among the first top universities to be selected for prioritized support by the Central Government of China under “211 Project” and “985 Project”. As a member of the C9 League (an alliance of nine elite universities in China), NJU is known for its outstanding faculty, coordinated disciplines, and excellent research, and is recognized as a leading university with academic strength and social prestige. NJU’s mission is to cultivate talents, seek truth, serve society, and inherit and transmit Chinese culture. Its aim is to become a world-class research university, and to make contributions to the Chinese nation and the international community. E3+6RB6.6bL39e

校庆日:5月20日 y,?4rB3+6cV8~2u

Anniversary:May 20th R5-2sh7?4vk6:9i

校训:诚朴雄伟 励学敦行 K9;5kd9:8Jx5.,u

University Motto: Sincerity with Aspiration, Perseverance with Integrity F9.8X05~7Ye8.5R

校风:严谨 求实 勤奋 创新 p4+3ZB9.6uO6;2r

University Spirit: rigorous, realistic, diligent, creative W6-9Ks5;9pu6=1v

校区:仙林、鼓楼、浦口三校区 E9:8kI,-6FA,.6A

Campuses: Xianlin Campus, Gulou Campus, Pukou Campus W1?4Oo7!6Rr9-8F

校园总占地4000多亩 Campus Area: more than 4,000 mu (659 acres) a4-9MM7-5kB98c

校舍建筑150多万平方米 Floor Area: 1,500,000 m2 (370 acres) u6:1GL4?5rm2+9a

当前位置:首页 关于我们 南大简介 A7+3XI7;5jz6!4a

今日南大 H5:,aC4;9jV,+90

Nanjing University Today l5=,Tv5:,hq8.7v

学校概况 Z3:,Mb8:1M02;1q

General Introduction c8.,fD8-8yn7;7z

作为一所享誉海内外的百年名校,南京大学在一个多世纪的办学历程中,虽屡经风雨、饱历变迁,但始终英才荟萃、硕果累累,为国家的富强和民族的振兴做出了重要贡献。她的命运,与国家和民族的命运紧密相连;她的发展,与时代和社会的变革息息相关,是近代中国高等教育与民族科技腾飞的重要缩影。 c54tB9+,np,.9F

In its history of more than one hundred years as a world-renowned university, despite ups and downs Nanjing University (NJU) has made great contributions to the development of China and the invigoration of the Chinese nation. Its fate is closely knitted with the fate of the country and the nation; its growth manifests the development of higher education and the take-off of science and technology in modern China. w4.8if7-7yE6-4E

改革开放以来,南京大学在崭新的历史机遇中焕发出蓬勃的生机和活力,首批进入国家“211工程”、“985工程”建设序列。作为中国九所著名大学联盟(C9)的成员之一,南京大学师资力量雄厚、学科布局完善、科研水平突出,办学事业保持着良好的发展态势,获得了公认的社会影响和学术声誉。面向未来,南京大学以培育英才、追求真理、服务社会、传承创新文化为使命,致力于建设综合性、研究型、国际化的世界一流大学,努力为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦与人类文明进步做出新的更大的贡献。 P2~1Ns,+7RJ76L

Since China opened its door to the outside world, NJU has been full of vitality in meeting unprecedented historical challenges and opportunities. It was among the first top universities to be selected for prioritized support by the Central Government of China under “211 Project” and “985 Project”. As a member of the C9 League (an alliance of nine elite universities in China), NJU is known for its outstanding faculty, coordinated disciplines, and excellent research, and is recognized as a leading university with academic strength and social prestige. NJU’s mission is to cultivate talents, seek truth, serve society, and inherit and transmit Chinese culture. Its aim is to become a world-class research university, and to make contributions to the Chinese nation and the international community. Z52ys6=8iW5:40

校庆日:5月20日 y7=3ki1;90r,?5P

Anniversary:May 20th C58ym6:1qB5-8l

南大校史:History of NJU Y6?8NF6.4Il1!9u

校训:诚朴雄伟 励学敦行 V5=9Ms2!,0j3~7y

University Motto: Sincerity with Aspiration, Perseverance with Integrity g,+2zY6:1GR81M

校风:严谨 求实 勤奋 创新 v,+3Kc2;3wV6:9a

University Spirit: rigorous, realistic, diligent, creative y7.3Mv1-7xQ1!1R

校区:仙林、鼓楼、浦口三校区 y59lo1~9ie4~9G

Campuses: Xianlin Campus, Gulou Campus, Pukou Campus X3,IV5=4XC1-2W

校园总占地4000多亩 Campus Area: more than 4,000 mu (659 acres) Q6!3lC3?9Un35N

校舍建筑150多万平方米 Floor Area: 1,500,000 m2 (370 acres) p6.6UT5~6Gl3;3S

学生:全日制在校生31304人,硕士生10654人,博士生5013人,本科生14188人,留学生1449人 B7+7wR7=8gF2?5n

Students: 31304 full time students (14188 undergraduates, 10654 master students, 5013 doctoral students, 1449 international students) B9=1jJ2=8nS2=3W

教师:全校教职工总计4756人,具有正高级职称的963人,具有副高级职称的847人,具有中级及以下职称的248人。 B4+6WD6:5OV3:3H

Faculty:4756 (including 963 professors and 847 associate professors) B4?,SZ8?3Sj8+7j

中国科学院院士28人 28 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences W3-4yI6~,JY6.1k

中国科学院外籍院士1人 1 foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences W55Zb7,ff,:4t

中国工程院院士3人 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering F,?5zs4:4JQ7+,S

第三世界科学院院士4人 4 academicians of the Third-World Academy of Sciences E6~1Yh4-9Gm3;3x

国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员19人 19 members of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council O3.,oe6~50J6:,T

“海外高层次人才计划”创新人才29人、创业人才14人 29 “Global Experts Program” Innovation Scholars and 14 “Global Experts Program” Entrepreneur Talents w2=5di3;7Ig9.3q

“青年海外高层次人才计划”入选者45人 45 “Global Young Experts Program” Scholars h4?3Mu1:4L075O

“973计划”和重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家36人次 36 Chief Professors of “973 Project” and key research projects X4=8Bx2:1GI9!8J

教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、讲座教授115人 115 Special or Lecture Professors of “Cheung Kong Scholars Program” g9-3Yy3?8bQ3!2O

国家自然科学基金委创新群体10个 10 Innovation Groups by the National Natural Science Foundation g1-6sy4;2dP2:6O

国家级教学名师10人 10 National Distinguished Teachers C1=2GI4+2LY4.8u

国家杰出青年基金获得者97人 97 National Outstanding Youth Fund Award winners g,:4Vv7.3zo,-90

教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者238人 238 in MOE “New Century Outstanding Personnel Support Program” p3~,zn7?9iv14B

院系、学科: N9~9me4.4jI4!5p

Schools and Departments: l,-6mp2=6tR18f

文学院 K,+8KJ3.2kv77Z

School of Liberal Arts Z9+9xf4:7Ew2-4t

文学系 Department of Literature语言学系 Department of Linguistics 文献学系 Department of Documentation 戏剧影视艺术系 Department of Theater, Movie and Television 大学语文部 Department of Applied Chinese Studies c66fq5!3Hb9;3O

哲学系(宗教学系)Department of Philosophy (Religious Studies) I,~3QI6?3sN1;9P

历史学院 W9=8pN5!7xE6+8f

School of History X98pL5+5Uc6~3P

中国历史系 Department of Chinese History 世界历史系 Department of World History 考古文物系 Department of Archaelogy and Cultural Relics A91TI6=7Wl6-1l

新闻传播学院 d1-3En5:1Dq,3x

School of Journalism and Communication y8;7xl4+7LG9?4t

新闻学系 Department of Journalism广播电视与新媒体系 Department of Radio, Television and New Media 广告与传播学系 Department of Advertisement and Communication I7:4aD9+3Qv8;5A

法学院 School of Law M6-2Og3.4Gn28D

法律学系 Department of Law经济法学系 Department of Economic Law 国际经济法学系 Department of International Economic Law j7=2fm5+7JI5-,Q

商学院 School of Business i7!2jK5~9HS8=7n

经济学院 x4?5Dd2-8pJ9;8A

School of Economics w9~4OO6=6FM8=4w

经济学系 Department of Economics国际经济贸易系 Department of International Economics and Trade金融与保险学系 Department of Finance and Insurance C82hs5~2ii6=,p

产业经济学系 Department of Industrial Economics p91SU9+7ii5?4V

管理学院 W21wl1?2Zv6;8u

School of Management u2-,lC9=,ye,3G

会计学系 Department of Accounting工商管理系 Department of Business Administration 人力资源管理学系 Department of Human Resource Management营销与电子商务系 Department of Marketing and Electronic Commerce J8:3RC5-1tc9!5Z

外国语学院 F2:1ss,+5ta9:9N

School of Foreign Studies G1!8On6;9TP8?3a

英语系 Department of English 俄语系 Department of Russian日语系 Department of Japanese西班牙语系 Department of Spanish国际商务系 Department of International Business Communication法语系 Department of French i1=3J0,=4IU,=,r

德语系 Department of German朝鲜语系 Department of Korean i5;9ab9+7CW5.3P

政府管理学院 O1+5ac,3pR37q

School of Government p,=1Xa5!,fn9~4k

政治学系 Department of Political Science行政管理学系 Department of Public Administration劳动人事与社会保障系 Department of Personnel Management and Social Security v3=4aw3+7op77C

马克思主义学院 School of Marxist Studies d9;4Dl2:3zq8?2X

社会学院 s88LD6~4Wr2~2B

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences h6;2sS2:9ml1!6t

社会学系 Department of Sociology心理学系 Department of Psychology社会工作与社会政策系 Department of Social Work and Social Policy V8?7II9;,pA7+7H

信息管理学院 E,:3py4.1OG8=5o

School of Information Management I4.1ie8?8pq33e

信息管理科学系 Department of Information Management图书档案系 Department of Archive Management出版科学系 Department of Publication S4?1fD7!8TM1?5Y

数学系 s3=4rs97Tn5!,y

Department of Math q21vp8=7Vv2+1s

物理学院 y9;8RW8?2Ue9!7F

School of Physics N5:5ik5;8mQ1?,r

现代物理系 Department of Modern Physics物理学系 Department of Physics光电科学系 Department of Photonics声科学与工程系 Department of Acoustics and Engineering i,~9sP9=,GN8=5R

基础物理教学中心 Center for Basic Physics r2.5AT5+4em7:9m

天文与空间科学学院 p9-,Wf5:2tb,=1p

School of Astronomy and Space Sciences Z7?2eq8~4QE91Q

天文学系 Department of Astronomy空间科学与技术系 Department of Space Science and Technology n6!3NT5:1Ql6=2L

化学化工学院 c2:2ZF1=,Nc41C

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering X9.2ZU3!6hp5.8N

化学系 Department of Chemistry化工系 Department of Chemical Engineering高分子科学与工程系 Department of Highpolymer Science and Engineering Z2-6hU6-6iG5;9n

计算机科学与技术系 B6=9It8!8OY,+4Y

Department of Computer Science and Engineering B56EV8:5Bh1.2i

电子科学与工程学院 q6-2Oi6~4AE8.7z

School of Electronic Science and Engineering S2,il9=4NN7?6n

电子工程系 Department of Electronic Engineering微电子与光电子学系 Department of Micro-Electronics and Photo-electronics信息电子学系 Department of Information and Electronics通信工程系 Department of Communication Engineering w5-8yY5:,Yy6=6p

电子电工实验教学中心 Electric and Electronic Lab Center微制造与集成工艺中心 Center for Micro-Manufacturing and Integrity I8=3Fv5?9JS9!6a

现代工程与应用科学学院 Y1:6mW4!1Ab4=90

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Q6=,io5=6pr2?2f

材料科学与工程系 Department of Material Science and Engineering量子电子学与光学工程系 Department of Quantum Electronics and Optical Engineering生物医学工程系 Department of Biomedical Engineering j2~3HH9.,QB7:3v

能源科学与工程系 Department of Energy Science and Engineering t1!1VR3?1vn,5S

环境学院 w13fs4+,dK9-2a

School of the Environment x4=3Ix77uQ6.7E

环境科学系 Department of Environmental Sciences环境工程系 Department of Environmental Engineering 043Zk7;9dk4+9P

地球科学与工程学院 k2:9Fa2~5pW,.6F

School of Earth Sciences and Engineering D3!9bm,+6SU6~,Z

地球科学系 Department of Earth Sciences水科学系 Department of Hydro-Sciences地质工程与信息技术系 Department of Geological Engineering and Information Technology o5:,ox4+7aQ8:2g

大气科学学院 x8?5Yz1!6PR,.9L

School of Atmospheric Sciences P4!2NR7!7YG3+,m

气象学系 Department of Meteorology大气物理学系 Department of Atmospheric Physics A5?4Rt5:3Ni3.5g

地理与海洋科学学院 E8.5bw39kn8;5g

School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences M8+2zG2-4cT2;2j

城市与区域规划系 Department of Urban and Regional Planning国土资源与旅游学系 Department of Land Resources and Tourism地理信息科学系 Department of Geographic Information Science g8!7J08=5dI82G

海岸海洋科学系 Department of Coastal and Oceanographic Science V9=4Gr4-3aI9~6D

生命科学学院 M1=9hk85fs9~6C

School of Life Sciences n4~5nG2!6MZ4?8p

生物科学与技术系 Department of Biological Science and Technology生物化学系 Department of Biochemistry j3;4JA3;,Z04~6x

医学院 f44SM1-4ji8;6L

Medical School D3=5sl9~4pY4:9V

基础医学系 Department of Basic Medicine临床医学系 Department of Clinical Medicine口腔医学院 Department of Stomatology E,;1VB4;7Di5.7X

匡亚明学院 x6:1ML6=,0J,~8r

Kuang Yaming Honors School F2~3od9?1ux2:4Y

海外教育学院 P5!1No7.5Is8.5Z

Institute for International Students i1;9kf,;2oK6=7B

软件学院 S2!3Ta5;3Mz3;2t

School of Software Engineering R,?1Du73Uw6+2H

软件工程系 Department of Software Engineering信息系统工程系 Department of Information System Engineering嵌入式技术系 Department of Embedded Technology O2;6nm4!8SY6-,p

工程管理学院 o,.1AI7?1GX5.,E

School of Management and Engineering M3:5zQ4+7yV39t

管理科学与工程系 Department of Management Sciences and Engineering控制与系统工程系 Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering K12OJ2~1di9=,w

建筑与城市规划学院 t1+2fa7;,kT5+7W

School of Architecture and Urban Planning C4.4NG5?6aJ8,a

建筑系 Department of Architecture城市规划与设计系 Department of Urban Planning and Design W9~8Eb5.3Qy5=9e

一级学科国家重点学科:A-Level National Key Disciplines: F3+2yD6=6xG,=2x

中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature b8+2Ud1.2st7~6m

数学 Mathematics g1!3by5.3vW1;,Y

物理学 Physics X4+9Bz7.4ks2+,w

天文学 Astronomy z3.3yd1=9kt,:6Y

化学 Chemistry A4-4gw8:6pX7-80

计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology B1=6Va9~9yZ5:80

地质学 Geology B9!6UG4!6A02~7z

生物学 Biology C2;6Dv9?,Yf3!2L

南京大学全国第三轮学科评估(2009-2011年)情况: B1!3xw4;5Lh48S

Ranking of NJU in the Third National Discipline Review (2009-2011) z2;1Je6+4Qh5?,L

排名Ranking a6!6Xd9!9uN4=2S

一级学科名称A-Level Discipline R1+2tK5.6KM5=2E

1 b4:5bQ16cm73I

天文学Astronomy 07!,Bf7!1xu63j

地质学Geology M9+,rh,;3sY8+1S

物理学Physics M,=8HN6;6QW2-4K

2 D3+,EC6+4jn1:7V

化学Chemistry R7.,oW6-3nn4;7o

外国语言文学 Y6:2xZ8!3VQ5+1u

Foreign Languages and Literature n7:4UO3=1oy3+8c

大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences l4-2hE6:,Bj6;6c

图书情报与档案管理Library Information and Archive Management f9?2Cj5?3wY4!5S

3 j9.,WC4?6SD3;5F

环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering z7!5Jt,+6GF37T

社会学Sociology o25WN2+8ws8~9f

4 R,.,XB12Vn2:9U

中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature H3:9uF6+6Af,2c

世界史World History P1=7uJ1?3jz9;1L

理论经济学Theoretical Economics x4!,xc,~,Nm6!,T

5 E3:9Ox6!8bF,:,W

哲学 Philosophy O61FV4+7te,:8C

政治学 Political Science d9;6VT33vL9:,R

生物学 Biology K8!1LN7~,At7;8T

中国史 Chinese History k1+2Zk8!3LE2~1f

国家实验室:National Laboratory O1.2LH7=4yp3+7E

南京微结构国家实验室(筹) g4!6DY5;,Bu2:8b

Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures (Preparatory) u3;5UI5~4ok5~3B

国家级2011协同创新中心: V9-2zW,+3yd2!,B

National Collaborative Innovation Centers for Project 2011 A3~9PE9;4pF3.4M

中国南海研究协同创新中心 d,!9eB3=5tM,+1X

Collaborative Innovation Center for South China Sea Studies Y5!2wn3!9We5!5Q

人工微结构科学与技术协同创新中心 J37HV6?5fC94K

Collaborative Innovation Center for Artificial Microstructure u5+1vv7+3Zk2.4C

国家重点实验室:National Key Laboratories v4:5up8~3ra3~2f

名 称Name e7+3KM5?7YA5+2J

固体微结构物理国家重点实验室 j,+7qZ3.6SK5?2D

National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures M9-8WK6=8Yw,!6V

现代配位化学国家重点实验室 Y2?4ls9.2Xu2:2B

National Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry l1!5vH3~7uR6-3U

计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室 i3;1jo1=2fR,-3M

National Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology e28fe87Gl7?5W

内生金属矿床成矿机制研究国家重点实验室 D6?2qu6?,iX6?3W

National Key Laboratory of the Mechanisms of Endogenetic Metallic Deposits Z46hM4-5by3;,U

医药生物技术国家重点实验室 w5=,Pp3!,gG2:7A

National Key Laboratory of Medicinal Biotechnology u67zW6:2gg1?3Z

污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室(与同济大学合建) T9.2bV6=7ul7!9p

National Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse (in collaboration with Tongji University) A76Os9,Gn7.3A

生命分析化学国家重点实验室 b3!8Kr2+9Yo4!1M

National Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science H5~,sW3?2Tf4+6g

国家工程技术研究中心:National Engineering Research Center I7?8Dk9=,YK2-7P

国家有机毒物污染控制与资源化工程技术研究中心 K4~3wn,;9Sj3-2T

National Engineering Research Center of Toxicant Pollution Control and Resource Reuse b7;1FF7;7BJ9+5T

国家地方联合工程研究中心:National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center V8!5tI3-4il5-3V

半导体节能器件及材料国家地方联合工程研究中心 b8?5Td8!7Gf4.5C

National Engineering Research Center of Energy-Efficient Semi-conductor Devices and Materials Q72zC1?3EK4;9V

教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地: I3?8Rm1~40o2?1W

MOE Key Bases for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences x,-4EH4!1Yq4=1H

中国新文学研究中心 C2.9UF1!2qI9~6O

Research Center for China’s New Literature I3.4OE8~3LK3~8J

中华民国史研究中心 E6-8nx4:9Wd1!4X

Research Center for the History of the Republic of China e28US94YP18G

长江三角洲经济社会发展研究中心 0,?,hw3:7yR5!2q

Research Center for the Economic and Social Development v3~1BN8!5hF6+,L

of the Yangtze Delta S6+6te9-7Eq8?4i

马克思主义社会理论研究中心 d7!1WN6-3Rt8.6G

Research Center for the Study of Marxism J6+1jc53pa3+9D

江苏高校协同创新中心: s9=8IZ24FT7-9G

Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Centers u1-4ex7+7Wu35D

名 称Name w5!1fM6+6KG,;4a

气候变化协同创新中心 P1-7oQ2;6NX7:8M

Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Climate Change M9~7ii3-1HP83u

区域经济转型与管理变革协同创新中心 d7?9gx1.5mb6=8d

Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Regional Economy Transition and Management G7?1ci4~8Ef5=6M

固态照明与节能电子学协同创新中心 Q43qe7~2oA,?,d

Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Solid-State Lighting and Electronic Energy Saving o4:7lN3?1Gj7-5k

中国文学与东亚文明协同创新中心 G9=3pc28aI68u

Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Chinese Literature and East Asian Civilization O,.2Hs56JJ6=,u

软件新技术与产业化协同创新中心 t4+,rI1+2CU25x

Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Novel Software Technology and Industrialization d28Mk9:5jC,?3n

国际合作与交流: v2~6Fu7:6rB6+3r

International Cooperation and Exchanges: x8!5Of7!6gv2-1H

南京大学是开展国际合作与交流最活跃的中国大学之一。南京大学共与30多个国家和地区的约280所高等学校和科研机构建立了交流合作关系。Nanjing University is one of the most active universities in China in international academic exchanges. Nanjing University has signed cooperative agreements or MOUs with about 280 institutions of higher learning and research institutes from over 30 countries and regions. 每年来访外国专家1000多人。2011年,诺贝尔化学奖得主阿龙-切哈诺夫担任我校化学与生物医学科学研究所所长。2013年,诺贝尔文学奖得住勒克莱齐奥又受聘担任我校中法文化研究中心主任和人文与社会科学高级研究院杰出驻院学者,并为学生开设完整课程。学校获批海**家千人2项,学科创新引智基地6个,并列全国高校第一。Nanjing Unviersity annually hosts more than 1000 international faculty members. In 2011, Dr. Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, served as Director of Chemistry and Biomedical Science Research Institute of Nanjing University. In 2013, Prof. Jean-Marie, Gustave LECLEZIO, Nobel Laureate in Literature, was invited to serve as Director of the Sino-French Center for Cultural Studies and Excellent Resident Scholar of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanties and Socail Sciences at Nanjing Unviersity, and offered complete courses for NJU students. The university won two programs under the National Thousand Foreign Experts Scheme and 6 bases for importing talents and innovation in discipline development, which ranks 1st among Chinese universities. 我校每年招收留学生近千人,全年留学生总规模3300多人。学校专为留学生提供多达500个名额的9种奖学金。一流的师资、丰富的课程、齐全的专业,为留学生提供了良好的学习与生活环境。Nanjing University annually enrolls over 1000 international students with the total number of international students being over 3300, offering nine types of scholarships including more than 500 placements. Students from different countries enjoy a pleasant study and living environment on campus with excellent teachers, diversified courses and a complete range of disciplines. 为培养具有国际视野的优秀人才,我校着力推进学生国际化培养和国际化课程建设,近年来本科生出(国)境交流保持稳定增长,并与世界多所一流大学开展了10多个硕士双学位联合培养项目。To cultivate talents with international vision, Nanjing Unviersity has made great efforts to promote internationalized education and development of internationalized courses. In recent years, the number of undergraduates with overseas exchange experiences has been on a steady increase. Till now, the university has carried out more than ten Joint or Dual MA Degree Programs with the world first-class universities. c1=2pK6:3Vn81L





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