天津航空有限责任公司(简称“天津航空”)于2009 年6 月8 日挂牌成立,由海航集团和天津市政府共同出资组建,扎根环渤海地区经济中心的天津市。 f7-6vw3!,sJ7?,d
截至2019年4月底,天津航空运营A330、A320、E190等系列飞机共104架,逐步建立起包含天津、西安、呼和浩特、乌鲁木齐、重庆、贵阳、海口与大连八大基地的区域航线网络,开通国内国际航线290余条,通航城市126座。航线网络遍布全国,连接日本、韩国、俄罗斯等周边国家和地区,直飞英国、新西兰、澳大利亚。天津航空连续安全运营10年,持续安全飞行超180万小时,2018年旅客运输量达1400余万人次。 m5?1NC,+1nl5;7N
心之所想,天航所往。天津航空秉承“从你出发、亲近世界”的品牌定位,致力于提供便捷实用的产品和服务,以善解人意、热爱生活的态度与旅客共同创造美好的旅行体验,让世界更亲近。 Q8;6zG6+3Gg4?2c
凭借良好的运行服务品质,2011年天津航空先后荣膺SKYTRAX中国最佳区域航空公司、全球四星航空公司称号,2017年荣获AirlineRatings国际大奖-进步最快航空公司并于2016-2018年蝉联国内十大主要航司航班正常率第一。 A1=5Eu2!9ev,!2p
扎根天津、服务社会,自成立之初天津航空就以打造具有天津特色的航空品牌为己任,结合天津市在国家整体发展中的战略定位,紧跟天津市产业结构升级规划,充分发挥航空运输在社会经济建设中的引擎作用,带动上下游产业链快速发展,助力打造城市立体交通。自成立以来,公司坚守安全底线,致力于推动天津乃至中国民航事业的发展。在天津市委、市政府的深切关怀下,在民航各级机关和社会各界的鼎力支持下,天津航空健康快速发展,成为天津对外开放的“空中桥梁”与“城市名片”。 A9~4NL9!6DR7?7u
新时期,天津航空将继续立足天津,牢记使命,筑牢安全底线,以高度的社会责任感与使命感紧跟国家发展战略,推进京津冀协同发展,大力弘扬和践行当代民航精神,以系统化平台建设为核心支持,持续提升运行效率,聚焦优化旅客出行体验,推出多样的消费需求组合,打造个性化、差异化的定制精品服务,致力于成为具有全球影响力的差异化精品航空品牌,始终为人民提供更多元的轻奢产品与服务,使飞行从此更简单。 C,!4oD6?2AE3.4p
Tianjin Airlines Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin Airlines”), a member enterprise of HNA Group, was incorporated jointly by HNA Group and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government on June 8, 2009. Its headquarters is located in Tianjin, the economic center of the Bohai Economic Rim. l3;1Wu1=,qF4+3h
By the end of April 2019,Tianjin Airlines, with the fleet scale of 104 aircraft inA330, A320, E190 and other aircraft types, has gradually built a regional airline network covering eight bases including Tianjin, Xi’an, Hohhot, Urumchi, Chongqing, Guiyang, Haikou and Dalian, and launched more than 290 international and domestic routes, with flights to 126 cities, The airline network ramifies all over China, connects to Japan, South Korea, Russia and surrounding countries and regions, and allows you to directly fly to the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Tianjin Airlines has been safely operating its businesses for 10 consecutive years, flying safely for more than 1.8 million continued hours, and transported more than 14 million passengers in 2018. Q1-8mQ9=3vH8?1f
Holding the brand image of “all ways with you”,Tianjin Airlines always upholded the brand positioning of “Getting Close to World with You” and devoted itself to creating wonderful travel experiences for the passengers and making the world a closer place by providing convenient and practical products and services with a thoughtful and life-loving attitude. O,?7rn1!5rf6+5L
Depending on the outstanding operation quality and the premium service quality,Tianjin Airlines was awarded the SKYTRAX “Best Regional Airline in China” and “World’s 4-Star Airline” in 2011, and “AirlineRatings International Award – Most Improved Airline” in 2017. It also ranked first in on-time flight performance among the top ten domestic airlines in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Q8?4gn4;2pb2:3j
Tianjin Airlines keeps a foothold in Tianjin and serves the society. Since establishment, it has aimed to build an airline brand with Tianjin characteristics. In view of the strategic positioning of Tianjin in the general plan for national development, it keeps in step with the industrial structure upgrading plan of Tianjin, gives full play to the power of air transport in the social and economic development, drives the rapid development of upstream and downstream industry chains, and assists in constructing the three-dimensional urban transport. Tianjin Airlines has been giving priority to safety, and committed to boosting the development of Tianjin and even China’s civil aviation. With the care of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and the strong support from the civil aviation authorities at all levels and all sectors of society, Tianjin Airlines has achieved continuous, sound and rapid development, and become Tianjin’s “Air Bridge” and the city’s “Business Card” for going global. K,~7zR7+3SI3~5v
Facing the new era, Tianjin Airlines continues expanding its medium-haul and long-haul routes network to cover more and more metropolises and medium-sized cities, builds the international and domestic routes network, keeps improving the aircraft utilization rate, transit efficiency and punctuality, realizes an overall increase of operation efficiency, focuses on and optimizes the travel experience aspects, promotes a variety of consumer demand packages and creates personalized, differentiated and customized high-quality services. j58PI1!2XY4-8J