贵州省铜仁第一中学(Tongren No.1 Middle School of Guizhou) h,~,eD35ae6;,R
翻开中国版图,云贵高原东部,江通云梦,山接蚕丛 w4?9bx1.5gD2.9X
On the eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau of China is the beautiful city of Tongren, which is famous for the Jingjiang River and Mount Fanjing. X,!5bI79Wy3?,J
梵天净土之中,桃源铜仁之上,灵山圣水之间有一所百年名校——贵州省铜仁第一中学。 x45cd1!5B01?6H
In this gifted land stands a prestigious century-old school—Tongren No.1 Middle School. U4+5rv3+2Rx2+6m
峥嵘岁月 名校铸成 d8+5oi2~1Zc2.3U
An Elite School Cast in Extraordinary Years m,-7X096cz,+6x
生于烽火岁月,心怀家国使命。 c1.70Q2,zV4-7x
Born in the war years, the school always keeps national mission in heart. w9!5Bl4!8JG44g
1937年“七七事变”爆发后,随着日本侵略者节节进逼,大片国土迅速沦丧。 p3?7gq4~8DZ5:9X
After the outbreak of the July 7 incident in 1937, with Japanese invaders approaching, a large area of land was lost quickly. a4;6Mu9:3KR8;7I
大批青少年流落大后方,衣食无着,无书可读,形势危急。 Q6=6aF2?,EQ2?1u
Many people moved to the rear. With no clothes to wear, no food to eat and no books to read, the situation was critical. T5+1e05!1kd,:4Q
时年冬至1938年春,原国民政府决定“内迁学校,设置国立中学”。 z4.1kz4~2Qj8~9V
From the winter of 1937 to the spring of 1938, the former National Government decided to "relocate schools and set up national middle schools." q3.,WH4=2TH,;9k
1938年4月20日,时任教育部督学周邦道先生率领来自华北、华东、中南等20多个省市460多所学校的2000多名流亡师生,来到黔东铜仁创建“国立第三中学”。 o6~3mF6+8LY7-9k
On April 20, 1938, Mr.Zhou Bangdao, inspector of the Minister of Education then, led more than 2000 exiled teachers and students to Tongren, setting up National Third Middle School. F3=3wl1~1Xy8?2M
铜中人的逐梦征程从这里启航。 g1+4Ir4+,aa3;3e
The dream journey set sail from here. T4.1WX5~3fb5~9V
1945年,抗战胜利后学校由贵州省接办,更名“贵州省立铜仁中学”。 f64CL2.2qr2;5F
In 1945, Guizhou Province took over the school and renamed it as “ Tongren Provincial Middle School of Guizhou.” d1,jU8;4Er5~1o
新中国成立后学校由人民政府接管,改名“贵州省铜仁中学”。 R45ew7!6ym7+6A
After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the people’s government renamed it as “Tongren Middle School of Guizhou”. 04+3RX8=4vM,=7p
1973年定名“贵州省铜仁第一中学”。 b8!2Zj64nu9?8z
In 1973, it was officially renamed as “Tongren No.1 Middle School”. g4=7RV,:,CX,=9b
2016年,学校成为贵州省一类示范性高中。 X2;,rx5:1jY1!7X
In 2016, the school was awarded as provincial first-rate model high school in Guizhou Province. S57XZ6?3oY,:1x
湖光山色 气象万千 R7~3IM3.7oD1:1V
A Well-equipped Campus of Natural Beauty p9-9iB5.3FX1?9g
百年大计,教育为本。党和政府把教育放在优先发展的位置,各级领导关心支持铜中发展。Education is the foundation of a nation. The government and leaders at all levels have been Q9=3Xs6;8zg,+5j
giving great support to the development of our school. j2?,gf8;,Pa9+7l
2014年,市委、市政府斥资6亿余元、划地500亩、建筑面积13万多平方米的现代化新铜中正式投入使用。 e1!9zd7=1KW29G
In 2014, with the government spending over 600 million yuan, the modern new school covering an area of 500 acres with a building area of over 130,000 square meters was put into use. V3+1Ug4?7mG5-3i
荷山锦水,秀木成林;锺鼎之声,穿杨越柳;清流曲水,潋滟生辉;鲤鱼湖畔,绿茵亭阁,交相辉映。 b6;3Oc4~4jI4~4f
Here trees and flowers flourish around the campus, ring of the bell goes beyond the woods, clear water shines in the light and pavilions lie beside the lake. u1;1FG4.6Ei6-6l
教学楼、综合楼、体育馆、科技搂、天文馆、图书馆,环境雅致书香四溢。 v6;,ba3~90e7~3I
Teaching buildings, Multi-fuctional building, Technology building, a stadium, a planetarium and a library create a pleasant and scholarly atmosphere. w9-,KQ5;7Go1.8M
云计算、3D打印室、机器人工作室、射电望远镜、天文展厅、球幕影院,时时展示展科技风采。 Q9~,nx8-,dr6-6b
Cloud computing, 3D printing, robot studio, radio telescope, astronomical exhibition hall and dome cinema are exhibiting technology and developing potentials of students. F4=9Tn33FV5=9N
足球场、篮球场、展示青春活力。 J,;9nu6=6Ng5.6z
A football field and basketball courts show youthful vigour. z7;5gD,-2Pp1+5R
食堂饮食丰富,安全营养。 N8+8YV1=3NZ,!4y
Tidy canteens offer various, safe and nutritious food. O3!8rR4;8hK2;8v
空调、热水器、独立卫生间,宿舍舒适温馨。 Q5~4MR1,yi8-3S
Dormitories are comfortable with air-conditioners, water-heaters and private bathrooms. S2?,UZ73Ev4;8a
人脸识别系统、围墙报警系统、校警联动机制,随时保障师生安全。 A4=7BJ,:3MP7~9G
A facial recognition system, the alarming system and the school police linkage mechanism ensure the safety of the teachers and students. A5:8sP5=9ZT,~9P
立德树人 立己达人 O6-5gx8!9je6=6V
Teachers and Students with Social Consciousness and Responsibility e3:40b5~,xI9+5I
群英荟萃,俊杰聚集。他们来自五湖四海,跨越万水千山,相聚铜中。 V1!1Pa4?,rM5!6G
Excellent teachers from all corners of the country gather here in this school . i1;2aK9.6VT3;7a
三尺讲台存日月,一支粉笔写春秋,他们天天迎着晨光起,日日踏着星辉归,以坚定的理想信念,高尚的道德情操,扎实的专业知识,诚挚的仁爱之心把学生推向浩瀚的星辰大海。 v3-8Zt4:7KZ6+6r
With firm ideals and beliefs, noble moral sentiment, solid professional knowledge and sincere kindheartedness, teachers devote themselves to their work, guiding students to the vast sea of knowledge. A68zY5=2hc4-3J
来自异国他乡的外教老师,让大山深处的学生触摸世界脉动。 H7-9cp5=2LP6~8F
Teachers from foreign countries offer the students opportunities to touch the impulse of the world. i4=6wW5!1fM8!9F
教育者,非为过往,而专为将来。 J,!10Z5?5Cz6?4d
Educators, not for the past, but for the future. e3:1v09;3Ri2.,j
爱国系列讲座、国旗下讲话、12·9演讲比赛、春晖行动公益大讲堂,厚植学生家国情怀。 W2~7ey1+,uL1=1A
A series of lectures, speeches and contests are shaping students with a strong and undeniable sense of patriotic responsibility. M12qm9-1006+,H
学校坚持德育为先,充分发挥学生的主体作用,积极引导学生开展社团活动,民乐团,合唱团,交响乐团,熏风文学社、舞蹈社、卢阳春晚会、十佳歌手比赛、元旦晚会、篮球赛、足球赛、4+2特色教育、赴北京香港等地研学、志愿服务、各类学科竞赛等等,学生知行合一。 x3:2eQ8~8uY,~6n
Our school adheres to moral education first and exerts students’ main role. Activities such as folk music club, chorus, orchestra, literary club, singing competition in combination with “4 plus 2” characteristic education, inquiry learning trips to Beijing and Hong Kong, and competitions in various subjects help students learn as they lead, play and participate. j7!6OP4=6Ps6~5M
心系家国 享誉八方 j2;4gH9:4AM9?5o
Reputation around the world Y8:6tI2:5We2?,L
百年办学,桃李天下。建校以来,铜中为国家、为民族、为人类培养各类人才8万余人, U1.9pI6+,fJ,:4v
Since the establishment of the school, the school has fostered more than 80,000 talents for our country, nation, and humanity. w67Sg3.5Ey8.1M
莘莘学子遍布各行各业,有院士专家、学界泰斗、商业精英。 n7~90m2:,qv8?,C
Outstanding graduates are serving for all walks of life, including academicians, academic leaders and business elites. I8~8Fh5.9gs,!9u
2016年以来,一本上线75%以上,二本上线97%以上。 c6;8fA7+4eY,=8w
Since 2016, more than 97% of the students have been admitted to universities and the admission to key universities has been up to 75%. I5+8xk8;1IP9=9f
2018年高考,全省前10名2人,前100名11人;清华、北大录取13人, C9院校录取63人, 985院校录取300人。 b6:5DH4!,dQ4?1D
In 2018, two students came into the top 10 and eleven students among top 100 in Guizhou Province in the College Entrance Examination. Thirteen students were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking university. Hundreds of students entered leading universities of China. D9.2uj,?,WW9?9Y
2019年,全省前10名1人,前100名8人,清华、北大录取11人,C9院校录取63人,985院校录取336人。 A,!4PG2+2EI2~,0
In 2019, one student ranked in the top 10 and 8 students in the top 100 of the province. 11 students were accepted by Tsinghua University and Beijing University, 63 students by universities of C9 League and 336 students by universities of project 985. q3.7vk2-9VH97o
地址:贵州省铜仁市川硐教育园区 邮编:554300 O9+3Me,~8zN1!7O