首页 > 国内网站 > 无锡市第二人民医院(无锡市神经外科研究所、南京医科大学附属无锡第二医院、无锡普仁医院)





无锡市第二人民医院始建于1908年,是江苏省为数不多的几家百年名院之一,前身是美国圣公会创办的教会医院——“普仁医院”。现为三级甲等综合医院、无锡市红十字医院、南京医科大学附属无锡第二医院、南通大学无锡临床学院、上海复旦大学附属中山医院-无锡二院医疗技术协作中心、中国胸痛中心、国家高级卒中中心、中国神经内镜培训基地(首批)、国家博士后科研工作站、国家级博士后创新实践基地、省级院士工作站、无锡市神经外科研究所、无锡市临床检验中心。 D7?5ND8-1BZ4+4Y

医院核定床位1754张,现有员工2127人,其中在编在职员工1154名,具有高级职称的专业技术人员486人,教授14人、副教授55人、博导5人、硕导63人;博士后7人、博士71人;享有国务院特殊津贴的专家6人, 省、市有突出贡献的中青年专家8人,省“333工程”第五周期培养对象9人; 省医学领军人才1人, 省青年医学人才13名、市医学杰出人才2名、市医学杰出人才培育对象2名、市医学重点人才8名、市医学重点人才培养对象8名、市医学青年人才12名。 x8!9Zw1!6KZ9:2i

医院拥有江苏省临床重点专科17个:心血管内科、神经外科、眼科、皮肤科、泌尿外科、耳鼻咽喉科、普外科、肝胆外科、骨科、消化内科、神经内科、肿瘤科、重症医学科、麻醉科、检验科、影像科、病理科;省医学创新团队1个:泌尿外科;省医学创新团队(共建)2个:心血管内科、神经外科;市临床医学中心1个:眼科;市医学重点学科2个:消化内科、骨科。2018年,医院共完成门急诊203.86万人次,出院病人手术及门诊病人手术总量6.85万台次,出院病人6.17万人次。 Q,.9Xi6.5Fb5+5f

2018年,医院获得全市卫生系统首个江苏省政府科技进步一等奖。近五年来,医院共获得各类国家、省、市科技类成果奖50项;江苏省医学新技术引进奖71项,其中一等奖15项,二等奖56项;国家自然科学基金等国家级立项课题14项,省、市各类科研立项课题196项。作为主编发表医学专著20余部;发表专业论文4733篇,其中SCI收录422篇,中华级598篇,公开专利数739项。 s2?,Bh4.8yh3?7d

医院先后荣获首批“全国百姓放心示范医院”、“全国医院文化建设先进单位”、“全国学习型组织先进单位”、“江苏省文明单位” 、“江苏省争创群众满意的窗口服务单位” 、“全面改善医疗服务,推进医德医风建设专项行动先进单位”等 。2018年在全省医疗服务明察暗访中位列全省三甲综合医院第一;获国家卫计委2015-2017进一步改善医疗服务行动计划优质服务“示范医院”;医院还获得全国医院后勤管理创新示范单位、中国健康促进与教育优秀实践基地。无锡二院胸痛中心全市模式获《人民日报》重点报导。 T2.6JU,:3mF3.7B

市二院这所开创无锡西医历史的百年名院,正在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的指引下,深入学习贯彻“健康中国2030”规划纲要,强化科技强院、人才兴院的核心理念,努力打造一流学科、提高质量内涵、提升医疗技术、优化服务流程,向集团化、一体化方向发展,建设国内知名、省内一流、市内领先的研究型、学院型、创新型区域中心三甲综合医院,为无锡及周边地区人民提供高质量医疗服务,成为“强高富美”新无锡建设的争先者。 V,=4Bf3?3XX8-6w

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无锡市第二人民医院 u,~3Tn9;1Mm4:2L

Brief Introduction of Wuxi No.2 People’s Hospital M6.1Tm1=6uh8;8g

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Wuxi No.2 People's Hospital was first founded in 1908. It was a missionary hospital called Puren of Anglican church. Now it has developed into a tertiary general hospital,also been known as Wuxi Red Cross Hospital, the affiliated Wuxi No.2 People’s hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Wuxi clinical college of Nantong University, Zhongshan hospital-Wuxi No.2 people’s hospital Medical Cooperation Center, China Chest Pain Center, National Senior Stroke Center, China Neuroendoscopy training base (the first batch), National postdoctoral research workstation, National postdoctoral innovation base, Jiangsu academician workstation, Wuxi neurosurgery institute, Wuxi clinical laboratory center. x5~7BJ9!4ld5?8U

At present, the hospital has 1754 authorized beds and 2127 staff, which includes 1154 authorized staff, 486 with senior professional titles, 14 professors, 55 associate professors, 5 doctoral supervisors, 63 master supervisors,7 postdoctoral fellows, 71 doctors, 6 enjoying special allowance from the State Council, 8 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Wuxi and Jiangsu, 9 cultivating talents of the fifth period of Jiangsu "333 project" objects,1 medical leader, 13 young medical talents of Jiangsu, 2 outstanding medical talents, 2 outstanding cultivating talents, 8 key talents, 8 key cultivating talents and 12 young medical talents of Wuxi. l6:3ZA7-6dw9?4Q

17 provincial key clinical disciplines: cardiovascular, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, urinary surgery, ENT, general surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, bone surgery, digestion, neurology, oncology, ICU, anesthesiology, clinical lab, imaging and pathology; 1 provincial medical innovation team: urinary surgery; 2 provincial medical innovation teams (co-built): cardiovascular and neurosurgery; 1 municipal clinical medical center: ophthalmology; 2 municipal key clinical disciplines: digestion and bone surgery. In 2018, volume of outpatients and emergency cases reached 2.0386 million person times, 68500 surgical operations were performed and 61700 person times of patients were discharged. z7:,uf1+,UT,=1c

In 2018, the hospital won the first prize of Jiangsu government science and technology progress award and this is the first in Wuxi health system. In the past five years, the hospital has won 50 national, provincial and municipal science and technology achievement awards; 71 new medical technology introduction awards in Jiangsu, including 15 first prizes and 56 second prizes; 14 national research projects of national natural science foundation and 196 provincial and municipal research projects. Besides, the hospital has published more than 20 medical monographs as chief editor; 4733 professional papers, including 422 SCI papers, 598 Chinese level papers and 739 open patents. l,+9fE2?8RS9~8R

The hospital won such titles as National Trustworthy Hospital, Advanced unit of National hospital culture construction and Study-type organization, Civilized Unit of Jiangsu, Satisfactory Service Window of Jiangsu, advanced unit of overall improvement of medical service and promotion of medical ethics. In 2018, it ranked the first among tertiary general hospitals in Jiangsu in the provincial secret investigation of medical service. It won demonstration hospital of 2015-2017 further improvement of medical service as well. Moreover, it is the demonstration unit of national hospital logistic innovation and a base of health promotion and education. The citywide model of chest pain center was highlighted by People’s Daily in 2018. L3!,nJ7!5Gt,=8Y

Wuxi No.2 People’s Hospital, with more than hundreds years history, is the leader of Wuxi western medicine history. Under the guidance of General Secretary Chinese characteristic socialism in new times, we study and implement “healthy China 2030” project, intensify the concept of strengthening hospital with science and talents. We are devoted to developing first-class disciplines, improving quality, medical and service process. With the direction of collectivization and integration, we are willing to build the research-oriented, academic-oriented and innovation-oriented tertiary general hospital to provide high quality medical services for citizens in Wuxi and surrounding areas and become a pioneer in the construction of "strong, wealthy and beautiful" of new Wuxi. D8=9gs2;30j2?,g

医院地址:无锡市中山路68号 z5~,Cv1~1Ts7=8f

公交线路: F6.,jV4=,vN6.7V

3路、3路区间、12路、12路支线、23路区间、24路、25路、32路、42路、42路夜班、53路、61路、62路、67路、79路、79路区间、81路、85路、105路、118路、201路、312路、358路、501路、502路、508路、703路、723路、765路、快1线共30条公交线路; c1!80L,;7ma71q

地铁线路:地铁1号线南禅寺站。 f4;7YK4~,Kb8?,a



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