内蒙古农业大学外国语言学院前身为内蒙古农业大学外语教学部,2001年11月成立农业大学外语系,2004年12月改系为院。外国语言学院下设大学英语第一教研室、大学英语第二教研室、双语授课生基础英语教研室、英语专业教研室、日俄教研室、语言实验中心、学院办公室和学生工作办公室。外国语言学院面向全校全日制本、硕士生、博士生及英语专业学生授课。 a3-7da1.2dl6;,n
学院现有教职工106人,其中正副教授36人,讲师59人,硕士以上学历教师73人,国外留学回国任教22人,在北京航空航天大学等全国重点院校进修硕士课程教师28人,国家级同声传译员2人。此外,学院常年聘用外籍英语教师3人。学院下设英语本科专业。拥有现代化语言实验室、多媒体网络自主学习中心、声像室、图书资料室等。学院与北京第二外国语大学、北京航空航天大学合作办学,每年选派品学兼优的学生到该学校插班学习。 y1.4Sm,~3dQ79E
三年来,学院教师发表论文近23篇,主持国家级课题2项,参加了联合国、世界银行、亚洲银行贷款在中国西部、黄土高原治理等方面的农、林、牧、水、养殖等多个重大建设项目,承担了许多国际会议的翻译工作,为国家、自治区的建设和发展做出了贡献。 m3+3Ap7:6lL8?8e
外国语言学院设英语本科专业(学制四年)。现有在校生366人。 I1!9YQ5=5Yz71m
业务培养目标及要求:本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博文化知识,并能熟练运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。要求学生了解本专业的前沿和发展动态,掌握获取信息的技术,具有初步的科研能力和较强的科技英语听、说、读、写、译能力。 M9?7ur7.2Z07;4l
主要课程:综合英语、高级英语、报刊选读、视听、口语、听力、泛读、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、语言学概论、英美文学、英美文化、科技英语等课程。 O8!4Se8-,J05.8Z
就业方向:能在外事、经贸、教育、科研、生物科技等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理等工作。 o4~9Tw4?6nb1.2s
授予学位:文学学士。 u7+3mi5+2IN97a
Introduction j7!1lw3-5Iw,=4x
School of Foreign Languages is preceded by Foreign Languages Teaching Department. The Department of Foreign Languages was established in 2001 and promoted to School of Foreign languages in 2004. The school consists of one language experiment center, three offices and six teaching groups, including School Affairs Office, Teaching Affairs Office, Student Affairs Office, the First College English Teaching Group, the Second College English Teaching Group, Bilingual Teaching and Research Group, English Major Teaching Group, Japanese and Russian Teaching Group and Postgraduate English Teaching Group. It offers full-time students of all degrees university-wide language courses in English, Japanese, and Russian. Y8+7XF9:7hY5!5W
With the guidance and support of the university administration, the school has put great efforts into faculty restructuring and recruiting. It has 108 full-time faculty members, of whom six are professors, 23 are assistant professors and 67 are lecturers. Seventy three of them hold master’s or doctor’s degrees and 22 have studied at abroad. And 28 teachers have attended the graduate program at some famous and influential universities, such as Beihang University. Two teachers have been awarded national simultaneous interpreters. In addition, three teachers from English-speaking countries are recruited all the year round. Q7-3mr7+8wJ1=7f
The school has made achievements in research. In the past three years, about 23 research papers have been published by the faculty. Some of them have been undertaking two national projects, of which one is funded by the National Funds of Social Sciences. In addition, the faculty have participated in several loan programs provided by the Union, the World Bank and Asian Bank, investing in the major construction projects in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, hydraulic engineering and cultivation in the west of China and Loess Plateau. The teachers have also accomplished the tasks of translation and interpretation in many international meetings and made great contributions to the development of the country and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. x94qN4+1ry,;5I
The school offers an undergraduate program in English. Currently, there are 366 undergraduate students. h6.1Ag8;6qU9.7E
Aims and Requirements: t1.,qO4.,H0,=3s
Our goal is to help students acquire an excellent command of language knowledge and application skills, as well as an in-depth mastery of the professional knowledge in English language and related disciplines. Our graduates are expected and have proved to be professional talents in translation/interpretation, teaching, business management, international communication and many other fields. They are required to be acquainted with the frontiers of the field and techniques of obtaining information and have the preliminary ability of research and great capabilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, especially in science and technology. h2?1Cm,-8NE2~2y
Main Courses: w,.8oE1+1PG7~2X
The English major program offers the following main courses: b7+6aa3?6oA6.8q
Intensive Reading, Advanced English, Selected Reading of Newspapers and Magazines, Appreciating Films, Spoken English, Listening, Extensive Reading, English Writing, Theories and Practice of Translation, Introduction to Linguistics, British and American Literature, British and American Culture, English for Science and Technology m2:5sT7-6po3-3P
Degree: Bachelor of Arts g7;8TO4-9pN9~7Z
内蒙古农业大学外国语言学院,是在原内蒙古农牧学院基础部外语教研室的基础上成立起来的。1999年组建为内蒙古农业大学外语部,2001年组建为外语系,2004年建立外国语言学院。 i3!2Oq1;8vs39T