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1999年创建外语系,2013年撤系建院,“外语系”更名为“外国语学院”。英语专业、朝鲜语专业、汉语国际教育专业先后创建于1999年、2005年、2007年。其中,英语专业为河南省一流本科专业,“英汉翻译”为省级精品资源共享课程,“基础英语写作”为省级精品在线开放课程;朝鲜语为河南省特色专业,也是河南省普通高校唯一的朝鲜语本科专业;大学语文教学团队为省级教学团队。 I1;8bT6?3px2=8H

现设置英语、朝鲜语、汉语国际教育三个系、两个大学英语教学部和语言中心等教学机构。建有“郑州轻工业学院中韩文化研究所”、“翻译研究中心”、“莎士比亚研究中心”、“语言学研究中心”等研究机构。是国家首家省级吟诵协会——“河南省吟诵学会”的依托单位。建有“国际商务英语”二级学科硕士点和翻译硕士专业学位授权点。 O96uE8-7Wu2?6I

现有教职工94人,专任教师82人,其中教授、副教授31人,博士22人,具有海外留学、访学、对外汉语教学等经历教师41人。多人获得全国优秀教师、河南省高校青年骨干教师、河南省教育厅学术带头人、河南省教学标兵等称号。外国语学院教学设施齐备,拥有数字化语言实验室20间,座位数1260个,其中同声传译实验室1个,智慧型翻译实训室1个;藏书18000余册,中外文期刊72种,为教师教研及学生学习提供了良好条件。 L1.1Qd4:4PP4=4U

大学英语教学部承担着全校多个层次的公共英语教学任务。《大学英语》课程1998年被评为河南省优秀课程,2007被评为学校精品课程,2019年被评为河南省一流课程。在历年全国大学英语四级考试、英语竞赛中,我校学生均有不俗表现。 X4=,rl1.,fq8+1u

外国语学院重视对外学术交流,积极支持青年骨干教师外出访学、进行对外汉语教学或短期进修。近年来,先后有30名教师获国家留学基金项目到英国、美国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新加坡、韩国、日本等国家访学、进修或进行对外汉语教学。同时,每年推荐英语、朝鲜语、汉语国际教育专业学生到韩国、美国等国家进行交流、实习。 X2?3BS9~2zj2=1j

外国语学院目前在校生568人。学生思想稳定、学风优良。英语专业学生的专业四、八级通过率,朝鲜语专业学生的“中级韩语”“高级韩语”通过率、汉语国际教育专业学生的大学英语四级通过率,均高于全国高校同类专业的平均水平。由于学生专业理论扎实、综合素质高、实践能力强,毕业生受到用人单位普遍欢迎,就业前景广阔,就业质量、就业率居学校前列。 G5+9gX8?8VT8;6W

外国语学院高度重视科研工作,认真有序地组织开展各项相关工作,充分发挥外院学术指导委员会的作用,积极准备各级、各类科研项目的申报及论证,重点做好青年教师的项目申报特别是国家社科基金项目的申报组织工作。近年来我院科研成果丰硕,项目、著作、论文档次和质量逐年提升。近五年来,我院教职工发表学术论文220多篇,出版教材和著作30余部,先后承担国家社科基金项目3项,省部级科研项目32项,获得河南省社会科学优秀成果奖3项。 m2:8Vx,;1zF5=7F

2016-2020年,外国语学院发展的总体目标是:坚持以人为本,坚持以教学为中心,加强学科专业建设,全面推进教育教学改革,提升办学质量与水平,建设成团结和谐、特色鲜明、综合实力较强的外国语学院。 q3~8Lj9=2yQ9+7A

School of Foreign Languages (hereafter referred to as SFL) was established in the year 2013 on the basis of the original Department of Foreign Languages founded in the year 1999. Currently, it has three undergraduate majors, namely English, Korean, and Chinese International Education,which were founded in the year 1999, 2005 and 2007 respectively.Of them, English was evaluated as the first class undergraduate specialty in Henan province and Korean as the feature specialty, the only and sole undergraduate one among regular universities and colleges in Henan Province. “English-Chinese Translation” course is entitled “Excellent Resource Sharing Course in Henan Province”, “Basic English Writing” “Excellent Online Open Course in Henan Province, and “College Chinese” group “Henan Excellent Teaching group”. m67vs5=1xi7!7a

Currently, SFL encompasses the following teaching units: English Department, Korean Department, Chinese International Education Department, College English Teaching Department and Center of Languages. It has such research centers as “Sino-Korean Culture Research Institution”, “Translation Research Center”, “Shakespeare Research Center” and “Linguistics Research Center”. It is also the supporting unit of “Henan Chanting Association”, the first national one. SFL has been entitled the authority of granting master’s degree in a second discipline of International Business English and MTI. q9;4HH4=7nJ5.9B

SFL has a teaching staff of 94, including 82 full time teachers. Among these teachers, 31 are professors and associate professors, and 22 have doctoral degree. 41 of them have overseas education background such as going abroad for further study, visiting or teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Quite a few of them were awarded the titles of “National Excellent Teacher”, “Youth Backbone Teachers in Colleges and Universities of Henan Province”, “Academic Leaders Sponsored by Department of Education of Henan Province”, “Teaching Model of Henan Province”, etc. SFL has well-equipped facilities, including 20 language laboratories, one sophisticated simultaneous interpretation laboratory and one smart translation training room , with a total seating capacity of 1,260. With a possession of more than 18,000 books and 72 Chinese and foreign journals, SFL’s subordinate reference materials room provides a comfortable and convenient environment for study and research. Q3+1AN1+1Dl59n

College English Teaching Department undertakes the task of college English teaching of ZZULI at all levels. College English was entitled “Excellent Course in Henan Province” in 1998, “Excellent Course in ZZULI” in 2007 and “First Class Course in Henan Province” in 2019. In previous CET-4 and English Contests, participants from ZZULI achieved good results. C6!4Vu4.5DM,:7q

SFL attaches importance to foreign academic exchange, actively sending young backbone teachers abroad for further study, short-term study or the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. 30 teachers have ever been sponsored by National Scholarship Program to study in Britain, USA, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Korea, Japan, etc, and one teacher has been a Chinese teacher in USA. Another 10 teachers were sent to USA for short-term study. In the meantime, some recommended students go to Korea, USA, etc. to study or carry out practice every year. Y2.6bF8.5VW5?5Z

SFL has an enrollment of 568 and all of them have brilliant performance in study. The pass percentages of TEM-4 and TEM-8 of English majors, Intermediate Korean and Advanced Korean of the Korean majors and CET-4 of Chinese International Education majors are all higher than the average level of those peer universities and colleges. The graduates are popular with employing units owing to their solid basic knowledge, excellent comprehensive quality, and high practice ability. Therefore, the employment quality and rate in SFL rank top in ZZULI. r2:1nF9;8lH7?4X

SFL attaches great importance to scientific research, organizing the application and demonstration of projects on various levels and of various kinds, National Social Science Fund Project in particular. Special attachment is given to the cultivation of scientific research capacity of young teachers. In recent years, improvement has been made in quality and quantity of scientific research projects, works and papers. In the past five years, it has published over 220 academic papers, over 30 textbooks and works. It has completed 3 National Social Science Fund Projects and 32 projects at provincial or ministry level. It has also acquired 3 outstanding achievement awards of philosophy and social sciences of Henan Province. I4!3fX7-8ve8+2b

In the period from 2016 to 2020, SFL, with the cultivation of talents as its core and teaching as its main task, aims to strengthen the disciplinary construction and overall reform of teaching and improve the schooling quality so as to build it into a school with harmonious atmosphere, distinctive features and comprehensive strength. e5+9Od7=9YJ7:7g





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