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北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院成立于2003年6月16日,院长由曾留学于英国牛津大学的英语语言学博士、教授、硕士生导师陶文好教授担任,我国著名语言学家钱冠连教授任名誉院长。学院有博士生导师刘象愚教授、博士生导师周流溪教授、博士生导师田贵森教授等一支高素质的教师队伍,并吸纳了一批在学术界崭露头角、具有全新观念以及从国外学成归来的中青年教授、副教授、博士和硕士。外国语学院现有教职工81人,其中近一半为外籍教师,且1/4具有博士学位,1/5的中方教师在攻读博士学位,4/5的教师有海外学习或工作经历。 f9:2MI,+6eG6:8k

The School of Foreign Languages (or SFL) of Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai was established on June 16th, 2003 and its dean is Professor Tao Wenhao, a doctor of English linguistics and postgraduate supervisor who studied at Oxford University. Professor Qian Guanlian, a renowned linguist in China, is its honorary dean. The School boasts a group of highly qualified teachers, including such doctoral supervisors as Professor Liu Xiangyu, Professor Zhou Liuxi, Professor Tian Guisen, and dozens of newly-recruited professors, associate professors, doctors, and masters, from top-ranking universities in China and many of whom have studied or worked abroad. Of the 81 teaching staff members, English, Japanese and Portuguese native teachers account for nearly 50%; 1/4 of those native teachers hold a PhD; 1/5 of Chinese teachers are pursuing a doctoral degree, and 4/5 of Chinese teachers have the experiences of studying or working overseas. Z4?5ZQ87ix3-,K

外国语学院以公共外语教育为基础,现承担全校近两万人的公共外语教学任务。大学英语课程于2007年11月被学校评为精品课程,从2007-2008学年第一学期开始,我校2007级学生的大学英语课程中的听力课已经全面实行了网络教学。2008年9月大学外语实行全面改革,改革的基本方向是通过大学英语四级的同学可以继续学习由外国语学院开设的多种大学英语必选课。2009年9月,大学英语教学改革进一步深化,2009级达到更高级别的学生,入学时将直接修读外国语学院开设多种大学外语必选课程,同时在第一个学期参加国家大学英语四级考试。2013年5月,大学英语通过省级精品共享课立项。纵观我国大学英语教学改革的现状,我校的大学英语教学改革走在全国的前列。 r5-6vc2~8dY9:8m

With College English teaching as its basis, the SFL undertakes the foreign language teaching of nearly 20,000 non-English majors. In November, 2007, College English was rated as one of the “Quality Courses” of the university and in the first term of 2007-2008 academic year, the listening and speaking courses of College English for non-English majors of 2007 adopted web-based instruction. In September, 2008, College English made all-around reform, allowing those students who have passed the CET 4 to take the compulsory courses of College English, with a wide variety of English courses to choose from. In September, 2009, the reform was further intensified by allowing those freshmen who excelled in the English proficiency test to directly take the compulsory courses of College English and, meanwhile, to sit for the CET4 in that term. In May, 2013, College English was rated as one of the “Quality Resource-sharing Courses” of Guangdong Province. In view of the status quo of College English teaching reform in China, the university is one taking the lead in this regard. r8~,kN1!1Ud3~1r

外国语学院同时以外语专业教育为核心,2004年8月成立英语系,同年10月招收第一届英语专业学生150人;2010年8月,成立日语系,同年 9月开始招收第一届日语专业学生87人;2011年7月,外国语学院具备了招收英语学科教学教育硕士的资格,2012年9月外国语学院首次招收23名英语学科教学教育硕士。经过十几年的发展,外国语学院现共有英语专业和日语专业本科生1000多人,英语学科教育硕士50名。 A2+7JN9!9Ds2~9U

At the same time, the SFL focuses on training English majors and Japanese majors. In August, 2004, the English Department was founded and enrolled the first group of English majors in October of the same year, a total number of 150 students; in August, 2010, the Japanese Department was established and enrolled 87 Japanese majors in September of the same year; in September, 2010, the SFL and the School of Chinese established a collaborative program of English-TCFL (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) as a double major and 21 English majors began studying in this program; in July, 2011, the SFL was authorized to enroll postgraduate students; in September, 2012, 23 M.A. candidates in English Education were enrolled. Over the past decade, the SFL has developed into an institution with over 1,000 undergraduates and 50 postgraduates. P49ev1;5GY8=1H

外国语学院专业办学的宗旨是以质量为生命,以创新为灵魂,为广东省和全国培养一流的复合型、有特色的外语人才。外国语学院自建院以来,不断积极探索专业办学特色。外国语学院英语系设置了英法双语、英葡双语和英语语言文学三个方向,日语系设置了日英双语和商务日语方向,在高年级的课程模块中增加更多的实用、实践类课程,以促进实用型外语人才的培养。 V5-4pK5!5pm8:1z

The guideline of the SFL is to highlight quality and innovation, so as to train first-rate interdisciplinary, independent English and Japanese professionals for Guangdong Province and the country at large. The school has been exploring every avenue to fine-tune its school-running features. It has established the English-French orientation, the English-Portuguese orientation, and the orientation of English Language and Literature for the English majors and the Japanese-English orientation and Business Japanese orientation for the Japanese majors. More practical and practice-based courses are offered for the third year and fourth year students to ensure the practicality of the curriculum. U,?7Bc54Ea,-2X

外国语学院自建院以来,通过与国外数所大学的频繁接触与磋商,现已与英国的伯明翰大学、贝德福特大学、朴茨茅斯大学、美国的长岛大学、澳大利亚的迪肯大学、天主教大学、加拿大的圣玛丽大学、阿卡迪亚大学、日本的文教大学、新泻青陵大学等国外大学基本达成了合作协议,就本科、硕士和博士研究生层次的教育探索多方位的合作与交流,旨在通过国际合作培养具有较高英语水平,精通中外文化,具有国际视野的现代优秀外语人才。 Y42Kj4=,uC58P

Since its foundation, the SFL has been negotiating with a number of foreign universities and so far reached an agreement with five universities in the English-speaking countries, including the University of Birmingham, the University of Bedfordshire and the University of Portsmouth in Britain, the University of Long Island in America, Deakin University, Australian Catholic University in Australia, Saint Mary University, Acadia University in Canada and Bunkyo University, Niigata Seiryo University in Japan. In the near future, our international cooperative programs will be launched, to forge ahead with our cooperation and exchanges with foreign universities on the education of undergraduates, postgraduates and Ph. D candidates. The objective of the programs is to train qualified foreign language professionals, who have a good command of English, a solid knowledge of both the Chinese and Western cultures, and above all, an international vision. u3:,xT8:9kO5.6T


College English Teaching m5=,lu7;,ND25l

外国语学院在大学外语教学上适应新时代的要求,勇于探索,敢于创新,成绩显著,备受好评。我校历届学生的大学英语四级考试累计通过率均在80%以上,高出同类院校平均水平几十个百分点。外国语学院大学英语的教学改革不断深入,走在全国的前列,每学期为学生开设30多门大学英语必选课,让学生最大限度地结合自己的兴趣及未来职业规划,选择适合自己的英语课程。大学英语必选课主要包括五个课程群: F7!,px4!9fn1!7p

第一,第二外语类课程群,如日语、法语、德语等; c,?2fK4=5HD7!9T

第二,英语听说类课程群,如英语语音语调、英语视听说、商务英语听说、广播英语等; X7!3xF3~6mj2~7n

第三,英语考试类课程群,如托福英语、雅思英语、BEC中级英语、六级英语、考研英语等; k9~9op5+7ev6=8Y

第四,技能类课程群,如广告英语、新闻英语、会展英语、商务英语翻译、英汉互译、旅游英语等; Q2?9Ei1!7KA,-2d

第五,英语文化类课程群,如英国概况、美国文化概况、英语短篇小说赏析、古希腊文化、英语戏剧、英美文学与影视赏析等。 n3!7Ju1=5Pz5=3Z

In its College English teaching, the SFL has been making innovations to meet the needs of the new era; it has made remarkable achievements and is highly acclaimed. For instance, the graduates of each year had a pass rate of over 80%. The school is constantly revising and improving its College English teaching and takes a lead in this regard in the whole country. Each semester it offers over 30 compulsory courses of College English for non-English majors to choose from, which enables them to take into account their interests and future career planning. The compulsory courses for non-English majors fall into five types as follows. c5:,je6?4EG9-6z

1)Second Foreign Languages, including Japanese, French, German, etc. N7:2iX,:6sW6+6b

2)English Listening and Speaking, including English Pronunciation and Intonation, English Listening, Speaking and Viewing, Business English Listening and Speaking, English News Listening, etc. z2!3Da6~4Er7;,f

3)Exam-oriented Type, including TOEFL, IELTS, BEC-Vantage Level, BEC-Higher Level, CET6, English for the Post-graduate Entrance Exam, etc. N6;2Pv3~3ke5!3J

4)Skill-related Type, including Advertising English, English for Journalism, English for Exhibitions, Business English Translation, Translation between Chinese and English, English for Tourism, etc. D17bi9~,GI4.8b

5)Culture and Literature, including Introduction to British Culture, Introduction to American Culture, English Short Stories, Ancient Greek Culture, English Drama, Movies and Literature, etc. B6;8jg38tm1=4l


Description of Majors r6!9yF1;5aY2+2L

1. 办学特色 z9.9xv3+4kw6+1G

外国语学院专业办学特色主要体现在“双”字上,具体如下: j,+4lV3;9009!,x

第一,双外语。英语专业的英法方向、英葡方向以及日语专业的日英方向独具特色; v7:2sE1:1bJ3:5B

第二,双学位。外国语学院积极鼓励英语专业或日语专业的学生修读法学、金融学、工商管理等第二学位; w78uq7?90L8~4f

第三,双学分。外国语学院高度国际化,鼓励英语专业和日语专业学生在英语或日语原土国家修读部分学分,积极培养具有国际视野的外语人才。 j3+6eg3!,ma9+8F

1. Pedagogical Features G,;2Qf4~7cd8?5j

The SFL boasts three main pedagogical features as follows. C3-9Ty9+1Cp4;9b

First, there are orientations of two foreign languages. The school has established English-French, English-Portuguese and Japanese-English orientations to train professionals with good linguistic competence in two foreign languages. l6~4bD3?9iJ6=1Q

Second, the School attaches importance to the training of interdisciplinary professionals. Its students are encouraged to learn another specialty as their second major or learn minor courses of another major, so that they will be proficient in one or two foreign languages and good at another major/skill. Z2+3mL6!6fw1=8t

The third feature is the School aims to nurture its students’ global vision, encouraging them to take some courses in Japan or English-speaking countries. Q,+3q03=7vv6+5c

2. 专业 Majors e8:1nS2!3go,=5C

1)英语:3个方向 Z7+9LE9?4zG16O

English Major:3 orientations I1-6in2:9iR9?1j

英法双语方向 X830m5!9pv6~4k

培养目标:使学生受到英语和法语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的训练。从大一开始,除了开设英语听、说、读、写技巧训练的基础课程外,还同时开设法语基础课程。三、四年级加大法语课程量,让学生扎实地掌握英语,还能流利地使用法语进行交流。学生不但掌握两门外语,还能了解美国和英法等欧洲国家的社会文化经济政治知识和其他相关学科的知识。 J3~1vH6=5Ib4:5X

就业领域:国家机关、企业、公司、学校、外事、翻译、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、旅游等部门 J7+8Mu3?6Hz2.9X

English-French Orientation g5~5pP2-9MY2-8u

Objectives: To let students receive sound training of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating in both English and French. In addition to a good mastery of both languages, students will acquaint themselves with the culture, economy, politics and social affairs in Britain, America, France and other European countries. z5?6uf3?3ib4!6L

Future Career Placement: governmental organs, enterprises, companies, or other organizations concerning foreign affairs, translation, trade, culture, journalism, education, tourism, etc. p2+,yk4!8XD5:7V

英葡双语方向 A7?,Uw9+6UP2!2n

培养目标:使学生受到英语和葡语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的训练。从大一开始,除了开设英语听、说、读、写技巧训练的基础课程外,还同时开设葡语基础课程。三、四年级加大葡语课程量,让学生扎实地掌握英语,还能流利地使用葡语进行交流。学生不但掌握两门外语,还能了解美国和英葡等欧洲国家的社会文化经济政治知识和其他相关学科的知识。 E2;6QN3?5HT21C

就业领域:国家机关、企业、公司、学校、外事、翻译、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、旅游等部门 J5!4Sr6=4rp4=7L

English-Portuguese Orientation j,2WD2~4db6.9R

Objectives: To let students receive sound training of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating in both English and Portuguese. In addition to a good mastery of both languages, students will acquaint themselves with the culture, economy, politics and social affairs in Britain, America, Portugal and other European countries. E4-60G4+7rP1+3e

Future Career Placement: governmental organs, enterprises, companies, or other organizations concerning foreign affairs, translation, trade, culture, journalism, education, tourism, etc. 07?,jN8:5iT,!3y

英语语言文学方向 r5~6Zj7~5vj4;5b

培养目标:使学生受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的训练,掌握一定的经贸类知识,具备基础科研能力,获得能在外事、经济、外贸等领域从事翻译和管理工作或进入研究生教育阶段继续学习和深造的基本能力。 c8=2Lc2+7ZV1=4F

就业领域:国家机关、企业、公司、学校、外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、旅游等部门。 C5+6nm8=7CX,+2P

Orientation of English Language & Literature C92lb,?,sw4!2S

Objectives: To let students receive sound training of listening, speaking, reading, and translating in English, have some knowledge of trade, and arm themselves with basic scientific research ability and basic capacity for their further pursuit of postgraduate studies or for managerial and/or translating responsibilities in the fields of foreign affairs, economy, etc. w5=7Ch6;7mW9:4m

Future Career Placement: governmental organs, enterprises, companies, or other organizations concerning foreign affairs, translation, trade, culture, journalism, education, tourism, etc. D4;6ny3+8Qu9,U

2)日语专业:2个方向 B5:3Mf7+2nU7+7F

Japanese Majors:2 Orientations m3!5Fk2-1F03.8m

日英双语方向 A5~1sg6:4Ch7+8p

培养目标:使学生受到日语和英语听、说、读、写、译等方面良好的训练。从大一开始,除了开设日语听、说、读、写技巧训练的基础课程外,还同时开设英语基础课程。三、四年级加大英语课程量让学生扎实地掌握英语,还能流利地使用日语进行交流。学生不但掌握两门外语,还能了解英美国家和日本等东南亚国家的社会文化经济政治知识和其他相关学科的知识。 N6=8nC1-7AF87V

就业领域:国家机关、企业、公司、学校、外事、翻译、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、旅游等部门。 Q6~6NZ8;9Tj2;3O

Japanese-English Orientation b2-4uH3.2KL1-,k

Objectives: To let students receive sound training of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating in both Japanese and English. In addition to a good mastery of both languages, students will acquaint themselves with the culture, economy, politics and social affairs in Britain, America, Japan, and other South East Asian countries. M11Kq3-1kX9:6e

Future Career Placement: governmental organs, enterprises, companies, or other organizations concerning foreign affairs, translation, trade, culture, journalism, education, tourism, etc. T4~9KP9=4cS1:,u

商务日语方向 s3=8Ck6-8YM6:9r

培养目标:主要培养能到日资公司、企业工作的人才。一、二年级巩固和提高日语语言应用能力;三、四年级开设商务方向的课程。该方向的学生能够用流利的日语从事一切商务写作、交流和谈判活动,也能够满足日资企业/公司对员工日语能力的要求。 V4.2Cj,:5zv7!3S

就业领域:国家机关、企业、公司、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育等部门。 b3=6RT8!,nm3-,P

Business Japanese Orientation P6!3NN8-2pH6=3e

Objectives: To train professionals who will work in a foreign-funded company or enterprise. Students will be able to use Japanese as a working language to write business correspondence, to conduct negotiations and to meet the linguistic requirements of a foreign-funded company or enterprise. k17TL1-6RS5~2s

Future Career Placement: governmental organs, enterprises, companies, or other organizations concerning trade, culture, journalism, education, etc. I7~6OS8:2kX,?9D



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