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外语学院开设英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、日语、朝鲜语和阿拉伯语7个专业(本科四年制),部分专业设置“专业+方向”培养模式。现有在校生1731名,专任教师136人,高级职称教师占教师总数的24%,外籍教师占4%。学院现有博士生导师3人、硕士生导师7人、博士16人、硕士120人 。



外语学院开设英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、日语、朝鲜语和阿拉伯语7个专业(本科四年制),部分专业设置“专业+方向”培养模式。现有在校生1731名,专任教师136人,高级职称教师占教师总数的24%,外籍教师占4%。学院现有博士生导师3人、硕士生导师7人、博士16人、硕士120人 。 T9:6Uh14jv3?5g

学院高度重视教学工作、学生的语言基本技能及实践能力培养,始终坚持教学工作的中心地位,切实把教学质量的提高作为学院持续发展的生命线,严格规范教学管理,加强教风、学风建设,深入推进教学改革,强化实践环节教学,有效地促进了教学质量和学生专业基础理论、创新意识、实践能力等综合素质的不断提高,培养“一精多会”、“一专多能”的高素质复合型人才。 j4~5bM4~6ha3?6l

学院重视学生的语言基本技能及实践能力培养。为提高应用实践能力培养,学院建有同声传译室,英伦厅、欧洲厅和日本厅情景教学实训室以及外语实验教学中心。 J8:5tK3~1003;,n

学院注重国际交流与合作,目前已与各专业相关语种国家的20余所著名大学建立了合作关系,并专设奖学金,竭力为学生在海外一流大学的学习生活创造条件。学院每年组织学生赴英国、美国、德国、法国、西班牙、日本、韩国、埃及等国进行海外文化体验和游学活动。近两年来,我院每年的海外交流生人数近200人。 Z,.2Rp5+1ma2:5x

The School of Foreign Languages, XDSISU offers 4-year undergraduate majors of 7 foreign languages, namely English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and Arabic, and some of them feature majors with specializations. There are currently 1731 on-campus students in addition to 136 teachers of whom 24% are associate and full professors and 5% are foreign teachers. Moreover, among the teachers, there are 3 PhD supervisors as well as 7 MA tutors. Of the education background of the teachers, 16 of them are holders of PhD degree and 120 are those of MA degree. g,!9Hu3:7ay1?6u

The School of Foreign Languages attaches great importance to quality teaching, students’ language skills and practical abilities. Putting teaching at the heart of our work, we make every effort to enhance the quality of teaching and regard it as a lifeline for the sustainable development of the School. In particular, strict regulations are implemented on teaching management while measures are taken to help change the teaching manners and studying atmosphere for the better. Meanwhile, more efforts are being made to further the reform in education and improve field education. As a result, all the above-mentioned efforts have led to the increasing effective promotion of quality teaching as well as the students’ integrated qualities in terms of their grasp of the basics of foreign languages, innovation awareness and practical competence. In doing so, the aim is realized of cultivating the students to high-level and multitalented professionals possessing “many skills while specializing in one”. p,;7YN7.9jd5;1H

At the School, much endeavor is placed on enabling students to master essential language skills and practical abilities of the foreign language they major in. In order to help develop students’ practical capabilities, we have in place a training lab for simultaneous interpretation practice, several classrooms for situational language teaching and training which are respectively named the British Hall, the European Hall and the Japanese Hall, together with the Center for Experiments in Foreign-Language Teaching. y73VX,;1Si32x

Furthermore, much attention is paid to international exchanges and cooperation at the School of Foreign Languages. So far, we have established cooperative relations with more than 20 famous universities in the countries whose native languages are precisely the majors for the students at the School. To facilitate such exchanges, scholarships have been set up, which creates conditions for students to go and learn in those overseas universities. Every year, students of the School are organized to travel abroad for cultural experiencing and learning tour in such countries as Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Spain, Japan and Korea. Nearly 200 students a year succeed in going abroad for overseas exchange programs. i5=2rF82dQ9!1a

Welcome to the School of Foreign Languages, XDSISU, where your dream will come true! A5,BN6~3Lb9!3H




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