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  • 所属地区浙江 温州
  • 网站地址 wzew.wzer.net 直达 推广 修复



温州市第二外国语学校是温州市人民政府重点打造的“面向二十一世纪的温州十大名校”之一,是一所按浙江省一级特色示范高中(原称省一级重点中学)标准建设的隶属于温州市教育局的寄宿制公办学校。按照“建一流学校、培一流师资、育一流人才”的要求,2010年开始招收初中学生,委托温州实验中学办学;2012年增办高中,委托百年名校温州中学办学。 O3:4fH7~6fX1?3Y

立欧式之新馆,承典雅之古风。学校是市政府斥巨资打造的典雅欧式、生态型、现代化学校,坐落于瓯海区南白象街道南湖路,遥对温州中学,毗邻温州大学城,坐拥三垟湿地,独享塘河公园,生态环境优雅,现代气息浓厚。学校占地367亩,建筑面积10万多平方米,校舍楼宇采用欧式建筑风格,布局合理,设施先进,是目前我市中小学中规模最大的学校,是师生工作、学习、生活的生态公园、文化圣园、温馨家园。 c2=8Ek8=3DL1=3P

办学条件先进,是温州市唯一一所拥有两个田径场、两个餐厅、两个室内体育馆、大型专业演艺中心的中学,还拥有网球场、排球场、游泳池、舞蹈房、乒乓球室等体育、艺术活动场所。配备高标准理化生实验室、自制仪器实验室和信息技术室、劳技专用教室、学术报告厅等,利用大学城独特资源建设创新实验室,为培养学生的创新意识和综合素质提供良好平台。校内建有6幢气派的学生公寓,拥有全省一流的办学条件。 M7.1CJ7+3tz9=80

先生荟萃,师道纯粹;学子云集,其光葳蕤。教师主要由三部分组成:温州中学、实验中学选派的优秀教师;面向全国招聘的骨干教师及市直学校选调的优秀教师;从知名高校招聘的优秀毕业生。按照省级特色示范高中标准设置班额,实施“同步教学、异步指导”的教学方式,关注每个学生,追求精致教育,落实因材施教。 P1;4Vy1;5B01.2x

全面推进课程改革,按学生全面发展的要求,构建“博雅”课程体系,严格按照要求开设四类选修课程。选修课程特色化,突出外语特色,开设德语、日语、西班牙语等第二外语课程,与新航道培训合作开设雅思初级课程,与知名高校合作开设大学初级英语课程。必修课程校本化,分科分层分类走班,开设进阶、基础、专题课程。 q6=6Co4~1WU,!5e

全人为宗,育安邦之良才;树格以上,培守诚之公民。修艺文,习数理,传国学,长外语,涵人文之情怀,融科学之素养,塑中国之心灵,兼国际之视野。以“学博志雅,行懿中西”为校训,坚持“教育,为了自主生长”的办学理念,把二外办成“自主生长的乐园,博雅教育的典范”,培养“学博志雅,行懿中西”的社会公民。 S,=3va7=7WF8?8L

地址:温州市瓯海区南白象街道南湖路 H3+9QF4=3qo7;4V

Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School is listed by Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government as one of the “Ten top Schools Facing the 21 st Century”. Under direct administration of Wenzhou Education Bureau, it is a boarding public school built in accordance with the standard of a first class demonstration high school of Zhejiang Province (formerly known as a provincial first class key high school). Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School was founded in 2010 and according to the requirements of “establish a leading school,train best teachers and cultivate outstanding talents”,the junior department is integrated with Wenzhou Experimental Middle School. The senior school department was set up in 2012 and it entrusts the school running to Wenzhou Middle School which is a prestigious high school in Zhejiang Province and beyond with a history of 110 years. The city government provides the great financial support to make Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School a garden-like, ecological and modern high school which is located in Nanhu Road, Nanbaixiang, Ouhai District, facing Wenzhou Middle School and adjacent to Wenzhou University town; it is embraced by Sanyang wetland and the river park with the beautiful ecological environment and the strong modern atmosphere. Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School covers an area of 367 mu (1 mu = about 0.16 acre) and the gross area is more than 100,000 m2. With the European-style buildings, rational layout and advanced equipment, the school is currently the largest one among the secondary and primary schools in the city of Wenzhou and has developed into an ecological park, a culture garden and a sweet home for students to study and live in. f4~6bC4!4CP6~5d

Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School has advanced school-running conditions. It is the only middle school in Wenzhou that has two stadiums, two dining halls, two gyms and a large professional performance center. Besides, there are many places for sports and arts activities, such as tennis courts, volleyball courts, a swimming pool, a dancing room and a table tennis room. The school is also equipped with physics, chemistry and biology laboratories of high standard, a self-made apparatus laboratories, IT rooms, a crafts room and lecture halls. With the unique resources from University Town, the students’ senses of innovation and comprehensive abilities are cultivated on the platform provided by the school. Also in the campus, 6 dormitory buildings which are first-class in Zhejiang Province can make students feel like at home. V59zG,;4WJ6:1Q

The teaching staff is made up of the excellent teachers from Wenzhou Middle School and Wenzhou Experimental Middle School, the outstanding teachers all over the country and the well-qualified graduates from top universities. In accordance with the standard of a first class demonstration high school of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School practises small-class teaching. The teaching method of “synchronous teaching, asynchronous instruction” (self-teaching and instruction in groups) is carried out to pursue high-quality education, pay attention to every student and teach them according to their aptitude. Wenzhou No.2 Foreign Language School promotes curriculum reform in an all-round way and establishes a curriculum system “BOYA (learned and accomplished)” based on the requirements of all-round development of students. Strictly complying with the principle, the school offers four kinds of selective courses which features foreign language teaching, including German, Japanese, Spanish, IELTS cooperated with New Channel and College English cooperated with well-known universities. The compulsory courses are also adapted as school-based curriculum. Classes are stratified according to different subjects and levels chosen by students, and all the courses are divided into foundational and advanced levels. Some specialized courses are also provided. H95ev2.3ni9?8S

With the motto of“Learning broadly with ambition, practising widely with virtue”, we stick to the educational philosophy of “Education for Self-growth”, developing the school into“a model of liberal education” and “a paradise for self-growing”. The school staff devote themselves to training students to be citizens who learn broadly with ambition and practise widely with virtue. f7~8is23OQ4;4b




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