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为进一步加强我国与乌兹别克斯坦在丝绸之路沿线国家的历史文化、语言文学理论领域的交流与合作,乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕外国语学院与上海国际问题研究所将于2017年6月23日-24日在乌斯别克斯坦撒马尔罕市联合举办国际学术交流会议,届时将邀请我校参会并要求与会人员投送相关论文议题。现将会议邀请函原文发布于下: l3+9sW6;,NZ1!3t

Dear Partner, f9-8nh5~3cG8=9b

Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages would like to invite you to take part in the international scientific conference on “International and national values along the Great Silk road: language, education and culture", on June 23-24th, 2017 in Samarkand. W2!1Ci5~8qs,;7Q

CALL FOR PAPER i6;7EW1.1cG2!4h

Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages - Shanghai International Studies Institute Joint Conference on “International and national values along the Great Silk road: language, education and culture". A1-,Gi7:3ik1=2P

The conference is scheduled for the plenary session and the following sections: Y3:5DZ8;4zQ1:,k

· theory of language and literature; M5.3hS5-6kF2?4E

· education, culture and history of the countries along the great silk road; D6?4Wg1?6Ky3!8F

· methodology and theory of didactics in foreign languages teaching; N9-8ZD13FA,-2p

· applying pedagogical and innovation technologies in education. z4.2Bc97Tw6~8e

Conference languages: Uzbek, English, Chinese, Korean and Russian. w2+9GY3:4aO6;8l

Paper submission h2~7RK2~9WL6=5H

Conference participants should submit their papers indicating title, section, information about author(-s), phone number and email address. H9,zq6~7Kj4;8D

Participants wishing to deliver a presentation at the conference are kindly asked to submit an extended abstract of their paper in advance. We invite both theoretical and empirical, that focuses on the research questions outlined above. The extended abstract should be written in English and should point out the general interest of the paper to be presented touching the above named issues. B88Wl9,Up3=8Z

An extended abstract should describe the rationale and aims of the paper, and some of its results. General descriptions of broad contexts should be avoided. Abstracts should be written in the third person and not in the first or second one (e.g. I, me, or my paper). The abstract should include the following details: E4?7Rj,~2PE,~6E

· title of the presentation; E5.2Uz,+,vi3?4u

· name of the authors, organization, email-address, mailing-address, phone number; i2.,Tn91yt8+,H

· keywords; V5=8oe71HZ3;8n

· body text (max. 2000 words); and n3+,hC8.5cS7!4P

· an approximately 80-word biography on the scientific/educational background of the author(s). G3;5Rp1?8Vm,;9h



主办:西安外国语大学; 地址:西安郭杜教育科技产业开发区文苑南路 详情>>

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