厦门大学出版社成立于1985年5月,是“国家一级出版社”、“全国百佳图书出版单位”,也是福建省首家的大学出版社。厦门大学出版社是以学术出版和教育出版为主的综合出版社,拥有图书出版、电子出版、网络出版等多项出版权,出版物涵盖人文社会科学、自然科学、技术科学等众多学科,已成为一家特色鲜明,品牌成熟,有较强社会影响力的高校出版社。目前,厦大出版社拥有80名员工,是一个朝气蓬勃、温馨和谐的出版团队。出版社坐落在环境优美、充满现代气息的厦门软件园二期。 C1+6WE4=5am3-4F
厦门大学出版社依托名校厦门大学,面向全社会,以“蕴大学精神、铸学术精品”为出版理念,坚持为高校教学科研服务的办社宗旨,坚持“学术为本,教材优先”的出版方针,形成了高质量、高水平、有特色的图书结构,实现品牌的不断拓展,推动了多学科多层次的高校教材系列的出版,逐步形成了一批在书界颇具影响的,具有文化积累意义的品牌图书,凝练出台湾研究、东南亚研究、文史研究、经济学、管理学、法学、广告教育、海洋研究、文献整理等特色图书,同时也为地方文化建设出版大量精品力作。厦大出版社目前年生产图书近千种,90%为学术著作和高校教材,所出版的图书中有近13%获国家级和省级以上奖励。 I7~3vF9!1Un2~6K
厦门大学电子出版社成立于2004年,与厦大出版社实行“两块牌子,一套人马”的管理模式,在出版社内设立数字出版中心进行日常数字出版工作。历经多年的建设,电子出版社拥有较为齐全的数字出版权限,包括游戏出版权,电子出版物出版权,网络图书、网络学术、网络教育出版、互联网电子出版物、手机图书出版业务等网络出版权。目前主要产品涉及富媒体数字阅读、网络游戏、数字教学资源、专业数据库等几大类。我社推出了具有自主知识产权的“南强出版管理系统”及“南强书店管理系统”,已在多家出版社使用,得到了出版业界的肯定。 u7+2LF,+7YK4.1U
Xiamen University Press (XUP hereinafter), established in May,1985, was awarded the “National First-Class Press” by China’s General Administration of Press and Publication and ranked among China’s Top 100 Excellent Presses. XMUP is the only university press inFujianProvince. With the rights for paper book publication, electronic publication and internet publication, XUP, a comprehensive press, focuses on the publication of academic and educational works covering the subjects of humanities and social sciences, natural science and technological science. XUP has gradually developed into a medium-sized university press with highly distinctive characteristics, mature brand style. Now, with 80 employees, XUP is a warm and harmonious publishing team full of vigor and vitality, which is located in the beautiful and modernXiamenSoftwarePark. n6?1ej61dr4:6K
With Xiamen University as its support, by opening to the entire society, taking accumulating campus spirit, publishing academic masterpiece as the publishing philosophy, performing the purpose of serving for university teaching practice and academic research, and adhering to the principle of academic-oriented, textbook first, XUP has formed a high-quality, high-level and distinctive publishing structure, established its own brand and produced abundant college textbooks covering a diversity of disciplines and levels. By now, we have published many books with great cultural significance enjoying great prestige in the publication field. The most outstanding ones include books onTaiwanresearch, Chinese immigrants inSoutheast Asia, literature and history, economy, management, law, advertisement, marine research and document collation. Besides, we also contribute a lot of competitive books for local culture construction. Currently, XUP annually publish nearly a thousand kinds of books, among which 90% are academic works and college textbooks and 13% win national and provincial awards. A9.4Ku5!,Vs2+3m
Xiamen University Electronic Press (XUEP hereinafter) was founded in 2004. By establishing a digital publishing center in XUP to deal with the routine digital publishing works, XUEP takes the management mode of two titles, one team with XUP. After years of construction, XUEP has achieved comprehensive digital publishing rights, including game, electronic publications, network books, network academics, online education, internet electronic publications and mobile phone book publishing and so on. At present, our works mainly covers rich media digital reading, online games, digital teaching resources, professional databases. XUP’s Nanqiang Publishing Management System and Nanqiang Bookshop Management System with independent intellectual property right, have been adopted by many other presses, and gained reorganization in the publication field. z6;8fW8?4IN5+8U
地址:福建省厦门市思明区软件园二期望海路39号6楼 x8,ds6~5p01?1g