资源与环境学院是2000年12月在原土壤与农业化学和农业环境保护专业,以及生态学、微生物学和农业气象学等学科的基础上成立的。学院依托“土壤农化”(现为农业资源与环境)具有近六十于年办学历史的传统专业,以及现代社会发展普遍关注的“生态学”、“环境科学”、“环境工程”、 “应用生物科学”、 “应用气象学”等五个新兴的学科专业,形成了涵盖农学、理学、工学等多个学科门类,本硕博多层次的综合性办学特色,也是学校发展较快的学院之一,学院办学特色和优势正逐步显现。 P51zG7+8fE7?,X
六十多年来,在几代人的不懈努力下,创建并发展了农业资源与环境一级学科和5个二级学科,其中,农业资源与环境为省级重点学科。学院现有农业资源与环境一级博士学位授权学科和博士后流动站各1个,包括土壤学、植物营养学、环境保护与修复、生态工程与农业气象和资源环境微生物5个二级学科博士点。 B3:70R5!8Gv9+1Q
学院现有教职工82人,其中专任教师62人。教师中教授18人,副教授23人。获得博士学位的教师57人。院长张颖教授现“长江学者”、国家杰出青年基金获得者,第二批国家“万人计划”入选者,并荣获国家百千万人才工程-“有突出贡献中青年专家”,全国优秀教师,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,龙江学者特聘教授,所带领的团队为农业部农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队。学院现有国务院特殊津贴获得者2人、国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员1人,教育部新世纪人才基金获得者1人,教育部大气科学类教学指导委员会委员1人,黑龙江省新世纪人才2人、黑龙江省教育厅骨干教师5人。博士生导师12人,外聘博士生导师3人;硕士生导师38人,外聘硕士生导师11人。在读本科生1019人,全日制硕士研究生335人,博士研究生25人。 o68zD4?9Ln8!8E
学院有黑龙江省 “土壤保护与修复” 重点实验室、省高校“寒地黑土利用与保护”重点实验室、黑龙江省教育厅新型肥料研发工程中心等多个研究机构,另外还有学校“211工程”建设的“植物营养与生长调控工程中心”、“农业生态与环境工程中心”。拥有万元以上设备210余台,设备总价值达1464万元。硬件基本达到了国内先进水平,可以满足教学、科研对仪器设备的需要,并已基本实现大型仪器的共享。 l62eK8~8dE4!9m
近五年,学院共主持国家级项目54项,国家杰出青年基金、国家自然科学基金、科技部“十三五”重点研发计划项目;承担欧盟、联合国等国际项目10余项;承担省部级项目83项,其他项目204项;共获得科研、教学各类奖项135项,科研经费达六千多万(不含教学经费);共获得黑龙江省科技进步奖一等奖1项,二等奖6项,三等奖4项,黑龙江省社会科学优秀科研成果一等奖3项,二等奖6项,三等奖5项;发明专利25项,实用新型专利58项;发表学术论文971篇,其中四大检索收录的论文301篇;国家出版社出版专著教材70余部。 j2=7ni8;9rz1+1C
2010年,我院农业资源科学系何万云教授连同我校王金陵教授、蒋亦元院士、骆承庠教授、佟明耀教授与全省有关农业专家共11人荣获“黑龙江省农业科技功勋奖”。农业资源科学系刘元英教授获得黑龙江省省长特别奖。 F3?50N6~5dP4.4l
科技共建工作一直是学院的强项和特色。拥有校企合作研发中心7个。近几年,学院充分利用与绥化、密山、桦川、五常、拜泉、海伦、讷河、尚志、萝北、双城、牡丹江等市县共建的平台,加强科技成果推广力度,进一步密切产学研合作,并已逐步成为学校在黑龙江省新农村建设第一线服务最为活跃的学院之一。 Z7.40K3.8DD3.8X
学院非常重视对外交流工作,先后与美国、日本、俄罗斯、以色列、意大利、荷兰、德国等多个国家和地区开展学术交流、人才培养和科研合作,先后派出十余位教师出国访问及短期进修,接待日本、美国、俄罗斯、加拿大等著名的专家学者50人次。出国访问和参加国际会议近30人次,参加国内组织的大型会议及各类对外学术交流百余人次。派出多名硕士、博士研究生出国学习,获得联合国粮农组织、欧盟、以色列等重大国际合作项目10余项。 u9:9XB9!1ZQ5?8B
Introduction to College of Resources and Environment 07.6Ty4.5lV9.8L
College of Resources and Environment (CRE) was established in December 2000 on the basis of original major of soil and agriculture chemistry and agriculture environment, and disciplines of ecology, microbiology and agriculture meteorology. Relied on traditional major of “soil agrochemical” (now agricultural resources and environment) with nearly 60 years history, and six emerging disciplines of “ecology”, “environmental science”, “environmental engineering”, “applied biological science” and “applied meteorology” that are generally concerned by modern society, CRE has formed comprehensive school-running characteristics with multiple disciplines such as agronomy, science, and engineering, and multi-level talents cultivation of undergraduate education, master education, and doctoral education. Recently, the school-running characteristics and advantage of CRE have been gradually appearing, and CRE has become one of the colleges with faster development in Northeast Agricultural University (NEAU). S96fw2:8ld15X
There has been currently one primary discipline of agricultural resources and environment (Provincial key discipline) and five secondary disciplines in CRE with the unremitting efforts of several generations for more than 60 years. CRE has one first-level doctoral degree authorized discipline, one post-doctoral mobile station, and five second-level degree authorized disciplines including soil science, plant nutrition, environmental protection and restoration, ecological engineering and agrometeorology, and resource and environmental microbiology. I3?9TA5+3an7+8O
CRE currently has totally 82 full-time faculty members, including 62 full-time teachers that are composed of 18 professors and 23 associate professors. 57 teachers received a doctorate. Dean Professor Zhang Ying is now a Cheung Kong Scholar and winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Professor Zhang Ying was selected in the second batch of “National High-Level Talents Special Support Plan (Ten-Thousand Talents Program)” and was awarded Young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions of “National Ten Million Talent Project”, National Excellent Teacher, Young and middle-aged leader in science and technology innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Distinguished Professor of Heilongjiang province. The team led by Professor Zhang Ying is the Outstanding Agricultural Research Talents and Innovation Team of the Ministry of Agriculture. At present, CRE has 2 winners of special allowances from the State Council, 1 member of the Disciplinary Review Team of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, 1 winner of the New Century Talent Fund of the Ministry of Education, 1 member of the Atmospheric Science Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, 2 winners of New Century Talents of Heilongjiang province, and 5 key teachers of Heilongjiang Education Department. CRE has 12 doctoral supervisors, 3 external doctoral supervisors, 38 master supervisors and 11 external master supervisors. And there are 1019 undergraduates, 335 full-time masters and 25 PhD candidates. A63xt7?1GD1-1R
CRE has Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of “Soil Conservation and Rehabilitation”, Heilongjiang Provincial College Key Laboratory of “Utilization and Protection of Black Soil in Cold Region”, New Fertilizer Research and Development Engineering Center from Department of Education of Heilongjiang and other research institutions, as well as Plant Nutrition and Growth Regulation Engineering Center constructed by “Project 211” of NEAU and Agricultural Ecology and Environmental Engineering Center. There are more than 210 sets of equipment with more than ten thousand RMB, and the total value of the equipment reaches 14.64 million RMB. The hardware of CRE has basically reached the domestic advanced level, which can meet the needs of teaching and scientific research on instruments and equipment, and has basically realized the sharing of large instruments. s6.4Ki8~6SJ1=5P
In the past five years, CRE has hosted 54 national-level projects including the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” Key Research and Development Program of Ministry of Science and Technology; undertaken more than 10 international projects such as the European Union and the United Nations; undertaken 83 provincial and ministerial levels projects, and 204 other kinds of projects. CRE has won 135 scientific research and teaching awards, with a scientific research funding of more than 60 million RMB (excluding teaching funds); CRE has won 1 first prize, 6 second prizes and 4 third prizes of Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes and 5 third prizes of Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements of Social Sciences in Heilongjiang Province; CRE has 25 invention patents and 58 utility model patents; CRE has published 971 academic papers, including 301 papers indexed by the four major retrievals; more than 70 monographs and textbooks have been published by National Publishing House. X6;7UA,~9qA91M
In 2010, Professor He Wanyun from the department of agricultural resources science and technology of CRE, together with Professor Wang Jinling, Academician Jiang Yiyuan, Professor Luo Chengxiang, Professor Tong Mingyao and other agricultural experts of the whole province in a total of 11 people, won the “Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Science and Technology Merit Award”. Professor Liu Yuanying from the department of agricultural resources science won the Heilongjiang Governor’s Special Award. a,~6tv8+3bI7:8f
Science and technology co-construction has always been the strength and characteristics of CRE. CRE has 7 research and development centers for school-enterprise cooperation. In recent years, CRE has made full use of the platform jointly built with Suihua, Mishan, Huachuan, Wuchang, Baiquan, Hailun, Nehe, Shangzhi, Luobei, Shuangcheng, Mudanjiang and other cities and counties, strengthen the promotion of scientific and technological achievements, further developed close cooperation between industry, college and research institute, and have gradually become one of the most active colleges in the first-line service of the new rural construction in Heilongjiang Province. e2~3cY,.3TQ2+3K
CRE attaches great importance to foreign exchange work, successively carrying out academic exchanges, personnel training, and scientific research cooperation with the United States, Japan, Russia, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, and other countries and regions. CRE has sent a dozen teachers abroad for visiting and studying and received 50 well-known experts and scholars from Japan, the United States, Russia, Canada, etc. Nearly 30 people have visited and attended international conferences abroad, and more than 100 people have participated in large conferences organized in China and various foreign academic exchanges. A number of master and doctoral students have been sent abroad to study, and have won more than 10 major international cooperation projects from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the European Union and Israel. y68ho2;2wD7.9Z