39健康网(http://wz.zwzzw.com/html/site_39.net.html),广州启生信息技术有限公司旗下网站,中国优质医疗保健信息与在线健康服务平台,于2000年3月9日正式开通,是中国历史悠久、规模巨大、拥有丰富内容与大量用户的健康网站。39健康网致力于以互联网为平台,整合优质的健康资讯,传播全新的健康理念。其丰富的健康资讯、实时更新的医院医生库与疾病库药品库等查询工具类产品、功能强大的在线咨询与论坛等交互类产品为用户带来全方位的在线健康信息服务。凭借在健康领域的优势地位与品牌影响力,2013年,39健康网荣登“中国互联网100强”榜单;2014年,39健康网借道上市,成为进入资本市场的健康门户网站;2015年,39健康网获“中国领军企业百强”称号,同年再获“高新技术企业”认定;2016年,39健康网母公司朗玛信息上榜“中国互联网100强”。 Y6!,SX4?6Wc9:9F
http://wz.zwzzw.com/html/site_39.net.html, the online provider of China's excellent medical care imformation and healthcare services, was launched on March 9, 2000. Due to its strong position in health field and its influential brand strength, 39.net is continuously awarded the honorary title of “Best in Health Industry” by the Internet Society of China (ISC) and “No.1 Health Website” by iResearch from 2003 to 2013. 39.net is committed to use the Internet as a platform to deliver specific health information and disseminate new health concepts. With its informative knowledge base, real-time updated query tools (include doctor and hospital directory, diseases and drugs data center) and rich set of interaction products (include online consultation, forum), users can receive a full spectrum of online health information service. In 2014, 39.net won the first Chinese health website access to the capital markets. l3~5Wz2~9qy4!1u