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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

锁定 排行
Sponsor: Shanghai University; Address: 99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai ,The Periodicals Agency, Shanghai University, Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

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About AMM

CN: 31-1650/O1 ISSN: 0253-4827 G1!8YP5:,bf4?2Q

Administration:Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Y1!6dH7~5UI7:,Q

Sponsor: Shanghai University; q5+3zx,:8Yy3+8a

The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics p2~9sw2+6tG6-6R

Address: 99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai y9:5Uf51Q09:1u

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) (Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed.) was founded by the famous mechanical, mathematical, educational, and community leader Wei-zang CHIEN in 1980. This journal aims at broadcasting innovative research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods and modeling in mechanics as well as applied mathematics relevant to neoteric mechanics. The mathematics in our journal is mainly related to the development of mechanics. It is mainly for mechanical applications. It is a good reference to the researchers who work in the mechanical research or related technology areas. c7=5cy6!2aC22d

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) develops very quickly from its foundation. In 1980, it is quarterly, becomes bimonthly in 1981, and then monthly in 1985. It is indexed by the EI database from 1990 and indexed by SCI from 1997, which is much early in the Chinese journal history. During 2008 to 2021, the impact factor (IF) of SCI increases from 0.340 to 3.918. It is also indexed by many other famous databases both at home and abroad and has received many awards. C,?7fd,;5wr3.7M

Abstracting/ indexing databases (selected) V8~,VO1;6sf4.9H

1. Science Citation Index Expand (SCI) (from 1997) Q3+,Cx3+4gF24Z

2. Engineering Index Compendex (EI) (from 1990) b8+9YA,:,KH7=4w

3. World Translation Index (WTI) (from 1980) z62uY8+3En5-4z

4. Abstract Journals (AJ- PЖ): Mathematics (from 1980) V13JL44hy8?3G

5. Abstract Journals (AJ- PЖ): Mechanics (from 1980) H,-4Ui7?4fM56n

6. Current Mathematical Publications (CMP) (from 1980) L29Ik6.2hs4!2F

7. Applied Mathematics Reviews (AMR) (from 1980) b7,GM3:3oB2?3C

8. Mathematics Reviews (MR) (from 1980) B3~4FF4.6PE9!,W

9. Abstracts of Astronomical Publications (from 1980) q38CT8+5YW1!2b

10. The database Zentralblatt MATH (ZMATH) (from 1980) M14mQ,~6pr9+8O

11. Chinese Mathematics Abstract (from 1986) L4~3nG1!9wA,+,S

12. Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD) (from 2015) n4:8LK9?,Qo7=1y

13. The Net of Chinese Journal (from 1987) Z5;9IM1;7aU3-6W

14. Chinese Journal Full-Text Database (CJFD) (from 2003) T62Nr44lD5:4f

15. Chinese Physics Abstracts (from 1986) z,.8ti3:8RE3+,v

16. Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED) (from 2003) u6~9Rk1~2Ds2:8J

17. Chinese Scientific and Technical Journal Database (from 2001) k5+2hW1-,kK3?8E

18. Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) (from 2006) W3?8KT6;9os8:9V

19. Chinese Core Journal (selected) Database (from 2001) P2:2Ko5?6Kp9.8M

Awards u4=2Fj,+7jw3;8X

1. National Funding: Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals (2013-2015, 2016-2018) e8!3gv5!3qX2!,E

2. One-hundred Key Journals in China (2005, 2015) R7:5bT6;2ho8!3J

3. Award for the Most Influential International Academic Journals in China (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) k24yl5~1wd4:5y

4. Award for Outstanding University Journals of Science and Technology in China (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022) A4;9Yb6?1pn8.7U

5. Award for Outstanding Editing Quality of National University Journals of Science and Technology (2009) k6:6Gq1?7Mf3-,w

6. Award for Outstanding Team of University Journals of Science and Technology in China (2011, 2017) h9!7Xv3?2LQ3-,U

7. Award for Outstanding Website of University Journals of Science and Technology in China (2015, 2017) E9!5zX65EQ95P

8. Award for Outstanding University English Journals in China (2015) B2+8wR8:6mT1!1C

9. Award for Standard Units of Copyright and Ethical Work (2015) r7-3OY2;4Fy2;5n

10. The Beauty of Periodicals in China (2015) O1~7YI4~7MR1:4e

11. Award for Outstanding Journals of East China (2009, 2012, 2014, 2017) x8?8aB3?9ir6.7f

12. Award for Excellent Editing and Proofreading Quality Journals of Science and Technology in Shanghai (2007, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2018) B2-7WJ2.6BS6;7h

13. Award for Outstanding University Journals of Science and Technology in Shanghai (2014, 2016, 2018) p,=3ll4:7JF1:3C

14. Award for the Most Influential International Academic Journals in Shanghai (2018) Q7?9Ec4?,Os27T



Sponsor: Shanghai University; Address: 99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai ,The Periodicals Agency, Shanghai University, Editorial Office of Electrochemical Energy Reviews详情>>

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