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沧州幼儿师范高等专科学校是经河北省人民政府批准成立、教育部备案的公办全日制普通高等学校,实施专科层次教育。她是一所富有光荣革命传统的历史名校,其前身为1925年9月建校的“直隶省立第九师范学校”;新中国成立后,更名为“河北泊头师范学校”;2000年7月,更名为沧州师范专科学校泊头分校,开始招收全日制专科生,举办大学专科教育;2009年4月,升格改建为泊头职业学院;2021年5月,更名为“沧州幼儿师范高等专科学校”。建校九十六年来,学校文化薪火相传,形成了良好的校风、教风、学风,为河北省乃至全国培养了大批优秀人才,为民族解放、新中国诞生以及社会主义建设事业做出了令人瞩目的贡献,被誉为“津南革命的策源地”、“沧州黄埔”。   学校座落于素有“中国铸造名城”、“汽车模具之乡”、“中国鸭梨第一乡”之称的泊头市,东临渤海,北依京津,交通便利,古老的大运河穿城而过。学校占地571亩,建筑面积17.6万平米,固定资产总值2.6亿元。主校区位于泊头市中心解放西路150号,建有4栋教学楼、4栋实训楼、9栋学生公寓、4座学生餐厅、办公楼、图书馆、高标准体育场等。校园环境优美,绿化率达40%以上,绿树葱茏,芳草含碧,百花飘香,亭台楼阁掩映其间,被河北省政府命名为花园式学校、省级绿色学校,是兴学育人的理想场所。   学校的办学目标是以教育类专业为主导,以经济管理类、装备制造类、艺术社会服务类专业为辅翼,立足沧州及渤海新区,面向全省,辐射环渤海区域,服务于京津冀一体化,服务区域经济发展,坚持应用型、开放式、有特色、高水平的办学定位,构建多元化人才培养体系,为社会培养大批高素质技术技能型人才,为地方经济社会发展提供智力支撑和人力资源保障。   学校现设小学教育系、学前教育系、艺术系、经济管理系等教学机构。开设有10个专业。其中,学前教育专业为省级骨干专业建设项目;模具设计与制造、物流管理、艺术设计为中央财政重点支持发展专业;财经商贸大类大数据与会计、教育与体育大类学前教育2个专业教师教学团队是省级职业教育专业教师教学创新团队。   学校师资力量雄厚,现有教职工345人,专任教师273人,拥有高级职称的教师80人,硕士以上学位122人,双师素质教师达60%。学校大力加强教师的培训和培养,开展了“职教大讲堂”、“职业教育论坛”、“青蓝工程”、“青年教师教学技能大赛”,锻造了一支“师德高尚、业务精湛、技能娴熟、结构合理”的教师队伍。   学校图书馆为四层独立建筑,面积2987㎡,馆藏纸质图书43.8万余册,电子图书数万余册,中外期刊600余种。学校精心营造温馨优雅的读书环境、浓厚的书香氛围,让学生在书山奋力攀登,在学海自由徜徉,在书香校园文化的氛围中快乐学习、健康成长。   学校坚持以就业为导向,以培养“博学身正、业精技硬”的实用性教育人才为目标,坚持“产教融合、校企合作、工学结合”的人才培养模式,注重学生综合素养的提升,专业教育突出“专业化和实践性”教育特色,实行学生实用知识和应用技能的“双教育”、全面和特长的“双培养”,做人和学习的“双塑造”。近几年,学生就业率94%,用人单位满意度93%,获得了良好的社会评价。   学校牵头成立“沧州市学前教育产教联盟”,加入河北省高校众创空间联盟。各专业师生技能大赛屡获奖项,成绩突出。承办历届沧州市职业院校学前教育专业技能大赛,蝉联一等奖;参加河北省学前教育专业技能大赛,蝉联一等奖。2020年,我校师生共计获得“学创杯”大学生创业综合模拟大赛全国一等奖、河北省技能大赛室内设计专业团体二等奖、河北省高等院校学前教育专业教育技能大赛季军、河北省职业院校技能大赛教学能力比赛二等奖、河北省首届冰雪运动会“体育道德风尚奖”等四十多项优异成绩。   学校积极构建大后勤服务与保障格局,进一步强化学生住宿、餐饮、就医、直饮水等的安全服务管理,不断提升服务改革发展保障能力和学生满意度。学校餐厅拥有沧州市餐饮服务食品安全等级“A级单位”资质,是“河北省级标准化食堂”。   学校坚持“依法治校、民主管理、以人为本、科学发展”的办学理念,坚持以高水平专业群建设为龙头,以教师队伍建设为核心,以课程建设为基础,持续深化内涵建设,加快专业布局优化调整,为将学校建设成为“河北卓越、国内一流、特色鲜明”的高水平应用型幼儿教育专业人才培养高地而努力奋进。 A Brief Introduction to Cangzhou Preschool Teachers College   Cangzhou Preschool Teachers College, which carries out the education of junior college level, is a state-owned full-time college approved by Hebei Provincial Government and filed with the National Ministry of Education. The college grew out of the No.9 Provincial Normal School in Zhili Province, a very famous historical school with glorious revolutionary tradition which was founded in September, 1925. After the founding of new China, the name of the school was changed into Hebei Botou Normal School. In July, 2000, the school changed its name into Cangzhou teachers’ College, Botou Branch and began to recruit full-time junior college students and carry out junior college education. In April, 2009, the school was upgraded into an independent college and its name was changed into Botou Vocational College. In May, 2021, the name of the college was changed into Cangzhou Preschool Teachers College. Over ninety-six years of educating experiences, the college has handed its school culture down from generation to generation and has formed its own good school spirit, teaching spirit and learning spirit. By now, the college has trained a large quantity of excellent talents for Hebei province and for the whole country, and made great contributions to the national liberation, the birth of New China and the economic construction of our country. The college has long been called “the cradle of revolution south of Tianjin” and has a good fame of “the Huangpu Military Academy in Cangzhou City”.   The college is located in the city of Botou which has long been called “the famous casting city in China ”, “the hometown of automobile mould” and “the first town of Chinese Ya pear ”. With Bohai Sea on the east, Beijing City and Tianjin City on the north and the ancient Grand Canal flowing through the urban district, the city has a good geographical position, and the transportation is also very convenient. The college covers an area of 571 mu, among which the building area is 176,000 square meters. The college owns a total fixed assets value of RMB 260 million Yuan, The main campus of the college is located at No.150, West Jiefang Road, which is in the central district of the city. In the college, there are 4 classroom buildings, 4 practical training buildings, 9 students’ apartment buildings and 4 students’ dining halls. There is also an administrative building, a library building, a high standard sports stadium on the campus. With a greening rate of more than 40%, with a large area of green trees, green grass, beautiful flowers and many graceful pavilions, the campus has a very nice and charming campus environment. The college has been entitled “garden school” and “provincial green school” by Hebei provincial government. It is indeed an ideal place for schooling and education.   The development goal of the college is to take the specialties of educations as its main body, and the specialties of economic management, equipment manufacturing, arts and social services as its auxiliary wings, to stand at Cangzhou City and Bohai New District while facing the whole province and radiating to the Circum-Bohai-Sea Region, to serve the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration and regional economic development, to insist on the school-running orientation of “application-oriented, open style, with characteristics and high level”, to construct a diversified talent cultivation system, to train a large number of high-quality skilled talents for the society, and to provide intelligent support and human resource guarantee to the regional economic and social development.   The college has the educational institutions of Primary Education Department, Preschool Education Department, Art Department, Economic Management Department, etc. In these departments, there are 10 specialties or majors for students to choose. Among these specialties, the specialty of preschool education is identified as the provincial backbone specialty construction project, the specialty of mould design and manufacturing, the specialty of logistics management and the specialty of art design are the key specialties financed by the national central finance. The professional teaching team of the bag data and accounting (which belongs to the category of finance and business) and the professional teaching team of preschool education (which belongs to the category of education and physical education) are named as provincial level professional teaching innovation team for vocational education.   The college owns strong faculty strength. In the college, there are 345 faculty members and 273 of them are full-time teachers. There are 80 teachers with senior academic title and 122 teachers with master’s degree or above. Up to 60% of the faculty members are double-professionally-titled teachers. For teacher’s training, the college has held many academic activities like “vocational education lecture”, “vocational education forum”, “Qing-Lan Project” and “the young teachers teaching skill competition”, which help to create an excellent team of faculty with noble morality, high professional quality and perfect professional teaching skills. The structure of the faculty is reasonable.   The library of the college is an independent four-storey building which covers an area of 2,987 square meters. The library owns more than 438,000 paper books, tens of thousands of e-books and more than 600 periodicals from both China and foreign countries. The college endeavors to create a warm and elegant reading environment and strong literate atmosphere for the students to read and study happily and grow up healthily.   The college insists on the principle of employment-orientation in the educational work, takes “practical education talents with profound knowledge, noble morality and good teaching skills” as its talent cultivation objective. The college always insists on the talent cultivation mode of “Industry-Education Integration, College-Enterprise Cooperation and working-learning combination”, and attaches more importance to the promotion of the students’ comprehensive quality. In the aspect of professional education, the college highlights the feature of “professionalization and practicality”, carries out “double educations”(education in both practical knowledge and skills), “double cultivation”(cultivation in both comprehensive quality and strong points), and “double training” (training in both behaving and learning). In recent years, the graduate employment rate is up to 94%, the degree of satisfaction from the employers of the graduates is up to 93%, and the college has received good social evaluations.   The college takes the lead to establish “Industry-Education Alliance for Preschool Education in Cangzhou City”, and joins the Maker Space Alliance of University in Hebei Province. The teachers and students from all specialties have taken part in all kinds of vocational skill competitions and always won awards. The college has undertaken all the previous preschool education professional skill competitions taken part in by the vocational colleges in Cangzhou City and won the first prize each time. And also, the college has taken part in all the professional skills competitions in the preschool education in Hebei Province and won the first prize each time. In 2020, the teachers and students of the college won more than 40 awards, including the National first prize in “Xuechuang Cup” University Student Entrepreneur Comprehensive Simulation Competition, the team second prize on the interior design specialty in vocational skill competition in Hebei Province, the third place on preschool education in the professional education skill competition taken part in by the universities and colleges in Hebei Province, the second prize on teaching ability contest in the vocational skill competition taken part in by the vocational colleges in Hebei Province, and the “Sportsmanship Morality Prize” in the first Ice and Snow Games in Hebei Province.   The college actively builds a new pattern of big logistics service and guarantee, and further strengthens the safety and service management for the student accommodation, food, medical care, direct drinking water, constantly raises the ability of service and guarantee and the students’ degree of satisfaction. The college owns the qualification of “Grade A” for the food and safety in the catering industry in Cangzhou City, and each dining hall in the college is “The Provincial Level Standardized Dining Hall in Hebei Province”   The college always sticks to the college-running principle of “running college by law, democratic management, human orientation and scientific development”, takes the construction of high-level specialty group as the lead, the construction of teaching staff as the central task and the curriculum construction as the basis, and continues to deepen the connotation construction, accelerates the pace of specialty layout optimization and adjustment, endeavors to construct the college into a high-level practical preschool education talents cultivation highland. 地址:河北省泊头市解放西路光明街150号



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