汽车口碑网隶属于北京车碑网科技有限公司成立于2009年,是国内第一家真正以汽车用户口碑为基础,以汽车专家口碑和汽车编辑口碑为核心的垂直汽车网络互动媒体。汽车口碑网服务消费者购车前、购车中、购车后的全过程,成为了汽车消费者的首选网络媒体。 M6!1pr,4Fd3-7q
汽车口碑网提供其他汽车车主全面及时的用车口碑、用车心得以及全面及时的汽车资讯,为汽车消费者和潜在汽车消费者选车、购车、用车提供参考和决策依据。汽车口碑网主要频道有汽车口碑、导购、新车、评测、新闻、车型、选车、买车、二手车、图库、视频、搜索、微博、论坛和社区等;在全国100多个城市提供定制的地方版内容、方便快捷的新车线上交易平台和线上线下互动交流平台。 V6~8TV6+3TA4-3C
汽车口碑网的用户浏览量在第三方机构ALEXA、艾瑞、CR-尼尔森等的数据中居于同类媒体前列;在百度、Google、soso等搜索引擎上搜索汽车以及其他汽车相关的内容,汽车口碑网处于领先地位;汽车消费者及潜在消费者市场占有率在同类媒体中也名列前茅。 w2=2F02.2YI6+7e
With car users’ reputation as the foundation and with expert reputation and editor reputation in automotive field as the core, is the number one automobile vertical websites and interactive Network media in China. t28Wq3.4cA6;8O
Chekb.com who provides all-round service is car buyers’ first choice of network media before, when and after they buy a car. Chekb.com provides consumers with public praise, consumer feedback and up-to-date news of automobiles when car consumers and potential car consumers decide which one to buy and then how to use it. Some of our channels include: Public Praise,Guide,New Car,Evaluation,News, Car Types, Select a Car, Buy a Car, Used Car,Gallery,VidEos,Search,Micro-blog,Forums and Community. We provide customized up to one hundred Local versions across China and interactive communication on and off line platform. We also enable thousanDS of dealers of new automobiles across China to effectively market their automobiles to consumers online. m3.9zK8:5at5;1D
Chekb.com belongs to Violet Media Group Co.LTD. Chekb.com’s PV is higher than other Network media’s according to precise data analysis of the third party agencies, Alexa, Iresearch and Nielsen etc. We are way ahead when you search cars or other related contents on search engine such as Baidu, Google and Soso etc. Chekb.com’s market share come out among the top network media companies. l3?6af6-7eR4!9t