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山东科技大学国际交流学院 (青岛校区)English

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The College of International Exchange at Shandong University of Science and Technology

山东科技大学国际交流学院 (青岛校区)English网站详情

The College of International Exchange at Shandong University of Science and Technology

The College of International Exchange at Shandong University of Science and Technology (SDUST), established in 2007, is an administrative institution for the education of international students, and promotion of the Chinese language and international cooperative education programs, etc. It consists of Admission Office,Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Office, General Affairs Office.Faculty members of the College have strong sense of responsibility and are dedicated to international education. m3:1qe6-1bw4+6o

The College attaches great importance to the quality of teaching, and has conducted an all-round innovation in its teaching philosophy, its program delivery model and its management strategies. This has formed an international education system with a wide range of programs, including both Chinese and English-instructed bachelors, masters, and PhD programs, non-degree semester programs, a pre-undergraduate program, a Chinese Language Program and a Summer Chinese Language & Culture Program. One engineering course offered by the University has been listed as Brand Course for international students by the Ministry of Education of China. N4?8vP8.6YH9-9A

Ever since its establishment, the number of international students has been on a rapid increase. At present, there are more than 500 international students from over 60 countries, including the USA, UK, Russia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, Mongolia, Vietnam and many African countries. They are studying at SDUST for a doctorate degree, master degree, or bachelor degree, or on a Chinese language program, non-degree semester program or pre-undergraduate program. The University provides international students with various scholarships including China Government Scholarship, Shandong Provincial Government Scholarship, SDUST Scholarship, Scholarship of SDUST Board of Trustees, Enterprise Scholarship, etc. x2-60z5;9iS2?7c

The College organizes a variety of campus activities for international students each year, including a New Year’s party, Graduation Party, Chinese Language Proficiency Competition, Photography Contest, and sports, etc, which not only enrich students’ daily life, but also promote the internationalization of campus culture. In recent years, international students at SDUST have entered various competitions at a national and provincial level, and have achieved outstanding results. I4?9Tn7~3Ew2~70

Thanks to SDUST’s fine tradition and good academic atmosphere, the College is able to offer the best education in cutting-edge disciplines to international students around the world. I9!2DX1:3Sx4?,B



山东科技大学国际交流学院 (青岛校区)English相关热词

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