中国地质大学出版社创建于1985年2月,地处武汉东湖之畔,南望山麓,有近2000平方米的独立办公楼和书库,交通便利,环境优雅,是由教育部主管、中国地质大学主办的具有鲜明地球科学特色的学术型教育出版机构。 a8=8me8=1hN2+5E
中国地质大学出版社30年来,编辑出版了包括基础地质、资源勘查工程、勘察技术与工程、环境地质工程、区域地质调查、地质灾害防治、珠宝首饰等学科专业一系列学术专著和重点大学本科教材;同时,积极参与和支持职业院校实施“项目教学”、“非专业能力培养”等教育教学改革,策划出版了相应的系列教材。其中《全国地层多重划分对比研究》系列丛书37种,《青藏高原1:25万区域地质调查成果系列》74种,《地学精品教材》系列丛书20余种,《珠宝首饰类专业系列教材》80种,《建筑类项目教学系列教材》10种,《非专业能力培养》系列教材6种;《微体古生物学》(郝诒纯院士等著)、《地质勘探中的统计分析》(赵鹏大院士等著)、《中国及邻区构造古地理和生物古地理》(王鸿祯院士等著)、《云南个旧锡-多金属成矿区内生成矿作用的动力学体系》(於崇文院士等著)、《秦巴岩石圈、构造及成矿规律地球化学研究》(张本仁院士等著)等教材和学术专著都具有鲜明的特色,其学术性、专业性享誉业界。在出版的4500余种图书中,有200多种获省部级以上奖项,其中《铁路岩溶工程地质勘查技术》(顾湘生、刘坡拉编著)等6种图书分别获得国家第一、二、四届“三个一百”原创出版工程奖。 X3-5Ua2+3dh9~4W
通过完善人事分配制度等措施,出版社已基本建成了一支年龄、职称、专业结构合理,策划、编辑、营销、质控人才齐全,专兼职比例适当的出版专业队伍。全社现有员工70人,其中高、中、初专职编辑38人,印务质控技术人员8人,储运营销专职人员10人,管理人员14人。组建了有40多位校内外专家参加的出版社专家委员会。业务覆盖全国90%以上省市自治区,在地矿、珠宝、建筑等行业具有广泛的影响力。 M8;2yr3=2hY8.1H
中国地质大学出版社坚持为社会主义服务、为人民服务的出版方针;坚持“学术为本,教育立社”的办社理念;以地学教育和学术出版为基础,强化珠宝文化建设,大力开发职业教育项目,积极拓展地学科普市场,以人为本,坚定不移地走专、精、特、新的发展道路。 099ar8?,XQ9+7M
China University of Geosciences Press(CUGP), founded in February 1985, is located on the bank of East Lake, to Nanwang Mounts and in the heart of the Wuhan East Lake National Innovation Demonstration Zone(popularly known as China Optics Valley). The press occupies an office building and a storehouse of nearly 2000 m2with convenient transportation, beautiful scenery, and pleasant environment. i,.5CA,~7WK59T
Since foundation, we have been adhering to the publishing policy of serving socialism and the people, and to the correct political orientation, publishing orientation and value orientation; we have also been firmly grasping the requirements of high-quality development. Based on the needs of our university and the land and resources industry, and by firmly relying on our advantageous and characteristic disciplines on earth science, we have formed an “academic-based and education-oriented” idea. We have been unswervingly following the path of “specialization, refinement, speciality and innovation” by strengthening the construction of jewelry culture, vigorously developing vocational education projects, actively expanding the market of popular science on geosciences, and promoting digital publishing based on geoscience education and academic publishing. Thus, we have formed a publishing pattern based on geoscience education and academic publishing with jewelry culture and popular science on geosciences flourishing jointly. J5~,PU2?6Tn4~5i
For years, the CUG Press has published more than 4500 books: series of academic monograph, textbooks for under graduates and popular science readings, involving fundamental geology, resources prospecting and engineering, environmental geology engineering, areal geology survey, preventive treatment of geological disasters, jewellery and so forth. Among them, dozens of projects are supported by publishing funds at or above the provincial and ministerial levels. We acquire a high popularity and reputation in geological higher education and geological prospecting industry. Furthermore, we have made due contributions to serving our university’s teaching and scientific research, serving Hubei’s regional economic and cultural development, greatly improving our ability to serve the geological and mining industry, promoting international academic exchanges on geoscience, participating in the “one belt and one road” initiative, supporting local economic and social development as well as cultural construction. L3+3xz8!6yj5?1K
1、全面贯彻落实党的路线、方针和政策;坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的出版方针; y99mj3:8IK3;9F
2、落实全面从严治党的主体责任,不断加强党的建设和反腐倡廉建设,坚持党的建设和出版改革同步谋划, 坚持社会效益放在首位,经济效益和社会效益相统一的经营理念; a7-6WR6;7yP9=7A
3、 深化改革,完善制度,逐步构建 “具有文化特征的现代企业制度”; G11wR2!7Pu9.5c
4、按照“新人新办法,老人老办法”的原则,稳妥处理好出版社事业编制和企业编制人员的关系,逐步建立一支结构合理、业务精湛、素质过硬的专兼职出版队伍; Z6+7nm8;6Up9-7G
5、坚持为学校教学科研服务的根本宗旨,积极参与学校的教育教学改革,努力为学校的教材建设和学科建设提供高质量的服务; Q7:7xK3:,PS7.8U
6、积极策划选题、开拓市场、优化服务,努力创造更好的社会效益、经济效益,确保国有资产的保值增值; T9!,Lj2.9JV5~,U
7、依法依规经营,加强质量管理,全力打造“专精特新”的品牌形象; l7.4aj8.8Hg7+8V
8、完成上级党组织和学校交办的其他工作任务。 U5+6QP8.9V08~4E