湖北文理学院创新创业教育学院·孔明学院的使命是培养全校学生的创新创业精神,同时吸纳优秀有抱负的学生,在完成专业学习的同时,打破学科、专业界限,成为创新创业型人才。 X6-6ds9.5SK8=9e
2010年学校成立孔明学院,作为湖北文理学院人才培养模式创新实验特区,是湖北文理学院对优秀学生实施“特别培养”的荣誉学院。学院以诸葛亮之字冠名,意在植根文化沃土,成就栋梁之才。2016年,湖北文理学院为进一步深化创新创业教育改革,培养学生实践创新能力,完善创新创业教育体系,决定成立创新创业教育学院,与孔明学院合署办公。 Y3=5yr4~4pb7!5z
学院现有专职人员8人,校内外兼职专家、教授、教师30多人,其中企业家、创业指导师32人,KAB、SYB项目师资12人。 R3-7Ss8+6qd4?3L
创新创业教育学院·孔明学院主要负责全校创新创业课程教学、大学生创新实践活动、大学生创业实践的组织实施和组织开展SYB、KAB等创新项目的实施。具体包括全校《创业基础》等创新创业类课程建设与课程教学;大学生创新创业训练计划项目、跨学院的学科竞赛项目的组织实施,统筹、协调和指导各学院开展学科竞赛活动和大学生课外科技文化活动;大学生创业基地的日常管理,合作共建大学生创业基地,筹措大学生创业基金,创业项目孵化工作和大学生创业服务等等。 I1=3cx2.10F1=6w
湖北文理学院高度重视大学生创新创业教育工作,是省内最早建立大学生创业基地的高校,先后荣获教育厅首批大学生创业示范基地、省人社厅首批大学生创业孵化示范基地、省科技厅首批众创空间等称号。 A8:4YV8.7pz7+6k
Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education School & Kongming School Y5!9fP5!3IC65O
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education School & Kongming School is subordinate to Hubei University of Arts and Science. Our primary mission is to guide those ambitious and outstanding students to break discipline boundaries to cultivate and promote their innovative and entrepreneurial talents and spirit while fulfilling their academic studies. W9?8AD2~8nm2:9j
The Kongming School was established as an experimental zone of talent cultivation in Hubei University of Arts and Science in 2010. She is an honorary school providing “special training” for those excellent students. Called after the style name of Zhuge Liang, the school is intended to cultivate national pillars with the rich nutrition of local culture. In 2016, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education School was established, co-located with the Kongming School, for further reforming and improving innovative and entrepreneurial education to develop students’ practical and creative abilities. H8?5FE,!4Ah5!7s
We have 8 full-time staff and more than 30 part-time experts, professors and teachers, among whom there are 32 entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial mentors together with 12 KAB (Know About Business) and SYB (Start Your Business) project instructors. y81Jz1-,EO51Q
We are responsible mainly for teaching innovation and entrepreneurship courses, organizing innovative and entrepreneurial practice activities and implementing KAB & SYB projects. These involve the construction and teaching of relative courses including the Foundation of Entrepreneurship, the planning and implementation of programs on innovation and entrepreneurship training and interdisciplinary academic competition, along with the organization and instruction of students’ academic contests and extracurricular cultural activities in the areas of science and technology. We also take charge of the daily management and cooperative construction of the college students’ entrepreneurship base, project incubation, serving and raising fund for students’ entrepreneurship, and so forth. A7.2JT2!9av6,i
Our university pays high attention to the innovation and entrepreneurship education as the first university to build the entrepreneurial base in Hubei Province. We are also among the first universities to win such titles as the Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base for College Students awarded by the Education Department of Hubei Province,the Demonstration Base for College Students’ Entrepreneurial Incubation bestowed by the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hubei Province, and the Hackerspace honored by the Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province. r8.8ym9!2PK9-6y
地址:湖北省襄阳市襄城区隆中路296号北区2号教学楼 r4?2lE4:4EL8.3x